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    Inverleigh, VIC
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  1. I've got this doco on a very well worn.. well watched VHS tape. Always gets me when they show manufacturing shots how they are all in shirt and tie.
  2. Gwalch


    On the topic of the Magazine.. do they still sell Sport Pilot mag in the newsagents???.. I was asked the other day but have no idea.
  3. Ok kids.. it's probably just me..and the fact that I am an ipad reject (it's the wife's ipad) but I cannot get this to work. I went to the apple store... subscribed and downloaded the mag... but now when I go to the newsstand app.. it shows the Trikemag there.. I click on it mag icon.. it opens up the front page.. shows the wizzy loading icon (technical speak here) and then drops back to the info screen for the mag. In the top right corner of the magazine it says PRIVATE in a green sash... but for the life of me I cannot read the darn thing. I have tried RESTORE in the magazine info page.. re-entered the password etc.. but still no joy. I have deleted it and downloaded it again as well.. this was going to be my night shift reading.. please don't make me resort to trashy mags left over by the girls on crew. Cheers Nich
  4. Good work!! Thanks!!!
  5. Was a good show.. thanks for putting me onto that. There were a couple of other episodes from the same series also on the SBS On Demand site. As Deskpilot said.. was a bit strange to see all the ground crews working on Hurricanes. Had to feel sorry for the poor buggers though.
  6. Pearler!!!
  7. http://www.wimp.com/russianstation/ Makes you wonder!!!!
  8. I agree. It's like the old Lemmings theory.. if 1 jumps off a cliff will you do it as well?? Same applies here.. if someone mentions something in a thread.. do you have to copy that??
  9. XC-Buzzard and skeptic36.. thanks for the input. Am slowly working on "The Boss".. I am dragging her to one of the local trike blokes this weekend for a chat and a look around. Even if the weather is crappy.. as they are predicting.. we can still play in the hangar and try to persuade her that all is good in the world. Cheers Nich
  10. Thanks one and all.
  11. G'day All, Thought I'd better pop my $0.02 worth in and get rid of the nag message at the top. Living in Geelong, VIC and wanting to get into Trikes.. just gotta lose the gut to make it more feasible. Working on that though. It's good incentive to do same. Like pretty much all of us.. have been aircraft mad since I was a tadpole.. always looking up at anything going overhead. Just gotta convince the Minister of War and Finance that it is a good thing to get into. Cheers, Nich
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