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Everything posted by nathan_c

  1. I started flying in gliders (and still fly them more regularly then RAA), and I really do think that all pilots should experience a spin and learn the recovery first hand rather than just reading about what the recovery process should be, because there is a massive difference in practical knowledge of the recovery versus theoretical knowledge and reading it out of a book because you cant properly practice it in an RAA aircraft. I like to think that learning and subsequently practicing spin recoveries prior to going solo (and after for that matter) has made me a safer pilot, and should the worst happen and I inadvertently a spin I could safely recover from it with minimum height loss.
  2. Paragliding is HGFA yes, http://www.hgfa.asn.au/ Im not a paraglider pilot but I was looking at it at one stage, but on that link you can click on learning which gives a good rundown, and then it also has all the schools listed for Australia which you will need to go to to get your licence. I still think Im gonna do it one day :)
  3. I think it looks fantastic, though I do see how it could be difficult with that long nose.
  4. ATC's do pretty well considering what some of the other aviation professions pay.
  5. Was riding dirtbikes out at glasshouse today and saw the helicopters doing the searching above us. Hope all is ok with the pilots!
  6. News reports seem to indicate that the flight was landing to pick up Bam Margera (jackass show member), it doesnt appear as if any of them were already on board. I highly doubt it was done on purpose though.
  7. not that you should ever not use maps, but to play the devils advocate (bare in mind my very limited experience) surely there is a huge difference between using a car gps and an aviation gps?
  8. There is most certainly enough traffic going into Brisbane to require holding. I can 100% guarantee you that ATC is NOT holding you for 50 minutes because they feel like it, they are doing it because it is a necessity unfortunately.
  9. i didnt get any of that stuff last night when i opened it?
  10. I assume you are talking about the drivers licence type medical used for new Recreational Pilots Licence? Only reason I ask is that a Class 3 medical is actually different and used for ATC purposes.
  11. Possibly ONUS? (Overshoot North Undershoot South) in regards to an aircrafts compass. So if turning towards the north and you want to roll out on a specific heading you would aim to roll out on a heading a bit more then what you want and if you are turning towards the south then you would undershoot your preffered heading due to the way the compass works and the few seconds it takes to settle onto the actual heading once you stop turning. Disclaimer: I havnt done my navigation yet so If I have provided incorrect information then I aplogise.
  12. Looking in the Index for AIP points to ENR 1.1 - 84/85 for SARTIME/SARWATCH information, but after reading it it kind of only gives you your requirements regarding cancellation/ lodging them. I guess you could start with reading that but it may not be exactly what you are after. I dont have my AIP on hand unfortunately (its sitting at work) and I cant find the definitions list online, but there may also be a general description in there, however I couldnt say for sure.
  13. Thanks guys! Yeah tomo it was!! I was so worried last night that today was going to be a write off due to the wind we have had over the last couple of days but it turned out fantastic! Love the pawnee shots too, just something about the pawnee that screams cool :)
  14. Hey all, Took a video of my flight this morning taking off from Archerfield and going for a flight around Stradbroke Island in a J170. I apologise in advance about the dodgy movie maker editing haha! Cheers, Nathan
  15. Makes me feel sick just listening to that audio recording, very similar to one we listened to on my first day at work where a jabiru flew into ifr conditions. Would truly be a terrible situation to get into.
  16. I havnt dealt with this problem, but in that scenario I personally would not fly unless I was comfortable. Who cares if you are getting pressure from others to take the aeroplane up, your the PIC its your responsibility to be comfortable and willing to go flying, not theirs.
  17. Oh oh :( Terrible news, hopefully all are ok!
  18. Pathfinder Aviation is at Archerfield and they actually operate 3 jabirus, two J170's and one J230 that has just come online.
  19. Thanks! The more and more I think about it the more nervous I get haha.
  20. Congrats compulsion! I bet its a great feeling :) Ive got one more flight before my test and I hope to gain the same result!
  21. Tell me about it!!! Every time I come onto final I wish I was still had airbrakes! Its obviously just a case of not trying to fly the j170 like a glider, but sometimes I just wish I could :P
  22. If the following information is incorrect, someone please correct me, I have only learnt this stuff in the last couple of weeks from an ATC perspective, and I am trying to apply to the situation what I can remember without re looking up the regs (ive been having to learn alot in a short period of time lately so I may have some figures mixed up.) A change of 1 hectopascal is equal to roughly 30 feet. Therefore changing your QNH by 1 hpa will cause you to be about 30 ft out, if you are out by 5 hpa then you will be misreading by 150ft, which can obviously cause an issue. You are correct in stating that you should be looking outside when VFR, especially during landing, but it can effect things like the altitude you fly your circuit at, which will affect other aircraft in the circuit as well obviously due to altitude differences (say if call joining downwind they will expect you to be at 1000ft, not 850ft or 1150ft and they may not spot you) . If you are talking to atc, and giving them your level, or are cruising at a cruising level then if your QNH is set wrong you wont be at the correct altitude which is also bad :P In saying all that, you have to bare in mind though that a VFR altimeter is only legally required to misread by + or - 100ft, so you cant always guarentee even with the right QNH your altimeter will read accurately anyway. Its alot more relevent if you are IFR though (Im assuming your not, but for informations sake I will say this anyway) where your altimeter really does need to be correct due to things like your lowest safe altitudes, cruising levels, traffic avoidance, approaches in IMC conditions etc etc. Due to this IFR altimeters have to be more accurate and are only allowed to misread by + or - 60 ft (obviously you would want as close as possible, but they are the legal limits).
  23. Yep definately grouped together on the radio, I have been learning this on my atc course and rec aircraft were a specific example given. On topic though, plane is looking awesome and I really enjoyed that archer falls video mark, I wanted to make it out there myself (by car though) but I didnt have enough time to get there unfortunately :( Hopefully the experience gets better and better for you once you accrue enough hours to take the plane outside the initial restrictions :)
  24. Congratulations!
  25. I could have taken a picture of the cessna trainer I had, however I took it out for the first time today In a year or so and ended up putting it into some trees because I am incompentent at flying an RC model, so now I dont have one anymore :P A bit sad really because it was a heap of fun to muck around with!
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