I have just removed the chocks and have barely got past the "Clear Prop" stage ;-)
I did quite a bit flying around PNG in the 1970s as a pax and chartering lots of aircraft in the Highlands, then was the IT bod at 2FTS at RAAF Pearce 2001-2004 and running their Flight Scheduling and Training Database. I have been aloft in the PC9s, hence the suffix to my name. So, being retired, I decided that I would try my hand at formalising lots of little bits that I have seen and done and see if it was as effortless as all those people with 100s, and 1,000s of hours in their logs.
I have started at Lone Eagle, at Clifton on the Darling Downs. So far I have got up ~4 hours and am getting the hang of "Straight and Level". I quickly worked out that the "effortless" bit required quite a bit of "effort" to become so.
I am scaring myself in a Drifter and probably frightening the crap out of my FI. But he keeps asking me back, so I hope its more of the potential than personality ;-)
I have just finished building my own house out of Insulated Concrete Formwork (bloody large Lego blocks) and people keep asking my "What will you do now that the house is done to stop you getting bored?" Being retired, time is not of the essence.