Despite that my new (old) aircraft was registered throughout this unbelievable stuff-up, it was grounded on the basis of verbal instruction from RAA Fyshwick (viz: because they could not answer who would be liable in the event of the 'orphan' being involved in aworst-possible-situation, -myself? -the previous owner? -the pilot?) I lost the use of it for 13 1/2 weeks thru 'non transfer of ownership'. Didn't like it one bit but I lived with it. Yippee ... the new ownership card arrived last week and guess what - no reflection or adjustment made for the grounded period! On querying this with RAA Admin staff I was advised that, "yes, annual re-registrations were all commenced from the time the particular aircraft file was vetted by the Casa approved inspector however, because your aircraft was in valid registration whilst awaiting the audit, there would be no credit allowed for the down time even tho it was at RAA's instruction!" Nothing like getting a fair go and satisfaction from an association that you are forced to be a member of, eh whot? Needless to say, I may just have to take this to a higher authority. It beggars belief (but then, coming from RAA what hasn't over the past few years?)