Can anyone specifically advise (or point me in the right direction towards getting definitive information) regarding painting a non-military aircraft in service colours? I have a cat 19 registered Hummelbird (tricyle gear) which is accidently an almostdirect 1/3 scale replica of thePilatus PC-9 trainer. I wish to present my "PC point 9" in RAAF "Roulettes" paint scheme complete with Air Force roundels however, many questions in many directions (starting off with the air force)as yet, haven't given me a clear answer. We see many VH rego'd ex-military machines(Tigers, Winjeel,Chippies, CT-4'setc) around the traps in full military colours but they are genuine, dues-paid, RSL members. Mine is a miniature military look-a-like only and as, such , maybe outside the permission zone.Anyone out there able to provide any enlightenment?