WA Sportstar double fatality 2007.
In a post a couple of days back Youngmic unequivocally stated that the two deaths in the WA Sportstar crash in Dec 2007 were a direct result of a R912 gearbox/crankshaft breakage. As both of the deceased were my personal friends and fellow club members, I have been monitoring this tragedy with a great amount of concern. Since posting my original query to Youngmic's statement, over the past two days I have checked with both the RAA representative for WA and immediate next-of-kin of the deceased regarding the status of an accident report. As of close of business today neither the RAA nor the respective families have either released or had access to any report which, as yet, identifies gearbox/crankshaft failure (or any other area) as the root cause of the crash.
In these forums we go to great lengths to hold the media's feet to the fire for erroneous reporting. It appears, in this instance, we are doing it to ourselves. As such, in fairness to the families, RA Aus, (and, I guess, Rotax) it seems Youngmic needs to front up and either fish or cut bait. If left unsubstantiated (or not retracted) this allegation has the potential to reduce Rec Flying forums to the level of Pprune. I'm not stirring just for the sake of stirring but I ask again of the poster "Do you have access to an offical report which identifies the circumstances leading up to the the crash in the Julimar Forrest or is your evaluation just a hunch?" Either way you need to respond. Standing by.