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Everything posted by Riley

  1. Now that sounds a real happy place so who needs aviation for enjoyment? GG, methinks you should go out for some fresh air. cheers
  2. I'm in Bill's camp on this. Seems we're being steered rather than led. Riley
  3. Don't know that I would support your solution Nev (although at age ten they caused me neither excitement nor concern) but have to agree that having a 'squeaky' voice in later years would have precluded me making a number of unwise small head decisions that led to hassle situations. Life is such a learning curve....... I'm at the short end of it and I'm still learning. cheers
  4. A well spent 1/4 hour of very captivating viewing (but I ain't gonna go hug my ex-wife's lawyer!) Seriously, thanks for the relay Ian.
  5. Well, our hopes are dashed. Appreciate your guidance A/Bird. I knew I could depend on Rec Flying advocates to clarify our indecision. Guess we won't be going back out to scour for whatever else may lay out there (tho I did see the partial remains of a Pup). Perhaps it may have been a dingo? cheers all.
  6. Ah, the venerable Burmese ghost Spitfire story surfaces yet again. I first heard it almost 40 years ago while 'on station' in Singapore. Cundall might rightfully be accused of 'smoking something' but despite the odds, oddball discoveries do sometimes happen. During a recent 30 day, 7500km gyrocopter group trundle thru the guts of WA and NT central deserts, while fossicking the surrounds of a long-abandoned airstrip, I happened on the incomplete remains of what appears to be vintage Sopwith components. Tho little remains of the hull, the flyers tentatively identified it as a Sopwith Camel by the distinctive frontal area (this stands to be confirmed). Having just completed the rebuild of a 7/10 scaled Stearman and being keen as mustard on anything that may have bi-plane connotations, with the help of the crew enough gyro gear was shifted around on the fuel truck to make room for what we salvaged for the trip back to Perth. I'm presently sympathetically attending to the effects of lord knows how many years exposure to the elements but soon hope to have enough pieced together to put up some photos and request the combined wisdom of fellow forumites to confirm/correct the initial identification. Subject to finance and the blessing of respective better halves, a longer sortie later in the year to thoroughly scour the wider area for more bits and pieces seems an absolute necessity.
  7. Polititions should only serve two terms; one in parliament, and one in jail!
  8. Well put S36. I can't see anyone coming up with an acceptable rebuttal to that.
  9. D2ayo What constitutes a 'geriatric' beginner in your world? There are a lot of us here who quit growing whiskers before we started RAA flight training. As regards taildraggers... you will be a more fulfilled man for it. Welcome to that part of the old geezer's association. cheers Riley
  10. I cannot agree that the final Constitution draft is acceptable in it's current loose form. Any member who has seriously studied the various versions and read on these Rec Flying forums the many un-acknowledged contentious points raised by interested (NOT anti-RAA) members, must agree that it is folly to rush into a 'half-baked' Constitution. My request to the CEO to delay the ballot pending resolution of these many items has not gained a response so I will lodge my 'NO' vote by proxy with the Board. Unfortunately, I am enough of a realist to acknowledge that the majority of RAA members can't be stuffed in getting involved in what happens to their 'obligatory' association (all they want to do is fly) so the Constitution in it's incomplete form will most likely get ratified simply on the basis of those who couldn't be bothered to vote. Such is the price of democracy I guess (but I do despair)! With luck, I possibly might have 5 years of RAA flying ahead of me so won't be around when the inconsistencies of the present draft raise their controversial aspects in future. Good luck Ladies and Gentlemen, I reckon we'll need it. cheers all.
  11. Can't get there fm WA but hopefully all who do will regale us with comprehensive reports and many quality photos. Have fun folks.
  12. My recollection of 1959 PPL training in a Taylorcraft 12BC and Aeronca Champ 7AC was Cdn $12/hr dual and $10/hr solo (and even at that - we considered it bloody expensive!)
  13. Sent today to CEO in Canberra offices. Quote "From RAA's recent email announcement regarding revision of the revision of the draft Constitution, I assume logically that drafts of (a) Member's Charter and (b) Disciplinary Process will be presented for member's review, comment (and possible massaging to a useable state) well PRIOR to the draft Constitution being put to ballot on 14 May? As these two documents form a component part of the ultimate Constitution it is absolutely unacceptable that members be required to vote on ratification of an incomplete and proven flawed important document. Accordingly, I formally request that the Board delay the ballot until such time as the Constitution can be tabled as a clear and correct document that will collect 'Yay' or 'Nay' votes based on a fully-fleshed proposal (not incorporating "we intend..." or "it will be done later..."). I will vote against every version of the Constitution until it is presented in a 'knobs-free' and legally viable and complete format. I look forward to your soonest response to my concerns. Yours in perplexity, RJ Shanks, Mbr# 014720 "
  14. Your response to Kasper is lacking. The original call was for queries, comments and suggestions to fine tune the draft constitution. As such, your postulation that the Board's evaluation as to quality of comment, validity of suggestion, or potential conflict with original draft or other member's response justifies the Board's failure to acknowledge and/or ignore a member's concerns, smacks of bull-dozing. Pushing this half-filled barrow to presentation for ballot without due attention to all concerns is bound to create more problems at a later date when the shortcomings crawl out of the woodwork and bite us in the bum (and they surely will). Not shooting the messenger but, with the 'new look' Board, I expected far more comprehensive and exhaustive footwork and it appears lacking in this instance. Agreed, some grey areas can later be resolved with bylaws but this is the Constitution. Let's get it as close as we can to being right the first time. regards. Riley
  15. I like your thinking FV. Barring the aforementioned egos, it makes a hell of a lot of sense. Whadda ya reckon it would take for both parties to work on it? cheers Riley
  16. shags_j, I'd like confirmation of your advice we will be offered a V3 of the draft and more importantly, when will it be forthcoming? Considering that we have less than 7 weeks in which to have our proxies registered prior to the SGM and the seeming 'wheel-spinning' of V2 (V1 re-presented), I'm fearful that there will be insufficient assessment/vetting time remaining for members to identify and request action on any further anomolies or shortcomings in the new draft of the re-draft. Let's face it, there's been a significant degree of lack of professionalism in the various draft presentations so far. For anyone to expect that we can come back later and massage such an important document into a workable state after it's ratification is absurd. They (we) need to get it right the first time! Unless my (and many other's) areas of dissatisfaction with the current presentation of the draft are wholly resolved, I shall be voting against it's acceptance at the SGM. regards, Riley. from whence coms your info re V3?
  17. Delightful footage but cripes, it puts new content into the description of small aircraft 'tiger country' whot?
  18. Tried to post a couple of weeks back and had the same problems so ended up giving it a miss. Bit of a shame really as the previous classifieds were well used and read. The new model hasn't attracted very many postings so do I assume other people experienced the same problems as you & I and ultimately walked? Admin - how about a return to the old format?
  19. Geoff - surely you're pulling our pisser?
  20. Exactly the case this past Sunday when a Club member suffered multiple injuries whilst in the process of destroying a gyro on the ground. 10 km from the country ambo stn & 115 km to the hospital. Triple 000 call jumped both the ambo and the rescue chopper. By the time the egg beater got there for the para rescue team to take over (was very, very impressed) the volunteer ambo girls had the patient stabilized and ready for dispatch. Money well spent I reckon.
  21. Very well put DWF. Like yourself, whilst not always on the same soap box as Don, I applaud and appreciate his measured input and tenacity in his participation in these forums. I fully agree with the entire content of your abv post. Riley
  22. Likewise
  23. Ian/Mods I've been trying to post this 'for sale' ad in the new Classifieds section but keep getting Xed out with the message "invalid location data specified" and can't see how/where to satisfy the requirement. Can I request that a computer-savvy head office person relocate it to the correct section?? Tks in anticipation. Airborne Edge X Trike Parts for Sale - upholstered seat assembly (P. & Pass) w/ front-seat back rest, pads, & 2X safety harness. Very clean w/ no fabric tears, oil stains or loose stitching. - replacement cotton-wrapped wiring loom. Only 21 hrs fm new. Clean, dry & not oil soaked c/w R582 regulator, solenoid, spade fuse box, dual ignition switches & all elec quick connectors with no wires cut (NB. inst panel short loom from 1/2 conn is not included). - Asking $500 plus shipping from Perth at cost. - also have complete & undamaged aluminium fuselage tubulars, CrMo fittings & brackets, front forks/brake assy, rear axles & suspension parts. No wing tubulars, sails or cables. Call Bob on 0428 338 933, PM me here or email (email address removed - Admin)
  24. Most likely the case as the trike would only be suitable for spare parts on Gum Tree. Like Flyerme says, no-one could display/fly it anywhere without questions being asked. I'm currently parting out a trike but I swear it ... ... I promise !
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