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Everything posted by Riley

  1. Greetings PPDL. I'll have to go thru my piles of aviation bumph/memorabilia/rubbish to find the brochure to review my curiousity. Will get back to you when I'm organized. In the interim, thanks much for the offer. cheers Riley
  2. "can't get it in the hangar by myself......." Have you considered a cheap 12v winch fixed to the back wall of the hangar? Works for me. cheers
  3. Ain't this the horrid truth?
  4. Ian, considering the range of idiots we've had in top positions the past, you need to be more specific in which of the previous idiots you are referring to (or, perhaps not as the list is long).
  5. I too take umbrage at the use of the word 'maggot' to describe our CASA brethren. I consider it highly insulting and unfair toward all the hard-working maggots that perform an unpleasant task in a generally offensive environment. Maggots have a job to do and get on with it quite efficiently whilst not the same can be said of our CASA "we're here to help you" operators. Doc, on behalf of all maggots, I ask you to find a less complimentary description for these CASA minions.
  6. Just another example of a Fed agency burning up public funds in protecting us! Ain't democracy great? Don't hold back DZ ... tell us how your really feel about CASA.
  7. It is the Veteran, not the preacher, Who has given us freedom of religion. It is the Veteran, not the reporter, Who has given us freedom of the press. It is the Veteran, not the poet, Who has given us freedom of speech. It is the Veteran, not the campus organizer, Who has given us the freedom to assemble. It is the Veteran, not the lawyer, Who has given us the right to a fair trial. It is the Veteran, not the politician, Who has given us the right to vote. It is the Veteran Who salutes the flag and it is the Vteran Who serves under the flag. Lest we Forget!
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  8. Don't believe so. In over 50 years of messing with/owning/restoring British autos I've never come across either a Javelin or a Jupiter with anything other than a conventional metal boot lid. cheers
  9. I took it from the news article, that the AFC Pres was mostly concerned with the probable clearing of sports fishing boats off the waterways that the float plane would need for TO & landings rather than the noise/activity scaring the fish into keeping their mouths closed. Having successfully fished the wiley trout off a float-equipped J-3 after some 'not-too-professional' lake and river landings in early days in Canada I doubt that the fish would be too upset to participate in any AFRC competitions. Could be wrong tho.
  10. Perry, where are you. This is your field of expertise!
  11. Nick, I wasn't having a grizzle at the actual price of the goods (tho it was unusual that the same item from a recognized 'top shop' was cheaper than from the authorized agent). Having put a number of AUF/RAA aircraft back in the air over the years I'm well innured to and have to accept the reality of price inflation for overseas goods landed in Oz. My whinge is based on the attitude of "go away with your piddley order, we don't want/need nor will we accept your business". Believe me, there is nothing coming from USA that is only $5 more in OZ than the advertised USA price. As an example, have a look at a packet of split pins from A/C Spruce and see what the final cost is by the time it is landed here. It's an anomoly we have to live with. cheers Riley
  12. SS You may be thinking of the late 40's Triumph 1800/2000 Roadster which did have a pair of oval windows in the upper boot hinged weather panel which supposedly provided protection from the elements for passengers riding in the dickey seat. cheers
  13. Then you my good friend, with your many years in retail sales/marketing and your bald-faced statement that "you are the type of customer that we don't want" can rightfully claim your small share of responsibility for the economic woe that the country is currently experiencing. Being an old-fashioned fart who requires quality, service and fair pricing in all manner of dispensing my money, I generally (tho not always) achieve all three. And finally, with regards to Aldi, to my knowledge we don't have any in WA therefore your snide jibe has been wasted. Love & kisses and have a nice day.
  14. Needing a replacement element for my Bracket air filter I went to their web page, obtained the contact details of their local authorized stockist/agent and then made an enquiry as to availibility and price. Was informed by the Perth agent that, (a) yes it was in local stocks (b) over-the-counter price was US$ 14.51 (converted) and © they wouldn't sell it to me because I didn't have an account with them ... cash or credit card won't cut it .... "no account - no sale"! I then phoned another local aviation supply house noted for their high 'convenience' prices and was quoted (US$) 13.78 for the same item! As a comparison, this filter element is listed by A/C Spruce at (US$) 7.95 (+ S&H). Now I have to ask, with examples like this, is it wonder that the Australian economy is suffering? I have written a letter to both the Mg Dr's of Bracket in the USA and Avia (Aust Agent) querying both the curious pricing anomolies and the more curious marketing strategy of "yes we have it but we won't sell it to you" Will I get a response? I shake my head.
  15. "Muslin" ??? Am I missing some hidden content here or is this simply a very mis-guided attempt at humour? In any manner of perception, with this un-educated and totally meaningless post PA I feel you've shot yourself in the foot. Just saying...... Riley
  16. You were looking at the Secretary's factory-built 1946 Funk. He pulled a Cont 85 off and self-installed the Rotec R2800 a couple of years back. Had you got a little bit closer you would have seen the most pretty mechanical constant-speed wooden prop ever. Dave reckoned the Aeromatic cost almost as much as did the re-power. I'm green with envy. cheers
  17. Made contact. Thanks folks
  18. Phil I dare ya to tell me that the grannie with the tattooed flaps is the same bird as pictured in the previous three snaps. Methinks it's fortunate that the only thing that gets 'tingly' with me nowadays is the delete button. Reality is harsh (both the flaps and the no-tingles). cheers Riey
  19. If Derek Dyer of Digby, Vic, Fisher Celebrity builder/pilot, is on this site (or anybody who knows him) could contact me via PM I'd be grateful. I have 'hit the wall' with attempts to fit a TBI to my radial-engined Celebrity and need to pick his brains as to how he managed to accomplish it in his rig up. Tks in anticipation, cheers Riley
  20. Greetings Kippy Can't give you any good poop on importing a GA aircraft (probably not too much difference) however I did bring in an RAA experimental (Celebrity Biplane) earlier this year from the east coast of Florida. After an initial very unsatisfactory run around by a Melbourne freight forwarding agent (I can advise via PM if you wish to know who to avoid), on recommendation from another forumite on this site, I went with a mob in Brisbane who very efficiently handled all the export/import requirements at both ends with no hassles or variations in their quoted price. They and their Yank counterparts went out of their way to assist with any hiccups that came up at either end. I had to arrange the actual dis-assembly and packing into container of the aircraft at separate expense but it seems you have this already in hand. As F'hunter points out, there are a number of export absolute requirements by the US authorities prior to containerization/departure and very specific Australian Aquis & Customs paperwork processing prior to the aircraft's arrival and clearance procedures here. Your selected Freight Fwdg agent will guide you in these matters (too many to relate here). One thing that you may have to fight for (and it's worth it) is to ensure that you or your delegate is present when the container is opened at this end. Obvious shipping damage notwithstanding, safety concerns re: un-noticed or un-declared anomolies need to be identified at this time. I suffered this problem with a vintage vehicle that I imported some years back. If you wish any specific details of my not-unpleasant recent import, PM me and I'll relate what it took. cheers
  21. A fair number of planes used to fly in for the Landor Bush Race Meeting and, as the annual event was held this past weekend, perhaps a straggler from the meeting. Used to be one hell of a fun week (as you probably well know having lived on a nearby station). Haven't attended for a number of years - getting too old for those shenanigans now.
  22. Whilst death from prostate cancer rates too high in male departures, it doesn't have to be this way as an annual physical inspection (ye auld finger-fiddling in the rear rural region) coupled with a blood test will in most cases identify the presence of this silent exterminater. At the point of early identification there are a number of options available to combat the problem. In some cases, an elevated PSA count (the usual marker of presence of prostate problems) can be reduced simply with medication. At age 74 I went from a rapidly-elevating reading of 6.4 somethings (with biopsy-identifed cancer cells) down to 0.162 somethings over a two year period simply thru daily intake of a prescribed testosterone-scavenging medication. Apparently prostate cancer feeds on testosterone ergo: no testosterone = an inhospitable environment for the cancer cells. Perhaps not effective in all scenarios, but for me this has meant No surgery, No radiation, No chemotherapy (and not too much in the way of slap and tickle anymore but it's a small price to pay for an extended lifespan). Any male who has access to regular prostate health checks and doesn't ensure that it's regularily monitored is a damned fool! Here endeth the lesson.
  23. Col, my posting obviously wasn't clear as I wasn't casting aspersions at Jab engines to pump up Camit, I was alluding to the fact that (very unfairly I feel), despite their well-earned CASA certifications, due to this weasel-inspired curious situation, Jabiru-engined aircraft don't currently enjoy un-encumbered use in training or over built up areas.
  24. Col, in the light of the present situation you're kinda drawing a long bow there with Jabiru?
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