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Everything posted by Riley

  1. If anyone fancies owning a Whitman Tailwind, Geoff Oliver's VH-MGO ( see post # 10 this thread) is again looking for a new home. Still with no FWF and needing some TLC. I'm told the present owner's plans to repower with a Rotec R2800 radial have been abandoned and I understand the radial is also available in WA.
  2. For some reason, this forum won't allow me to start a conversation (PM) with you. Can you PM me your phone nr & we'll pick up from there? Tks
  3. Thanks RHR, If he's agreeable, I'd appreciate his contact details in order to have a natter with him. We won't be pulling the failed Corvair down for a couple of weeks so will wait for the coroner's report before making too many enquiries. cheers
  4. Thanks, I'll contact the lad.
  5. Has any one out there had personal experience with the reliability (or otherwise) of the abv engine in an experimental aircraft? Am deliberating on whether to rebuild a failed unit here but only see American comment on the internet. Any info or details leading to discussion with any Oz operators would be much appreciated. cheers Riley
  6. Thanks for the clarification. This snippet of misinformation emanated from a person of self-appointed expertise and great knowledge in all things so I probably should have waived it off but- as stated, I was out of Perth for six weeks and that's really 'out of touch'!
  7. It was mentioned round the coffee table at the airstrip this morning that it was Jabiru who bought Camit plant and equipment at the clearing auction. Having been out of the country for six weeks recently, have I missed something or does someone have an authoritive rebuttal? Massively curious.
  8. Not airlines and not lost luggage but........ enroute to Sun & Fun after visiting rellies in Pennsylvannia in March, wife & self decided to treat ourselves to an o'nite Amtrak train ride to our destination in Florida. Next day, at a scheduled stop in Orlanda with the choo choo running 40 minutes behind time, we were advised by train staff that it was a 20 minute stop and we could get off to stretch our legs. Pleasanr break yes? but whilst standing on the platform discussing car rentals, we look up to see our train moving off after only some 10 minutes - no "All aboard' call or departure announcement on the Tannoy - just the bloody train heading for Miami trying to make up time with all our luggage. Amtrak platform staff arranged via radio to have the carriage steward clear our cabin and put the luggage off at the next stop (our destination) and, without too much arguement, put us in a courier car for the 90 minute road trip to our end point. Closing note - 4 of our 5 bags (and 1 of some other poor sod's) were awaiting our arrival at Kissimee. The final errant item was delivered the next day. So...to avoid the hassles of airline departure procedures and cramped aircraft seating in the USA - go in style by train - but either carry your goodies with you everywhere or - don't get off the train!
  9. For as long as I knew him Rick was an invaluable source of information and advice. Now - a tremendous loss to the aviation community. An affable gentleman, an unrestricted font of knowledge and a recognized ambassador for all recreational aviation, not just Savannahs. Rest in peace Rick. Sincere condolences to the Morawski family
  10. That's gotta be the epitomization of the term 'wet wings'
  11. KG, when can you move to Canberra?
  12. G-wh, My computor fried on the w/end so I can't send photos. Will snail mail you the job notes on the two piece screen/canopy and also the manual on the later bubble canopy. PM me you mailing address before Wednesday (I'm off to Sun and Fun onThursday) and I'll put it in the post. Cheers. Bob
  13. Methinks you may have missed my 'tongue-in-cheek' shot at the absolute minimal storage space available in the GR912?
  14. Correct. The MTOW of any 25 or 55 series RAA aircraft is exactly what was ratified by CASA at the time the certification for that particular aircraft was applied for. Whilst it is acknowledged that there was minimum in the Lightwing structural upgrade by Hughes Eng to attain the 480kg limit, it would require either a letter from Howie (bit difficult now) or an expensive Car35 engineering process to support a weight increase application. In the meantime, everybody knows (if you're careful in loading), a L/wing will get off the ground with two round hay bales, three sheep and a roll of fence wire in the massive cargo hold. cheers
  15. Will do Graeme. Won't happen till early next week when I do Geoffery's. Might have to go by snail mail as I'm a proper luddite when it comes internet. Send me your mailing address in Rolleston just in case we need Plan B. cheers Bob
  16. OK. Haven't seen him at the airfield for months so I may have to break into my mate's hangar to get at his early Sapphire to get the promised format and dimensioned photos. Will also get the Man. Manual copied and forward the lot at the same time. Probably won't be till early next week. As a matter of interest, could you PM me the details of the L-2 in WA who did such a poor job on the inspection? cheers
  17. Just re-checked my shabby filing system and found that I have a 13-page 'Sapphire Canopy Manufacturing & Fitting Manual' published by Dumesney in 2001. You are correct, it is an extensive and painful undertaking however, if you feel a copy would be of use to you let me know. Given time, I could also possibly get close-up dimensioned photos of the early Lexan 2-piece canopy. cheers
  18. Geoffreywh. I'm curious as to what "airworthy inspection" document you refer to that would apply to the subject Cat 25-registered Sapphire (in any condition)? As all RAA aircraft buyers should know, in the perfect sense a valid UACR is a document prepared by either the vendor/buyer/L-2 examiner prior to purchase and validated by an L-2. It is not an 'airworthy certificate' - rather a record of the state of the aircraft at time of sale or re-registration. If the procedure wasn't followed then the unfortunate purchaser must assume a 1/2 share of the responsibility for the bone-pointing. Assuming that we are talking about a bodgy UACR or 'cooked books' then the purchaser is obligated to bring the matter to the attention of Tech Mgr to have the questionable L-2 reviewed. I have a copy of the Sapphire POH and assembly/maintenance manual as published by Freedom Aerolites (predecessors to Steve Dumesney) that I could have copied for you if of any help. Dumesney closed shop about 2 years back after trying for yonks to sell the business. I believe the original windscreen/canopy was a two piece, single curvature, Lexan arrangement which could be easily duplicated. Good luck with your rebuild. cheers
  19. Frank, we have met the enemy and as you point out, it is us! As has been patently obvious over the past few years, as long as they have access to air space, the bulk of RAA members couldn't give a toss about how their money is spent or where the organization is heading or whether the Board has an overall effective objective (or perhaps, as some have suggested, a private agenda), and won't be bothered poking their head over the parapet until after the engagement is futile. Others, myself included, are so fed up with the curious management (??) style that interest has been lost in questioning what's being done and why it's being done and to whose benefit. At the present rate of spiral into impossibilty I reckon the wheels of RAA (AUF as we knew it) will fall off about the time that I have to hang up my headphones so I selfishly ignore the current curious Board thinking. I despair of the fate of the rag & tube fraternity under the guidance of the present regime. Rgds Riley
  20. You forgot to mention the gentle, soothing breezes (generally about force 7 to 9) that blow in Western Australia year round.
  21. Get digging Wayne. Your recollections and photos are delightfull.
  22. Nah. Phill ibuster!
  23. Fancy having sacrifice fuel in order to carry both a paddle and wellies.
  24. Well done Mr Flyer! Congratulations are in order for your preserving another bit of Australian ultra-lighting history. I look forward to viewing your collection sometime. Keep up the good work. cheers
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