A little bit of education here. If you have LL endorsement, it's not illegal. Remember exemptions? Since the Civil Aviation Regulations 1988 were never intended to regulate this class of aircraft or activities, RAAOs are permitted to operate via exemptions and delegations. The regulator gives me the rules via CAO 95.55. So a little bit of factual information will go a long way. We actually have more freedoms than GA.
I must thank you there Teck. Not that I have to prove myself to you, but family was my decision to give it up after 7 years. If you want references, PM me, and I will even send you photos. Until then, show some respect and reserve your judgements, and I will do the same.
Well not really when you know what you are doing. I used to cop that talk all the time. I used to say when I am flying low level, I know that tree or pole wont jump out at me. Yet we are quite willing to travel on a highway towards a B double in the dark at a closing speed of 210 km/h, and you cant tell me you are absolutely sure he will not cross on to your side of the road and wipe you and your family out.
I love my legal low level flying. It is a skill set not just in flying, but risk and hazard management. AND IT'S LEGAL!!