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Everything posted by techie49

  1. Has anyone elso noticed the stupidity of the Aviation ID Australia RENEWAL (note renewal) form? I know this is an incredible nannyguided pastime but that form takes the bloody biscuit. You have to go through the process of once again proving who you are . They ought to know, they issued the last ASIC! You have to get your ID documents endorsed by a JP again. Why, I'm still the person whose details they have on file. Photos next. Again a JP's signature. It's still me. Why does a JP have to sign the photograph? If they hold it against the previous one on record there's a pretty good chance it'll be similar. Then they have the bloody cheek to demand $196 for the work they have to do. Think I'll take up fishing. Oh no, I need a licence for that too.....................:hittinghead: Paul Toone
  2. I'm loathe to reply to this hysterical thread but as some of the comments are so ill-informed and appear to be from 'armchair experts', I can't resist. I'm one of the many builders of the Zodiac 601XL who is patiently awaiting delivery of the modification kit to complete work on my aircraft. The cost of the mod kit is insignificant compared to the benefits it will provide when correctly installed. As has already been stated (and ignored) there is no clearly defined reason for the crashes that have sporadically taken place. There are hundreds of 601's flying quite happily with hundreds of hours on them. Have a look, if you want a morbid thrill, at the ATSB, et al, reports of accidents. You'll find an awful lot more commercial aircraft falling out of the sky than homebuilts. No one is trying to get you to fly or build a 601XL so what's the problem. If post-mod we still have unexplained accidents, then by all means postulate your 'expert' theories. I'd still rather be flying a self-built 601XL, confident in my careful construction and maintenance, than in a 30yr old C150 with potentially lethal hidden corrosion and a largely unknown history of use and abuse. It's blindingly obvious that homebuilt aircraft carry a risk. If the risk is unacceptable, stay in your armchair. Paul Toone
  3. You will get some reception even using the FM section of the radio as it's never a perfect FM receiver and will demodulate AM too. It wouldn't be as sensitive as a purpose built air-band receiver, but close by the field you'd get something. You certainly would have to rebuild the AM section to get air-band reception as it normally has a maximum coverage up to about 1.75Mhz. Paul Toone
  4. What about that African athlete............
  5. Why not grow a handlebar moustache .............................??
  6. Welcome Hi Davo, Saw your opening post and had to reply. I too got my licence (in the UK) in 2003. I was given a taster as a present from my wife. I warned her at the time it was something I'd wanted to do for years but money, kids......... Now in Oz I'm fulfilling another ambition to build my own plane. Hard work and sometimes frustrating but I'll get there. I've found on this site you'll always get an answer to any question. There's always someone who knows the answer or knows someone else who does. Welcome, Paul Toone
  7. Klixon Breakers Thanks for the reply Ian. I of course looked there first! They must be well hidden as I still can't find them. I'm trying to get a price on the 7277-2 series, the usual ones for home builts. Don't know which or how many yet as the price will determine how much I split the electrical busses! The max will 20A I think at this point with smaller values for individual items, which reminds me I must contact you to get me that Flightline radio I asked about. Paul Toone
  8. Can anyone recommend a source of Klixon 7277 series breakers in Oz. Or alternative devices? Websites I've looked at can't even give a price in US$ and an enquiry to one company didn't even get a reply. Paul Toone
  9. Pan & Tilts Unless you are getting your video back to the monitor / recorder via a wireless video link transmitter, it seems a waste of a RC transmitter and receiver set up. Why not use a wired controller to the two servos. It's very easy to make a controller with a joystick or two pots to control the pan and tilt functions. Used these P&T's extensively in a past life. The servo signals are not complicated and just need a 1 - 2mS pulse repeated every 20mS or so. Paul Toone
  10. Hi Ian, Thanks for that. I did look on the ClearProp site but only saw the Microair. I'll contact you over the next couple of days if that's OK. Excepting exchange rate variations what extras will there be (GST, carriage, etc)? Has anyone actually used one around here? I can't understand why no one is stocking them or is everything to order these days. I've also been looking at the Dynon EFIS systems. It seems hard work to get a price on those too. I rang one supplier (!!) who wouldn't commit to a price, didn't have any in stock and gave a myriad of excuses as to why he hadn't got any. No wonder people order direct from the US. Paul Toone
  11. Has anyone got the Flightline FL-760 transceiver? Is it any good? I've 'Googled' it but can't find an Australian supplier. Sky Shop comes up as a source but it's not on the website. At around USD670 it looks good value. Paul Toone
  12. Anyone suggest a supplier of aluminium sheets in Melbourne. I need about 6' X 1' of .025 for some flashing on my 601XL. I don't want to buy a huge sheet as it will be wasted. I suppose the size I want would be considered an offcut. Any info gratefully received. Paul Toone
  13. Want to put icon on screen Yes. No prob using OziEx as the main boot-up program but then you can't use it as a car-based unit without changing the path each time. Paul Toone
  14. Mine Works Also bought a 7" unit from Ebay. Used the Maptrax charts and it works a treat. Does anyone know how to put an OziExplorer icon on the startup screen. Mine has got the 'Navigation' that puts up the car-based choices and all the other bits and bobs such as music player etc. I've had a look through the files but can't see where it all initiates. Without copying likely files to the main PC and using 'notepad' or similar, it's difficult to id the correct file(s). Paul Toone :)
  15. Engine Mount If you find out mate, let me know. I need one for a Zodiac 601XL. The only source for that is the USA and a mortgage! Paul Toone
  16. And......................??? Pardon my ignorance but am I missing something? It seems an awful lot of money has been spent proving nothing. OK the canopy failed but so what. Did the debris take off the tail or damage it? Losing the canopy might not be a whole lot of fun but I've seen some posts from people who want to build a 601 without a canopy to get the sports car 'wind in the hair'. I'd like to know a lot more from an accident report other than the canopy broke before the crash. Paul Toone
  17. Cheers for that John. I'm rapidly coming to that conclusion. The only point which concerns me is any offset from a straight line to allow for the torque of the engine. I think you have to allow a degree or so, I'm no expert there. It would be nice if someone had an engineering drawing instead of re-inventing the wheel (badly). Regards, Paul Toone
  18. Does anyone here know where I might get a mounting (frame) for a Subaru EA81 to fit a Zodiac 601 XL. I suppose I'd be able to get one from the States but the cost and shipping makes it quite expensive. Someone in Australia must make one ???? Paul Toone
  19. Looks very good. Any details available? What's the shaft made of? Steel rod? Did you turn the 'bearings' or are they off the shelf? I've been told the nosewheel arrangement has been changed again but I don't have any details yet. Paul Toone
  20. Heavy Nosewheel Just been reading this thread. It seems the nosewheel bearing has been redesigned several times. I've just got my XL quickbuild kit and it has the nylon bearing with the V to keep the nosewheel straight. I'm doing the wheels first to give me some ability to move the fuselage. I have got the nosewheel on tonight but with the bungy on it seems to be very hard to turn. I haven't connected the rudder pedals yet but I'm concerned the effort to move the rudder in the air will be excessive. Any comments? Paul Toone
  21. If, as I was, you are looking for clecos and other tools at reasonable prices, try www.melomotive.com . I got a good price on clecos for 100 off quantities and Peter is a nice guy to deal with. They do advertise on E-bay but I couldn't be bothered to compete for clecos in 10's and 20's. They delivered what they said they would and when they said they would. (I've no connection other than as a customer !!) Paul Toone
  22. techie49

    CH601XL Kits

    Sport Air Services I've just rang Sport Air Services on 07 5536 3622 and spoke to someone there. I was told that they have moved hangers but all is well. Perhaps someone who knows them and is local might like to confirm this as I have a very vested interest. I've paid a deposit on a XL quickbuild kit and am about to pay the balance!!!!! Paul Toone
  23. Zodiac XL Build Hi T87, Do you have a ball-park price on the Jab 3300. I've emailed Jab but so far they haven't bothered to reply. May be that I'm just tight, but 20K for a Rotax (uncertified) seems to be taking the p**s a little. As I said to another reply, it may be I'll have to compromise initially to get the project flying and change to the more expensive alternative as cash permits. Regards, Paul
  24. Zodiac XL New Build Cheers Ian, I looked on Ebay last night and as you say there are some to be had. As for engines, I'm still going to have to punt around for something whilst I'm doing the airframe. Looks like I know what I'll be asking for from Santa......... regards, Paul
  25. Hope someone might enlighten me with a few answers. Should be taking delivery of a quickbuild kit around the end of February. Can anyone give me any info on how many Clecos I'll need, what sizes and where to get them from in Oz (cheaply!!! - HaHa). I'm sure if I go on the Zenair site this info is probably there but I prefer to get the real info from someone who's actually done the job. Second question is, what engines are XL builders considering. I've gone quite pale at the price of the Rotax range and was thinking of an EA81 conversion but can they be obtained here?? Stratus do them in the US but lots of people seem to be using them on Gyros in Australia. Any help gratefully accepted........... Regards, Paul
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