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Everything posted by Riley

  1. Saw a couple of mangled Beavers prior to departing the land of the frozen North but both cases were resultant from being caught out by weather conditions. Would like to research this aspect of 'wings falling off'. Got any pointers as to when & where? cheers
  2. Kununurra, I'd be very interested to know who's data and where those yearly comparative price figures were harvested from. I don't recall any of them even though the most recent were only 15 years ago. cheers Riley
  3. I probably have the best mother-in-law that anyone could aspire to ....... she doesn't speak English, lives in a different country and can't tolerate the Australian climate. We've never had a difference of opinion in more than twenty five years!
  4. Kaz I was totally flummoxed trying to work out what woman's 'bym' was and then trying to remember where it was located. I'm pleased you included the photo of the Auster.
  5. Bonjour Pierre. Ca va? What part of Quebec and what type of aircraft? Tell us it's up in the bush and you're flying off floats (well, skiis at this time of year). Welcome aboard. Riley
  6. ...a re-hash of one of my posts a year or so back... In Northern Canada at age 8 or so (when old enough to trek the 2 miles over bush roads to go fishing off the float plane dock of the local air service) having to haul up my lines and step away whenever a flight arrived or departed. Beavers, Norsemen, Wacos and numerous 2-place 'littlelys'. Occasionally, if the wind was wrong or the skipper stuffed up his taxi, being thrown a rope from the floats to assist with the docking - really made me a necessary part of the crew (or so I thought). I drooled at the activity and would have swapped my biggest, most prized catch of that whole summer for an offer of a flip. Alas, it was another three years (a 1/2 hr sight-seeing sortie as a birthday present) before I got airborne. Relying on a distant memory of half doors on a tandem float plane, I believe it must have been a J-3 Cub. Some +60 years later I re-newed/re-lived that flight by acquiring my own 2-seater, tandem hi-wing (unfortunately, not on floats). So... at age 8 I subconciously broached the subject - fishing or flying? I haven't been fishing for decades but, even though it took over a half-a-century, flying ultimately won out big time. cheers all.
  7. "site" An intended pun or a spelling mistake? Either way it's gospel!
  8. Thanks for that OK. A delightful reminder that the free world ain't totally turning to shiit as long as we have children willing to learn and old codgers willing to teach them. A most enjoyable clip. Thanks again. cheers Riley
  9. I'm pleased that got sorted Tim as I was reluctant to lock horns with a famous author but, like Ozzie, I'd never heard mention of or laid eyes on a single-skin-winged T-83/85 of any persuasion over the years. By the way, congratulations on the imminent launch of your book. Wishing you every success. cheers Riley
  10. I have a $2000, near-new-but knackered 3 blade prop hanging in my shed that picked up a length of rope off the ground whilst the engine was being run up (thankfully not one of my follies). My twisted little brain is trying to imagine the carnage if perchance the tail end of the Brazilian 'pull start' rope got intimate with the ag duster propellor with the ute tied on to the other end. Seems to me he didn't stop that far away. Maybe I'm just a nancy? cheers
  11. Phil, seems to me you may need a bit of pension supplementation. Let me know your banking details and I'll have my Nigerian colleague transfer in some Sportstar buying power. The things I do for my friends! Good luck and all the very best for 2015. cheers
  12. Hell! Never realized I was so appreciated.
  13. A weekend fly away and wooden boats! What a combo ... I'm green with envy. Have fun and ensure you write it up for us afterwards. cheers
  14. "Yesterday I took a chance, Saved a penny and crapped my pants"
  15. I didn't notice anything odd about it.
  16. Fellow Forumites In the past I have occasionally posted some slightly inappropriate notes and jokes to forumites whom I thought shared my sense of humour. I was recently reminded that my shallow and sexist postings could well have offended some folk and for this I humbly apologize and now make my solemn promise that, in future I will offer only those items with cultural or educational content. (eg old monuments, examples of nature or other items of general interest to my fellow man) Below is a picture of the Pont Neuf Bridge which, completed in 1604 after 26 years of construction, is the oldest bridge in Paris.
  17. Assuming that your ire is aimed at both GA and RAA, I'd be interested to learn just what it was that got you 'arced up' Stevron. I agree there are a lot of grey, manipulatible areas along with some sales & service people sailing 'close to the wind' in our sport but surely the dodgy element isn't gaining on the good? As Camel states, we have it pretty good with RAA's own-maintenance as long as we have access to a 'tame' L2. Despite that I've had major problems with RAA administration over the years (who didn't in the rough days?) I've only run across two devious and/or incompetant L2's in fiteen years so will hope that it is GA that earned the bulk of your exasperation. cheers Riley
  18. Hey bexrbetter, thanks for the info in ur post #16. Have been in touch with Seaways (unfortunately your little girlfriend, Lydie is on Xmas break) and they reckon they can get back to me before the weekend with some firm numbers relevant to loading 'on the ground'. Much appreciate your help. cheers Riley
  19. Despite being in awe of your good looks and effervescent personality, I eagerly await your post-paperwork-poring tomorrow and look forward to contact details of the OZ FF agent you used. cheers Riley
  20. Top marks t.o! What a pity the photos weren't captioned with time, place and monickers. Thanks a bunch. Riley
  21. C & H was made well aware of the requirement that the container needed to be transported on a tilt tray or self-sideload trailer. This requirement was acknowledged by them 9 days before they presented their formal quote to me and there was no proviso or mention that the price might change if the market fluctuated. One could reasonably expect that they would have done their homework as to what their ingoing sub contractors re-charges would be before putting a final figure on the total charges for their services in a formal offer. If their sub contractors let them down it doesn't mean they have an easy escape clause from a previously agreed & formal contract. "the postman can't deliver mail for the rest of the week as he's broken some spokes on his scooter?" Very definately a situation of their own making/omission and the fault lays totally with them.
  22. PS I should add that the FF Co were specifically advised of the absolute requirement for the container to be at ground level for loading (and discussed same) 10 full days before receipt of their formal quote for the 'turn key - all in' price quote which was ultimately accepted by me.
  23. I have just sacked C & H Freight, Tullamarine (who advertise in the RAA monthly magazine), as my handling agent for the importation of a recently purchased aircraft out of Florida. Being in receipt of their formal quotation (and subsequently formally accepting the proposal), two days before loading they advise me that the USA internal container transport fees will be increased from (US)$1140 to (US)$2950 (this for a total 200km round trip) because of their difficulty in arranging a side-loading trailer or a tilt tray truck to handle the 20' container. In subsequent discussions with their rep I was advised that "in over twenty years of moving aircraft internationally, we have never been required to put a container on the ground for loading" ??? At that point I understood I was dealing with invalid persons and gave them the bullet. Anyway, I offer a 'heads up' to any prospective intn'l purchaser/shipper regarding said people and also make the request for any forumite who has had successful dealings with a freight forwarding agent with regards aircraft importation, I would very much appreciate their advice. Tks in anticipation. Riley
  24. Yer a daft basterd Soleair but (having been an asst lighthouse keeper myself in a previous life) I can understand your need for a meaningful project whilst on the rock. cheers Riley
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