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Everything posted by nathan_c

  1. Get back on cbr250.com bfa :P Seriously though, good to see im not the only person who wastes my money on both bikes AND planes :P
  2. I wish! Im about to start my training as an ATC, maybe once I get my licence and Im earning some better money I can think about a plane :P
  3. Im so jealous tomo!! It looks fantastic, and reminds me of a glider cockpit almost in that last picture!
  4. So so jealous of you mate it looks awesome! :) I wish I was in a position to get something like that!
  5. Falling with style! :P
  6. I wont be there gliding this weekend unfortunately so I wont have a chance to come over to the hangar. Ill make an effort next time Im there to have a look if your hangar is open and if it is Ill come and have a jealous look at the plane :P
  7. Nice work mark, the savannah looks amazing. Im jealous! I was at caboolture gliding 2 weekends ago and I looked at the hangars to see if you had it out or at least the door open so it was visible. I was going to come say hello :)
  8. I like it, the only small criticism is that when I press on a thread after I click what's new, the pc version will automatically show me the newest unread post, but the mobile version just defaults me to the top of the page. Its nothing significant though, and doesn't really take away from the mobile style (which is better.) I hope that made sense :) -nathan
  9. I was thinking that earlier on actually, every time I log on I look at the chat room because if there is people there I would make an effort to go in there if I had spare time (not that it was very often but still). There never is anymore though.
  10. My ipad wont play it either. Seems to depend on the movie file (format maybe?). Some movies I can watch fine on it however others I cant. I have since watched it on pc, and it was really good! Well done!
  11. If all else fails go to a gliding club and see if you can do some spin training in a glider. Most clubs have a glider that is capable of spinning and then you will know what a spin feels like. Having done spin training in a glider I feel that if I ever found myself in that situation in an ultralight (not that you should get that far anyway) I could confidently recover and have no further issue.
  12. On my practice cable break during glider training I turned around and landed back on the runway, and while I carried a little bit too much speed which didnt help the cause, the excess runway used with a tailwind is astonishing.
  13. Yeah mate you should head out and give it a go, its really good fun! Ive moved into powered flying but Ive been back a few times to go gliding because its just so good for flying for the sake of flying, and its cheap! You can tool around in lift near the airfield for ages and hardly have to break out the wallet. Its fantastic :)
  14. No thats the schools 170C, but they also have a 170D. The panels are the same though (or pretty damn close too). Theres not too much noticable difference in between them, not enough really to actively notice it in flight anyway but if I had to choose between the two Id choose to fly the 170D, I think its the nicer of the two, but they could just be the difference between two aeroplanes, not necessarily because one is a different model. You are right though, the D model has a longer nose and no large ventral fin.
  15. Not a problem, happy to help. Dont worry to much about the circuits, it will all click soon and you will wonder why you were having trouble in the first place :) Wait until you start doing crosswind circuits, thats when it gets fun :P
  16. These are the best I could do with my phone camera today mate, hopefully its what you were after
  17. Not a problem mate, I'll get the photo when I get there and I'll put it up on here this afternoon.
  18. If you still need it mate I will take a photo tomorrow (if I remember when I get there lol) and post it up when I get back from flying.
  19. Great photos, I wish I had have stayed at the chinchilla comps an extra few days and I could have seen you fly over!
  20. Nope. They run 2 courses at a time in brisbane, I was shown around by one of the course sim instructors last week. They just dont put it on the website because its not very likely you will get on it. They said they have another one starting soon thats why I asked.
  21. Cool good work! Brisbane or melbourne course?? Enroute or tower? :P Im freaking out trying to remember what I did in the online test, its stuff Ive all basically forgotten since high school -_- Btw, I visited brisbane centre the other week and got to sit in with some of the current enroute trainees who are just about finished the course. The atc system is really cool, and seems relatively straight forward (knowing all the standards and requirements isnt easy obviously, but the system they use seems pretty easy if your computer savvy). The trainees I talked to said they were loving the course and recommend it thoroughly. Thought you might like to know that :)
  22. Congratulations mate, when do you start? I have my assessment centre tomorrow in brisbane (thank god for that), and am a bit nervous especially about the mathematics component, but Ill aim to do my best :) Congrats again.
  23. Im flying at one of those schools as well, the requirement is to have a class 2 medical, however I sat the RA AUS radio exam with a few extra aerodrome specific questions tacked on (for the cta), not the GA radio exam. The exemption allows the student to fly only the schools aircraft in the CTA that the exemption is for (for example Archerfield), but you are not allowed to enter any other CTA zones. It also allows you to hire the aircraft once you have your certificate and fly the aircraft solo (or with a passenger if you so choose) as long as you maintain that class 2 medical.
  24. The rest of the episodes are on the defencejobs website, quite interesting to watch actually.
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