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Everything posted by DenisPC9

  1. They were known as the "Time Machine" because that too their time taking off, they took their time getting there and they took their time landing.
  2. That's because we're so bloody far from the source and the lead-in times for delivery are fairly long, that we, like the Kiwis have to engage in some lateral thinking. And god help you if you want to do something different and want to source the gear.
  3. More like the other way around. As you yourself should know, English is the global language of aviation. So a German or French techo speaking English and checking out Oakey, or any of the Army Aviation Regiments would have more opportunity for work, than an Australian visiting European sites, not speaking French or German. ;-)
  4. Now that's an ideal Management Control tool.
  5. Those were the days ;-) My first foray on 2 wheels (motorised) was a mate's Beesa Bantam in our backyard in a small country town. 2 weeks later a 2nd hand Triumph Trophy came up for sale. I was 18 but there were a few fairy moments ;-)
  6. IFGH (I follow Golden Highway)?
  7. But not from eating dirt. According to more recent medical research those who don't eat dirt are more likely to suffer various and many ailments throughout their lives. And I do the like ads "Kills 99.9% of germs". Which leaves a vacuum to be rapidly recolonised by other "germs", some virulent, some beneficial.
  8. Don't be too paranoid. If that were the case, you wouldn't touch door handles, escalator hand rails, that you are strongly warned that if you don't keep hold of, the earth will stop rotating on its axis.......blah blah blah. Take it all with a more than a grain of salt. Just about everything outside your house, and if you have toddlers within your 4 walls its much the same, is equally as "contaminated". Us humans aren't built to operate in a sterile environment. If we were, we would all be on the Moon.
  9. There was never no scanning here: It's True! A toilet was used as an aerial bomb during the Vietnam War
  10. "Two local seed import/export men named Oakshott and Millard in Reading,..." Oakshott, eh? He sure as hell scared a lot of sheep in 2010 and the years following. There are still a lot them around now that shudder when his name comes up ;-)
  11. That gives a new meaning to the aviation term of "being washed out"
  12. Thanks, that explains several flights I was on coming back into Kundiawa in the late 70s. I cant remember the name of the Outstation I was visiting but on the return leg, it was as if the C172 was a surfboard on a cresting wave. The bloody thing just took off and "slid" down the face of whatever carried it over what appeared to be an invisible hump. The pilot appeared to have no control over what was happening, until a way over and down the slide. He then gently pulled back on the stick and we resumed normal flight. We had a visitor from down South, and we tried to arrange for them to go out on at least 1 charter. She nearly crapped herself when the plane "did its thing". When we landed I asked the pilot what was that? From memory he said something about a "standing wave" and he regularly did that on that particular run. Then I thought he took it in fairly high when we headed out (to the Outstation).
  13. This with your sig. "REAL MEN FLY TAILDRAGGERS" Does conjure up some interesting scenarios.
  14. I think we're still in the "aviate" stage. "Navigate" will be the next lesson
  15. I was in Kundiawa when a C130 landed. Google Kundiawa airstrip When it finally got itself settled, the back of the Herc opened up and out chugged this little bulldozer. As it had been quite a while since a Herc visited us, quite a crowd had gathered. And the looks on the faces of the locals was priceless. There was a sort of collective gasp as the D4 came down the ramp and lots of excited chatter and pointing of fingers. And I reckon more than one of the fellows done up in all his bilas thought that would be a pretty good way to get the jump on his next village raid.
  16. That was still the case in the 70s, when I lived there. The PNG Defence Force had a few DC3s that did these runs. When something big had to be moved, the RAAF sent up a C130.
  17. There was another Caribou "incident" out of Wewak in 1978 (or 77). It was looking for an airstrip in one of the valleys and found it. Unfortunately it was the wrong valley and once landed, they couldn't get back up. I was down from Mendi for the weekend and ran into a cousin who was in the RAAF and he was leading the Recovery Party.
  18. That's not Tapini is it? If it is, there was (back in the early 1970s) the remains of a Caribou up near form where the photo was taken, that had "a few issues". Apart from that, once airborne, turn right (otherwise you run into the mountain range over the other side of the (narrow) valley) and barrel on to Moresby.
  19. I think you'll find the Governor Phillip, First Fleet and all that, mandated the 1/4 acre. This so everyone could grow their own vegetables and have some chooks. Wealthier people took it a couple of steps further so they could have an orchard and a cow. The poor retaliated by raising goats, which they let run free around town. And so on.
  20. Wouldn't the mission being a Carrier landing have anything to do with both Throttle and Stick continuous adjustments?
  21. Yes, that was some flying AND CRMJust Google Sioux City crash, some 2.35m hits.
  22. And the system and its practicioners border on corrupt. Just ask any of the many MVA folk done over by the Courts.
  23. Its probably only Karma. After all Ashby sunk the "Slipper", with far less evidence than what is being played out publicly.
  24. Somewhere in the dim recesses of my mind I recall an ATC Instructor (Yep, I was a Trainee ATC at one stage in the mid to late 1960s, for a while) commenting during the High Speed Flight section of the Course that when he was (somewhere), he had a momentary lapse and requested the departing aircraft call off passing through each 1,000 feet. He said that as the Pilot hogged the frequency just rolling off one number immediately after another, it went through his mind that the departing aircraft was a Lightning.
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