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Everything posted by Spooks

  1. Great video. I'm on to solo circuits myself. The performance of the aircraft without the instructor came as a shock!
  2. During start up checks I make my call while the oil reaches an adequate temperature. Me " Airfield radio, G-ABCD requesting airfield information and radio check" Airfield "G-CD, Airfield Radio, QNH 1012, Runway in use 08 right hand circuit reading you fives" Me "QNH 1012, Runway 08 right hand circuit, reading you fives (if they're also clear) G-CD" So I mainly confirm that I'm reading the radio/tower as well. Not sure if it is the same in Oz but imagine it'd be similar.
  3. He has only recently qualified and was using the school aircraft so I doubt it.
  4. While waiting for my lesson last week, I saw a 'qualified pilot' just turn the engine off when he returned to the school. No mag checks on shutdown
  5. Don't know why you guys are laughing. With the F35 program doomed to failure, these will be replacing your Hornets
  6. The main issue is that they have nothing to apologise for, so why should they? You don't see Christians, Catholics etc in the street apologising for the sexual abuse of children or terrorist murders committed by the IRA. The other issue is that they get very little media coverage even if they do speak out (in the UK at least). I do feel that Islam is quite backwards compared to other cultures (treatment of homosexuals, women etc) but it is going through a transition and definitely modernising. Those wanting to cause trouble are a minority. I've mentioned before that if most Muslims wanted a Holy War there'd be far more death and destruction than we've seen. Let's face it, how hard is it to collect/assemble explosives and set them off in a terminal before security checks? It doesn't take a genius to do that, and it'd happen far more often if many wanted to do the same thing.
  7. I'm no longer shocked by the scenes of destruction on the streets of Europe. It's simply a case of expecting it and waiting for it to happen. It is awful
  8. Seems a big issue in the UK at the moment. Engine thefts of Rotax, propellers and instrument panels seem to be a weekly occurrence The sad thing is that in many cases they're almost professionally removed.
  9. Cheers, I was squinting on the iPhone and couldn't see the detail! There was a tv series in the UK last year about them. Looks a fantastic place to fly.
  10. Amongst all the doom and gloom news headlines, it's nice to see a little ray of sunshine. Chap was injured in a bus crash, lost his arm. With the help of the defence force he is now flying again. http://www.nbnnews.com.au/2016/02/26/nathan-parker-returns-to-the-sky/
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  11. I'll buy shares in Aussie tissues then
  12. Or send a couple of fighters to intercept (You'll need 121.5 for that)
  13. We've had a few incidents like this in the UK this year. A Virgin Atlantic flight had to turn back after some idiot decided to try and cause an accident http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-35575861 Another here on British Airways http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/news/6951266/BA-pilot-hit-with-powerful-laser-over-Heathrow-in-second-attack-in-10-days.html Another attack on GA http://www.cambridge-news.co.uk/Police-launch-investigation-laser-shone-aircraft/story-28763970-detail/story.html It's a common issue for pilots of police helicopters too Incident here (on film) of attack on police helicopter http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/aviation/12162473/Police-helicopter-pilot-targeted-by-lasers-20-times.html Trouble is that it is hard to catch the scum in most cases. Even if caught they'll probably be with a group of mates and all deny having done it
  14. Welcome, is that with Susi air?
  15. It's because paying money to the likes of the CAA makes it super safe. If the show organisers of Shoreham had handed over £20 000 the accident would have never happened........ God I hate these stupid ideas they come up with
  16. We're not allowed to intentionally spin in the UK unless getting the aerobatic or instructor rating. However I am fortunate to have a full simulator at the flight school so was able to do simulated spins with the instructor during stall training. It was not required training but I thought it'd be beneficial.
  17. The U.K. is suffering the F35 too for our carriers. Would have been far better going for the proposed naval typhoon or just purchasing a batch of F18s. But again, politics wins over common sense and we'll probably end up sticking helicopters on there instead. Glad the A10 is staying in service. Majority of current action in conflicts is against ground units so it is perfect for the role.
  18. The ghost is popular with motorcyclists in the UK. We've recently bought a Sony AS200 HDR action cam, the quality is fantastic and was half the price of the equivalent GoPro with far more accessories and better recording quality. GoPro have only themselves to blame if they fail. There aren't many products where the brand is better known than the product name! Ask anyone "what's this recorded on?" and they'll say "GoPro" rather than "action camera".
  19. Would still be better than the NZ Air Force
  20. There was talk of Jabiru compared to Rotax regarding reliability on the BMAA (similar to RA-Aus) forum a few years ago. Thought this was an interesting post "If a Rotax engine overheats, they say it's not the engine's fault but the installation. If you look back through correspondence on here, you'll find simlar: Rotax 912s shedding oil pipes, 912s cracking their engine mounts, etc. if a similar thing happens to a Jabiru then it's said to be the engine's fault. Reminds me of the Boeing/Airbus rivalry... or PC/Mac rivalry. It comes down to the tribalism we indulge in within our sport. I never say my engine's good - don't want it to get ideas above its station and take a rest when I need it. All aero engines need proper care and attention if you want reliability. We still teach that uncertified, amateur-maintained engines can fail at any time without prior warning." http://forums.bmaa.org/default.aspx?f=15&p=1&m=100093
  21. http://www.d-motor.eu/nl/update-09-july-2015-136.htm Hope that helps. accidentally came across it while looking at other Jab related things!
  22. I think it goes beyond being a pilot too. It'd be a great way of enticing students to all areas of aviation from engineering to mechanics to design to ground crew etc. And let's face it. Although flying can be expensive, an hour's lesson costs less than getting blind drunk on a weekend!
  23. I'd have thought the easiest way to promote it to youngsters would be to get a presence in school / university as a flying club. Maybe offering free experience lessons to those at school and aiding in aircraft availability with the university groups? There are rugby, soccer, football, ice hockey etc clubs in these environments so why not recreational aviation?
  24. Same over here. Licences are NPPL(p) NPPL(m) NPPL SEP EASA LAPL EASA PPL CPL ATPL Gets very confusing when just starting out! Almost put me off flying as I didn't know where to start. I think making aviation more 'user friendly' would help. Currently seems to be a case of over complicating something that is pretty simple.
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