I'm loathe to reply to this hysterical thread but as some of the comments are so ill-informed and appear to be from 'armchair experts', I can't resist. I'm one of the many builders of the Zodiac 601XL who is patiently awaiting delivery of the modification kit to complete work on my aircraft. The cost of the mod kit is insignificant compared to the benefits it will provide when correctly installed. As has already been stated (and ignored) there is no clearly defined reason for the crashes that have sporadically taken place. There are hundreds of 601's flying quite happily with hundreds of hours on them. Have a look, if you want a morbid thrill, at the ATSB, et al, reports of accidents. You'll find an awful lot more commercial aircraft falling out of the sky than homebuilts. No one is trying to get you to fly or build a 601XL so what's the problem. If post-mod we still have unexplained accidents, then by all means postulate your 'expert' theories. I'd still rather be flying a self-built 601XL, confident in my careful construction and maintenance, than in a 30yr old C150 with potentially lethal hidden corrosion and a largely unknown history of use and abuse. It's blindingly obvious that homebuilt aircraft carry a risk. If the risk is unacceptable, stay in your armchair.
Paul Toone