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Everything posted by Riley

  1. Tim If you get backed into a corner (and if it would fill the bill), I have an un-used Catto 2-blade wood prop, 55 X 33, with your required rotation and rotax bolt pattern that might suit. I don't particularily want to quit it but if it would get you in the air I'd probably swap you for a signed copy of your book, a pair of tickets to the launch of the movie and two boxes of popcorn. cheers Riley
  2. I accept the content of your first para (and obviously would have committed a sin had the situation arisen during my time) and totally agree with your second para. We did indeed, experience a number of 'off the cuff' curious judgements from all RAA departments during the transformation period a few years back. cheers
  3. MBY is correct. A Condition Report is not a statement or certification of airworthiness. It is simply a record of the state of any aircraft as inspected on the day by an authorized person for purpose of transfer of registration/ownership. (eg) Despite what may be found and recorded, an L2 could not 'ground' an aircraft. He/she could only recommend that the Authority take appropriate action. If memory serves me correctly, the completed and signed UACR had a life span of 90 days within which the transfer application was to be presented to AUF/RAA for processing. A delay in excess of the three month period would necessitate a fresh Condition Report being submitted however, a quick phone call to RAA Tech Mgr will provide a definitive answer to the original query. cheers
  4. Clive is big ego, big belly, big mouth, but comparing him to Sasquatch (also known as Bigfoot) is being unfair to all neanderthals.
  5. Is that OzBirdy from Indiana?
  6. Apologies for my failing memory ladies and gentlemen - it was in fact, two tandem SparrowHawk kits that came to WA which (as far as I know) never got in the air. This brings into question if it was the Sparrow or the SparrowHawk that nearly ate Chris' lunch during that test flight over Watts Bridge (???) or perhaps Toowomba. Too many years ago. cheers
  7. I can recall looking at both of the two Conroy Sparrows that came to the west in partial kit form in the early/mid nineties. Both ended up being offered 'partially complete - unlikely to fly' in subsequent deceased estate sales. Apparently Chris came very close to meeting his maker some years earlier during a Sparrow test flight. Anybody have any knowledge if any of the aircraft ever got sorted out and is happily flying under RAA?
  8. As an ex-L2, I'm pretty sure the validity of an UACR was 3 months but with all the comings & goings and back-tracking etc fm Fyshwick over the past year I wouldn't take it to the bank until they had confirmed. No doubt some learned forumite will set you straight. cheers
  9. Riley


    No doubt someone will correct me if I'm off base but I seem to recall, after Tony's demise and the TSOG ending up with Bob Llewellyn, the protests from we Thruster afficianados relating to the complete lack of anything except promises from the new leader were met with, "I hold the propriety rights to TSOG and it will be operated as I see fit" which equalled - Nada! At that time I was advised by the (only just inaugurated UK sector of TSOG) that they met with the same response. Accordingly, it might be prudent to ascertain just where the goal posts are located in this regard before getting too involved in a resurrection of TSOG as we knew it. I would most certainly get on the bandwagon and can think of at least 5 local Thruster owners who would come along should it (or a phoenix) turn out to be a goer. cheers
  10. Has anybody on these pages had experience with HGU-55 (cloth or leather) cranial helmets as used by US & UK caircraft carrier flight deck personnel? I currently have a bog-standard leather one but am thinking that fore & aft skull protection and semi-enclosed earphone receptacles must be an improvement for open-cockpit aviating. Soliciting any comments, experiences and observations as to effectiveness before spending money that could buy me about 8 hrs of flying fuel.
  11. I expect, rather than expending resources in recording the eagle's 'break and enter with intent of willfull damage' allegation, our Casa friends will spend as much if not more time in establishing whether the collie was a bona-fide & registered air traveller. Given their questionable Jabiru data sourcing, mewonders if the eagle gets entered in their records as an air-to-air fatality statistic?
  12. Hey Tim. Didn't I read, hear, (imagine perhaps??) somewhere recently that you also had a Wheeler Scout in your early birds collection? If not and you're mad enough, I have a line on one (no idea of which version) that could possibly be extricated from long term storage for very little (if any) folding green. Over to you. All the best for the New Year. cheers
  13. Riley


    Congratulations Mr Burch. Great to see another Thruster rejoining the dwindling headcount of traditional rag & tube. I still consider a TST (or T300) as one of the most fun aircraft on the books. Also, I reckon you were taught by one of the original Thruster tragics as there wouldn't be many people left who are more knowledgeable on Thrusters than Jim. If I get an extended life span I may even get my Gemini back in the air someday. Enjoy your machine. cheers
  14. RickH. By all means speak your piece, argue your point and dispell any misconceptions but at all times maintain a demeanour that graces both yourself and your rival. There are many effective ways of making your point without, at the same time, making yourself appear to be a '...........' Methinks you are over-stepping the bounds of normal public debate with the quality of your challenges. cheers Riley
  15. Hand propping. I oft times get looked at sideways (and chided) when I hand bomb my Champ from behind. Back in the 1950's in Northern Canada, one stood on the starboard float when swinging a prop - come wintertime you still (thru habit) swung from behind. At Oshkosh a few years ago I attended a short 'hand propping' course/demo. The teacher lady couldn't agree that left hand on the fuel cap and right hand on the prop tip from behind was as safe as two hands on the prop and one leg in the air in a football kick out front. To each his own I guess but I get more smug satisfaction out of a hand bomb start on the Champ than I do with a 12V start on the Lightwing.
  16. But.......MESSY!
  17. Greetings Debbie Gained access to the Gazelle hangar over the w/end only to confirm that none of my spat sets will suit your needs. The closest pair was of correct length & height is workable but are at least 50mm too narrow. Maroon spat is Gazelle and the other one is my largest set. Sorry I couldn't do you any good. cheers
  18. Regarding Rotec spares & service costs..... it's aviation, so it costs no matter whether Rotec, Rotax or Lyc/Cont! An example of what to expect - a recent emailed quote from Rotax for a factory zero-hour first rebuild on a timed out R912 80hp was (ca) $15 to $16K. During the same period, a Rotec factory bulk strip, inspection and zero-timed upgrade with mods on a 7 cyl radial cost me 5 grand. Conversely, Bert Flood are super responsive to deal with for queries etc whereas getting answers out of Rotec is like pulling teeth without anesthetic. I'd have that Murphy Rebel in a heartbeat but if I did, the wife would ensure that my heart stopped beating. Good luck with your Xmas shopping. cheers.
  19. The Maj being a qualified LAME/L2 and with the cowling off, I'd say he was using that special tool to adjust carb balance or perhaps ignition timing?
  20. Greetings Debb Given that you're not in a hurry, I suggest we wait a couple of weeks and I'll try to scare up the geezers w/ the Gazelle over the Xmas break and hopefully arrange to positively identify if anything that I have will properly suit your needs. Assuming something fits, I can only remember the purchase price of one pair which was $75 (plus postage) and that was at least ten years back and I can't remember which of the 4 pair it was! Once we establish what (if any) will fit, I'll send you a photo and we can take it from there. Enjoy your Christmas. cheers
  21. Spent a very enjoyable 2 month's temp duty in Dalby almost 50 years ago and was made thoroughly welcome. Unfortunately, distance precludes my attendance but if I could, I would. All the very best wishes for good weather and max participation for your first event. cheers
  22. Take as much time as it takes. Some of the gear has been gathering dust for yonks so there isn't any hurry to get it moving. In the meantime don't let Xmas get you frazzled. cheers
  23. Greetings Debb The local Gazelle remains locked up with the owner's not being seen for weeks so couldn't establish if any of the wheel pants I have would suit your needs. Listed below are the dimensions of the 4 sets so perhaps from that you can decide if any are of use to you. Considering that none of them have any mounting hardware, I'd suggest that Marty_d's earlier proposal for simple flaps or a flat alloy tray (ala Foxbat) behind the wheels would be the quickest and most economical resolution to your 'cowsh...' problem? Set #1 Set #2 Set #3 Set #4 width of wheel well 130mm 140mm 150mm 160mm dist fm axle to top underside 190mm 160mm 180mm 200mm Sing out if any of the above is of any use to you. (as an aside - and of no consolation I know, sheep after feeding on SA Capeweed leave a goey pile of blob that is equally uncomplimentary to the belly and underwings of any aircraft that they share the runway with.) cheers My columns aren't printing correctly but hopefull;y you'll work it out.
  24. Both super aviators gone within three months! Should there be a great here-after and if those two wags get together there, I doubt there'll be much peace around. Never got to shake the Major's hand but in many communications over the years he became and always will be considered a true friend. A great loss to us all. Sincere and heartfelt condolences to Ross's family.
  25. Greetings Deb I have at least 4 pair of f/glass m/wheel covers collecting dust in my hangar (legacy of years of 'superlighting') but can't establish what the larger ones might fit. There is a Gazelle hangared on the airfield but the co-owners are very sporadic in their attendance so I'll have to await their appearance in order to cross-reference what I've got against what you need. I'll let you know when it happens cheers Riley
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