Whilst fitting a new set of mainwheel tyres to the Aeronca Champ this weekend I discovered an extended crack (about 75% of the circumfrence and obviously quite aged) around the rim/flange of the inner 1/2 (brake shoe carrier) of the Cleveland 6" cast wheel (original casting flaw? extreme over-inflation of tyre press? multiple hard landings/skidding to stbd? or a combination of the lot?). At any rate, neither A/C Spruce or Univair show a specific part nr for this item in their catalogues and, subject to phoning either/both early next week, I am left hanging (but with a smile on my dial).
Does anyone out there know of a source in Oz for anything Cleveland that might get me back in the air? I'll look at new (lol) or used, complete or just the relevant part. viz: innner 1/2 (back section with brake drum NOT disc) of Cleveland Aircraft Products item TC No 134, w/ max static load of 1000 lb, Model DMB. Any information of a possible source would be very much appreciated. In the mean time I'm happily doing mental sums on how I'm going to spend the money that I saved by not having a ground-loop, or an 'ass-over-teat' write-off because of the wheel self-destructing during my next arrival. Thanks folks. Riley