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Everything posted by Spooks

  1. KR2 World Tour He is still going. Currently on the Russia / Chinese border waiting for the Chinese embassy to figure out the visa he requires. Hell of a trip :)
  2. Sad to hear :( I hope the guys at CAMit are able to transfer their skills elsewhere. I know that guys in the UK who lose jobs in engineering, toolmaking, manufacturing etc are generally having to retrain for completely new careers :(
  3. I'm stunned to see a Cirrus land without a parachute
  4. Apart from when you are exporting all that lovely wine to the UK Talking of which. A friend of mine was playing rugby over in Queensland and asked the barman for a Fosters, the response was "We don't drink that rubbish here, we export it to you idiots"
  5. You'll get multi-function keys once Northern Hemisphere technology filters down to you Southerners in twenty years time P.S I think alt+156 (156 on the right numpad) should give you the £££££££££££££
  6. I often see the Minimax come up for about £1k
  7. I think there is a Mountain/low flying/ terrain awareness training you need in NZ too? Or is that just for obtaining a full licence out there? Mountain/Low Flying - Canterbury Aero Club (CAC)
  8. Wonder if a convertible 777 would popular?
  9. They're used with the Sherwood Ranger so could be worth finding some user groups/forums based on that aircraft. TLAC | Aircraft Site |Friedrichshafen 2011 A bit on the Dmotor here too but all from about 5 years ago D-Motor Aircraft Engines for Homebuilt Aircraft Anyone know anything about the "D-Motor" - Rotary Wing Forum D-Motor: flathead motor for aviation Not a lot out there which is disappointing.
  10. Not sure if this is known in Oz so thought I'd pass it on Emergency MPD 2016-007-E: Aerotechnik EV-97 Eurostar: Fuselage – Rear Fuselage Bulkhead – Inspection for Cracking There are cracks appearing on the fuselage rear bulkhead on SOME EV97s.
  11. My friend will be happy with the 472.5 kg. he only weighs 70kg! Any more would be a bonus! I'll let him know the info, thanks everyone for the help :)
  12. Cheers. The C42 is available in the USA with a MTOW of 540kg so it is capable of more (for the larger pilots out there!) Thanks for the pointers :)
  13. Might be an odd question but not sure of your rules. Do aircraft need to pass a CASA test or anything like that to be used in Oz? In the UK we are very limited on what we can use as aircraft need to meet UK standards (costs a lot, and too much for many manufacturers) The reason I ask is that a friend of mine is moving to Melbourne this October and has a C42 Ikarus. Would he be able to register it out there? I did search for Comco in Australia but they don't show in any results. Cheers, just that he needs to know whether to sell or hire a container!
  14. Shifnal aircraft crash: Inquests to open on Shropshire pair killed in tragedy « Shropshire Star Pilots named here :(
  15. Nice looking jet.
  16. I think it is a mix of expensive fuel (averages $2.30 per litre for NORMAL unleaded fuel), expensive insurance, expensive rental costs, high taxes...... it is mildly irritating, especially when the wages don't match the cost of living. I sometimes wish I'd just completed my training in Oz/USA and converted the licence but I prefer to support the local airfield and it has helped me learn the local area.
  17. Wish it was that cheap in the UK. Our equivalent of RAA is £150 dual (~$300) and £120 (~$240) solo.
  18. Very sad incidents. I was reading this a few weeks ago about issues with the older aircraft they use (blue Angels and T-birds) http://foxtrotalpha.jalopnik.com/blue-angel-f-a-18-hornets-shed-parts-in-flight-twice-in-1709836712 I was quite surprised to read that they use 'hand me down' aircraft. I'd have thought they'd be using younger airframes considering the displays they do so close to the crowds, and the fact they're a huge advert for the various armed forces. SrPilot, looks like the Blue Angels have cancelled their upcoming show. However it looks like they're going to use the proceeds to help the family of Captain Kuss and set up a college fund Blue Angels will not perform in Syracuse next week RIP to Captain Kuss
  19. Hysterical media? Say it isn't so! I always thought they were cool headed and even handed Talking of hysterical media, it turns out the 'drone' that hit a jet in the UK a few months bag was most likely - a plastic bag “Drone” that hit British Airways jet was likely a plastic bag However I have to admit that drones would be a fantastic way of smuggling.
  20. Was this MYES? Saw it on the news yesterday, very sad :(
  21. I've noticed that. Line it up perfectly and somehow almost end up in the rough grass I heard a lot of people will put a bag of sand in the P2 seat to add some balance.
  22. Fantastic! How long will the F18 remain in service? I think I'd read RAAF are replacing them with the F35?
  23. I decided to go for a set of David Clark 13.4. Seemed the best compromise between price, ruggedness and quality. If money was no object I'd have gone for an ANR set from Lightspeed or Bose. However it'd be over the top for my needs.
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