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Everything posted by Riley

  1. Loved the doco and thanks Sleemanj. Woodwards's book "Propellorhead" mentioned in the preamble is an excellent read for all rec pilots (not just rag & tube types). If you can beg, borrow or steal a copy, enjoyment is guaranteed.
  2. Greetings Flyerme As you have a bit of time prior to inspection, I'd suggest you canvas fellow RecFlying 'forumites' on these pages as whether any of us have specific information on that particular aircraft. You wouldn't go amiss by posting it's RAA rego Nr (I can't make it out in the ebay photo) and current whereabouts with a general query about "who knows what?" with regards it's background/current state. Unless it's been flown solely off a private strip all it's life, someone is bound to know something about it's history and flying record. Despite there being some 10,000 RAA members around Oz, recreational aviation is a pretty small world and, because we're always talking aircraft, there ain't a lot of secrets. Have fun & good luck. Cheers Riley
  3. I reckon the Thruster and Lightwing would be exquisitely happy on your choice bit of greenery (might have to do a repower on the Hummelbird tho) and I'm ten shades of green with envy. Lovely looking setup so keep those neighbours on side. Well done old son.
  4. Still have "Biggles... Pioneer Air Fighter" ... Special Air Police" ... Second Case" ... Flies Again" ... Air Detective" ... In The Jungle" ... The Black Peril" ... Cruise of The Condor" ... Camel Squadron" ...Flies To Work" in my bookcase. Some still with their dustcovers. Guess I need some grandsons! Cheers all.
  5. Riley

    Flying Rooster

    Nothing personal Alan but based on that statement you just cast 50 gazillion votes for our ubiquitous Ozzie bushflies. Pud - put him on our vigilante snuff list!
  6. 'Ripping off' as in flogging something at a too high price to an unwary customer or 'ripping off' as in deceitfully/illegally hiding a shortcoming on the subject aircraft? Please elaborate if you think fellow aviators would benefit from being aware of the circumstances. Forewarned is forearmed.
  7. Riley

    Flying Rooster

    Thrusters ugly??? Say five 'Hail Marys'. Put ten bob in the poor box and now go wash out yo mouf!!! (Thrusters ugly .... really . Pud, get yer gun. Us thought police gotta go varmint shooting)
  8. Hell 80K, that ain't scary! You wanna talk scary - bad - horrible - worst landing strips (??) talk about my ex-wife (and she ain't even Brazilian!) Back under my rock.
  9. Riley

    Dacron testing??

    Hey Bacon. I checked with that geezer re the used aileron skins & he wants to keep them with the wings as a replacement set just to ensure that he'll never need them. Guess you gotta help Wayne buy a Mercedes (just kidding). Cheers Riley
  10. Message to self...... When flying the Thruster, stay away from Dusseldorf!
  11. Wal from Bert Flood (Australian Rotax agents) recommended Castrol 2TS synthetic when the old Penrite green slime became unavailable. Methinks even if you get your two stroke oil for free it would be folly not to follow manufacture's guidelines. I may be preaching to the choir but, assuming that the Drifter's donk has a fair number of hours on it already, any good quality synthetic will probably do the trick without adverse results but always keep in mind that clean fuel pre-mixed to correct ratios and carb needles set for correct burn temps are equally important as the RON of the fuel and the brand/grade of lubricant. Just a tip, if you have a connection in the motor trade who is willing to source it from the local Castrol agent in 20 litre drums (as I do), check first to see whether they hit you with a minimum order delivery charge. I unwittingly got slugged with a $20 levy for making a purchase less than $150 the first time around. I now ensure beforehand that there's enough of us in need at the airfield then buy 2 drums at a time. Have fun next week. Cheers Riley
  12. Here's one for all you ex (or current) RAAF'ies out there. I'm curious to know if Air Chief Marshall Sir Neville McNamara (Ret) might still be amongst us and if so, where? Apart from seeing that his autobiography "The Quiet Man" was resting in a public library in Tuggeranong some 7 years ago, Google gives me no clues. Can anyone point me in the right direction? cheers Riley
  13. Pud, you're a naughty boy. Go stand in the corner!
  14. Greetings G-Omer. Trust you'll find this site an ongoing source of interest, information and sometimes spirited debate on all aspects of aviation. Like others, I too have old familiarities with Norfolk . Never flew anything during my three years in Gt Yarmouth but spent many hours in Bristow's old Wessex choppers going to work from Caister in the early seventies. Welcome to the forums. Cheers Riley
  15. Riley

    Dacron testing??

    Rather than to spend a fair bit of money (that could be better spent on fuel) for a tool that you probably won't use again for 10 years, under threat of piercing both your eyes with a sharp stick and hanging a building block from your nether regions if it's not returned, I'm happily to loan you a Bettsometer to do your testing. You cover the cost of posting both ways and.... insure your vitals should it get lost. Get in touch if you can't find one closer to home. cheers Riley
  16. I too, was watching it with great curiousity and wishing that I didn't already have too much aviation apparatus. It was solely the fact that I needed more flying machinery like I need a third nostril (plus the fact that the little lady would painfully extract what little is left of my manhood) that stopped me from throwing my hat in the ring. Congratulations to the new owner and commiserations to the vendor - I reckon he got screwed! Happy holidays all.
  17. My thanks also Ozzie. cheers
  18. So, for the benefit of those who were/are outside the link, can someone please dig up and post the video of this unusual weather report?
  19. Yeah Bones, we have it on pretty good authority (his partner) that, apart from some panel-beating on his elbow (skin grafts) and some bog in the hole in his thigh where the throttle speared him, the pilot will be kicking on by Xmas (albeit, not in the Dominator). She reckoned the rescue chopper was followed immediately 'line astern' by two news choppers sniffing for a story. Despite the fact that the pilot was walking around prior to departure for the hospital, it still made the news that he was suffering spinal damage. Very pleasing to see that no-one on this forum climbed unto the speculation/theories wagon which so often happens.
  20. Assuming that 'trikepilot' and 'Kathy B' are one and the same, then yes, the query was inspired by your hangaring requirements. I was chasing info earlier to confirm that the hangar in discussion would accomodate both your flying machines. It eventuates that there's enough floor space left over for you to go out an buy a third aircraft! Merry Christmas. cheers Riley
  21. Brings to mind a quiet Sunday morning in 1959 when I was in barracks nursing a festive 'big head' at an RCAF base in northern Canada when a sparkie, whilst performing a routine stray voltage test on a CF-100, despatched 29 rockets from the port wing tip pod out thru the huge closed cantilever hangar doors. As I recall, there were two rows of operational CF100's parked outside on the flight line immediately in front and not one aircraft was smoked by the rockets. Alas, both my hangover then and the subsequent destruction of brain cells since preclude me being able to relate whether it was the sparkie or the armourer (perhaps both) that carried the can for the episode. I do remember being impressed with the comparatively 'tight' grouping of the rockets as they perforated the doors from a distance of about 50'. Whilst it was the only rocket launching I was close to during my service time, it certainly wasn't the only 'Sunday Morning Coming Down'. Ah, the stupidity of youth. Merry Christmas to all. cheers Riley
  22. Ozzie It would be a shame if you haven't cc'd a copy of this post to the Gen Mgr of "Rest Super' as surely he'd have to be interested in what 9000 forumites now know about their way of doing business? Wishing you good luck for an imminent conclusion.
  23. Pud Dunno about your calculations but I agree that only once does one ever have to find a broken strand (OUCH!) whilst running their fingers down a control/support cable and, from then on - forever, I wager they will very, very carefully inspect (and respect the importance of) cable stranding during pre-flight inspection. A pierced finger (which ultimately could avert a busted rectum), proves to be a very cheap 'heads-up'. cheers
  24. Pots Perhaps not explicitly, but generally I agree with your concerns. Whilst RAA has given me access to aviation realms that would have been un-achievable on any other basis, I continue to think that we recreational flyers will have to face a 'come-uppance' at sometime down the track for these luxuries. There are too many areas of self-governance within our spectrum that rely upon individuals 'doing the right thing'. Thankfully most of us do and the system sustains however, there always exists the element of the 'bold' pilot, and that element has (and always will) give CASA or it's counterpart a ' raison d'etre'. (slightly off topic I know and this is me on a good day!) cheers
  25. The T300 is still in 200 pieces, the Hummelbird is awaiting flight testing after yet another fuel tank repair and the L/Wing is on the ground pending receipt of the exhaust headers fm Ballina so I couldn't do any flying today - HOWEVER - seven other machines comprising rag & tube, weight shift, gyros & plastic fantastics (plus three times that many drivers/crew and hangers-on) travelled fm Bindoon (YBOO) to Wongan Hills for a very pleasant 'lunch away'. I drove over (with the WIFE AS CREW I might add) to ferry pilots & pass fm the airstrip to town for lunch & back. Magic day with marvellous people. It was too good a day to stay home. cheers y'all
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