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Everything posted by Riley

  1. Yes, please.
  2. Marshy Give 'Glen' a call on 0438 958 020. I'm sure he'd be happy for you to plunk your bum in his Sapphire at Bindoon some weekend. If any contact problems, get back to me & I'll get him sorted. cheers
  3. Damn Yanks buggering up the English language again. Those weren't 'airstrips' - more like 'treeless patches'!! Very impressive whot?
  4. Pud. Gavin T could have waved his hat at you during the Bindoon CASA presentation but considering there were over a hundred attendees, perhaps it's not strange that you missed him. Anyway, come back up any time as it would be a rare weekend that he isn't 'in harness' at Bindoon. I share your thoughts regarding the novelty of actually getting to cast a vote for choice of Board representation in WA. Second time in ten years if I remember correctly. How to handle this pressure??? Cheers
  5. If you're in the Golden West during a weekend, then Bindoon (100km north) is probably the most active RAA airfield in the Perth region but unfortunately, nothing happens during the week due to the RAAF owning the airspace for training. Next up would be Serpentine (SABC & SAAA) where there are a number of RAA aircraft/members but have no knowledge of the level of mid-week activity. Any other RAA fixtures are a fair way out of Perth environs. PM me if you need some contact details.
  6. I think 'Hurling at Commode' was the usual grand finale to an Australian drinking game originating in/around Earls Court in London during the early sixties. Very similar to Barry Crocker's technicolour yodels?? The Irish play it different tho.
  7. Eastmeg2 Are you aware of some dodgy facts regarding either the Thruster or the vendor in this ebay auction that the rest of us should know about or are you simply confirming the adage of "if it's too good to be true, it usually is"? I do agree, descriptions of "almost xx hours on engine and "around xx hrs on airframe" in the ad doesn't indicate that a logbook is available or being referred to however, your post might be unfairly off-putting to a potential bidder if not justifiable. Please advise if you have any info which indicates a potential 'scam' in this ebay offering. Standing by Riley
  8. Re; Flying Vizsla post Sue - didn't you ever consider getting outta that boring rut and doing something different with your life??
  9. Greetings Pud After your most recent post, it seems to me that you should offer to build a house for the mechanic and maybe get your own back .... but then, that would be dumbing down wouldn't it? Sorry to hear that the Northam Nightmare continues. Give a holler if I can help in any way. cheers Bob
    1. pudestcon


      G'day Riley, Yeah, I know what you mean. What I am doing now is watching him closely and basically following up what he does to satisfy myself that all is well. I certainly jumped in where I should not have - the classic case of lack of due diligence on my part. Still, there is an end to all this that I am determined will be a successful one. Thanks for the offer, I may well take you up on it. Pud
  10. Anywhere excepting the Swan River in Perth. All manner of boats fill Perth & Melville Water on the river and helicopter joy flights operate from the river's edge in the inner city but floatplanes aren't kosher (City administrators obviously have forgotten or just plain don't know the history of 2nd war flying boat operations from the jewel of the West). Go figure!! Cheers Riley
  11. I'm a self-confessed Luddite but it seems that if we can establish the mechanics for distant member's internet voting (live streaming?) then the natural venue for maximum member participation at the AGM would be NatFly.
  12. If your Scout interest is anything more than marque curiousity - be very, very circumspect. Scouts had/have a reputation of terminating a number of pilots who dared to venture higher than ground effect. In fact, the only serious accident in YBOO's near-20-year history was a fatality in a Scout. There's one hangared (dis-assembled but definitely not for rebuild) about 25 NM away if you wanted to have a sticky beak some weekend. Cheers
  13. Top marks for that one KG
  14. Greetings Geoff Camping on the grounds at Oshkosh consists of anything from a one man pup tent to a $700,000 'you-beaut' motor home but despite the thousands of inhabitants in Camp Scholler over the week of Airventure, there is nothing lacking as regards amenities/facilities. That said, we didn't need or look for community kitchens onsite. Spent two weeks on the field in 2009 and not once was there a hot shower not available, a toilet not working or a question not answered or assistance not cheerfully given by any of the hundreds of volunteers. Assuming you have no personal transport, everything (groceries or fast foods) is available on the grounds however there are constant bus runs into town (just the other side of the airstrip) if you want a break from the 24/7 aviation environment. If I have one complaint about Oshkosh week it would be that a person has to cram at least 14 days worth of hard pedalling into 7 days just to even see part of it (you won't do it all). Troll thru the pretty comprehensive wrap-ups on file in this forum from members who have attended in the past. Plan on going- you'll love it. cheers Riley
  15. Riley

    Here we go!!

    So if you're going to record Steve doing circuits, can we expect the recorded results to be posted here on Sunday eve? Looks really good Pud. Congratulations on bringing another Thruster back from the edge of extinction. Cheers Riley
  16. A CX 4 Thatcher is fully built (but I believe unflown as yet) in Perth. It was offered for sale a while back but don't believe it changed hands. PM if you need more info.
  17. Considering that it's cracked twice in the same area I'd reckon the Major may have tipped a possible cause. Undue mis-alignment at the 'flex' joints or rust-frozen joints in the exhaust hook up which allows a constant force or pressure can ultimately cause a stress fracture due to engine vibration or heat/cooling cycles. Worth checking to ensure that the entire exhaust system is free and floating on the connection springs.
  18. Nope. Helmut (I think) is the geezer who installed the hook on his Jab down at Narrogin and did a bit of trial towing in an excercise to evaluate whether the old GA regoed tug could be retired. Don't know what the outcome was and don't know what his instructor capabilities are. Mr Gorton could answer all your queries. cheers
  19. Don't have the info you request but give Dennis Gorton (grandfather of gliding @ Narrogin) a call on 9356 1620. He can give you Helmut's contact details. Cheers Riley
  20. OK, slightly off-topic as it's not 95-10 but if any of you potential "return to grass roots - rag & tube - low & slow" aspirants are interested, there's a R503-powered, 2 seater 'bugs in your teeth' Quicksilver MX2 on evilbay in Qld right now at less than a grand. And it's registered & legal!!
  21. Doubt that the accolades you receive here will ever equal the self pride that your colleagues and you are so entitled to but "Well Done Son" anyway! Very interesting photos and a great read. Makes good old Dalby look kinda plain tho, eh whot? Cheers
  22. Tight squeeze whot? Do you reckon those water-filled ruts along the embankment are from when he mis-calculated the X-wind on a previous arrival? There used to be an aviation sales/service depot in Southern Ontario, Canada that had about the same sized man made "ditch strip" immediately alongside a conventional dirt strip which didn't appear to leave much room for last minute adjustments to either mode of arrival. Wouldn't be comfortable with either of them. I like my 1500M X 50M ex WW11 bomber runway in the middle of a 250acre paddock.
  23. During the late 80's, enroute to a project in PNG, I previewed (but missed out on) the Chewing Gum Museum clearance auction near Surfers. In addition to the 2 Austers (my original interest point) there was a 5 cylinder Pobjoy radial engine on the catalogue which caught my eye. The sale was long finished before I got back to Brisbane but I've often wondered where that pretty little radial ended up. Anybody recollect seeing it or have any knowledge as to it's disposition? I've since read that Pobjoy radials left a lot to be desired with regard to efficiency etc but I still have this perveted mental image of one sitting on the sharp end of a T-300 Thruster. Does anybody out there have any info relating to any Pobjoys in this part of the world?
  24. Pud (didinja no? - old Geraldton folk lore: tall tomatoes plants make for more space between the rows for hashish crops!) Just kidding but on a serious note, those damaged spars should be cut up just in case some poor un-educated sod attempts to re-use them in a project. Cheers Riley
  25. Greetings Pud From what we've seen from previous posts of your Thruster restoration , I'd bet Sydney to a brick that the subject matter of these photos ISN'T for use on your T500!! That aside, no-one with any aviation CDF (unless harbouring a death wish) would re-use any item with that sort of damage, particularily in a stress area where it is hidden from visual monitoring each pre-flight. Suggest to the owner that he should use what 'once were spars' as tomato stakes. Cheers Riley
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