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Everything posted by Spooks

  1. P.s hope you tried the Currywurst and Weissbier!
  2. Sadly the snow usually comes in January! Just high winds, rain and moderately cold at the moment! Funnily enough my best Christmas was in Bavaria back in 2005. Deep snow to my waist, more meat than I could eat and proper mulled wine!
  3. Have a lovely Christmas everyone. I'll be thinking of you all enjoying the barbeque and sun while I shiver in damp England
  4. I advise you to avoid British Airways! Premium prices with the school canteen lady that passes for a stewardess grunting at you if you're lucky. Actually not too different to this
  5. I am currently doing the NPPL in the UK and the instructor has been quite thorough with stalling exercises. Stalling in a turn especially, as he pointed out that most people stall while concentrating on the base leg turn and momentarily forget their airspeed (obviously doubly dangerous due to low altitude!) Unfortunately we cannot do spin training (until instructor rating).
  6. They're cheaper to purchase in the first place which might offset the running costs. I wonder if they'd modernise the design with newer lightweight materials and construction methods?
  7. We have a superior ice hockey team so nah!
  8. Welcome! J'adore ton avion I used to live in France (Charente Maritimes) and just love the variation of landscapes in France. Really enjoyed the videos, I'm hoping to have my licence and fly in France before emigrating to Oz:thumb up:
  9. Croeso! I'm a fellow Welshman, brought up in Welshpool :)
  10. It's the Daily Mail. 100% of their reporting is far fetched.
  11. Out of interest, do you guys do a 'visual of the circuit' by completing a 360' turn in the direction of the circuit prior to proceeding to the hold? I've noticed during my training that a lot of pilots in the UK either do not do it or do their turns in the opposite direction to the circuit.
  12. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-KHCNk9BYy4 This video was an eye opener for me
  13. Fantastic! They're beautiful little aeroplanes and I wish you many happy flights
  14. Latest in the UK is that they think it was "90% chance of a bomb" that was built by British jihadists Hardly surprising when you hear of British troops often coming from the same town as some of the Taliban/militants they fought in Afghanistan, Iraq etc.
  15. Who needs Maverick and Iceman when you have a Thomson pilot
  16. Even in Australia? I always had this image of you guys abusing eachother over the radio
  17. Were there any areas on the runway allowing for you to move over while you were backtracking? If so I think that would be the correct thing to do, however I know that a lot of runways are simply a straight strip! From my understanding the aircraft landing always has right of way (unless you'd just landed and were backtracking to clear the runway in which case they cannot force you off) but this chap sounds like he was wasn't yet on final. If he called a short final in the knowledge you were backtracking with nowhere to sensibly vacate, it does seem a bit silly. I found this article which suggests that even if the in-air aircraft has called a short final, they still have right of way http://flighttraining.aopa.org/magazine/2008/November/200811_Features_Who_Has_the_Right_of_Way.html However despite the rules. I think that we should be applying common sense to situations as well! If I was the chap downwind I'd have probably decreased the speed/weaved/taken a slightly wider circuit to allow for you to take off.
  18. Bet you never realised how outdated the Royal Air Force had become.
  19. http://www.news.com.au/travel/travel-updates/gas-from-2186-sheep-forced-plane-to-make-emergency-landing-in-bali-after-setting-off-smoke-alarms/story-e6frfq80-1227595742046 Singapore Airlines flight full of Kiwis forced to divert after one of them guffed
  20. Very sad. I had read that the aircraft involved suffered a tail strike in 2001, so could be a delayed result of the repair? A long time on I know but it is a possibility. http://aviation-safety.net/database/record.php?id=20151031-0 If ISIS are involved ( imagine a bomb smuggled on board is more likely than a missile in that scenario? ) they've just opened up a massive world of hurt as Russia wont be afraid of giving them a good kicking beyond anything they've experienced so far. If it is a terrorist incident it'd destroy the already fragile tourist industry in Egypt.
  21. I second taking an experienced pilot or instructor up with you. I think turbulence is one of those things that you'll get used to and having someone with you will help to calm the nerves. Would looking at how your aircraft is built help? Perhaps understanding how strong it actually is and what it can withstand? To be honest, I look at the C42 I am training in and wonder how the hell it copes with the weather sometimes
  22. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vb4SMpQ-Oj0 Thought some of you would enjoy it (hope it's not a repost)
  23. Congratulations to them both. Matt Hall is fantastic, even as a Brit I was sort of hoping he'd do it but Bonhomme is an incredible pilot and deserved it. Looking forward to the 2016 season, any idea on when the schedule is released? I had heard Macquarie Park could be used in March time.
  24. Nothing too exciting. Had my first "was all me!" takeoff (first without a crosswind, much easier!) and had lessons on slow flight and stall recovery. The wing drop was an odd experience! Loving it!
  25. Don't milk it
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