So it started off well, first time in a Dimona Motor Glider, pretty excited. Got in the air, not used to having an engine :P So then we turned the big noisy fan off and got into it, good thermalling and general flying. One thing I noticed is how much the nose drifts side by side in the motor glider.... I kinda think its because of the side by side seating, and looking through the middle of the cockpit, not straight ahead.
So then we joined circuit, and this is where it got interesting. Coming down downwind at RAAF Amberly, all sweet, turn base at a strange time, I kinda think it was too late, but the instructor was happy? Turn final, ok, half airbrake, coming in, the instructor tells me to nose down, so I did, then the instructor told me to flare. At this point we were WAY too high to flare yet, but I followed the instructors instructions. So then he tells me to point the nose down again, so I do, then to flare again...... So I do.
Now I was pretty happy with the flare the second time, and we then touched the ground, and then the instructor did something I really didnt expect. Before I could pull the airbrakes to full out, the instructor pulled back hard on the stick, and we flew straight back up into the air. Stall. I had the most sickening feeling when I felt that glider stall at like 10 meters above the ground. To his credit though, as soon as this happened, the instructor put away airbrakes and that managed to stop the glider from nosing over and going straight into the ground, but it was still quite an impact.
So yeah, he apologized for not paying enough attention, but I know Im still to blame for at least half of it because I was actually in command at that point in time. Something makes me feel that he thought Airbrakes were full on before he pulled back, but Im not sure..
Well, I just thought I would get that off my head :P
*end rant*