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Everything posted by rocket1172

  1. Ya right there John. Thanks mate. Forgot to add. It's all in the Ops manual.
  2. Awesome outcome. It's a credit to yourself to go from the fear end of the spectrum to the passion end. Enjoy!
  3. I totally agree Dutchy.....and that will be the more important thing that CASA look at rather than flying within the rules, whether 'seen' as bad conduct.
  4. CASA make my dream! I am just living it!
  5. And why do you say this Turbo?
  6. A little bit of education here. If you have LL endorsement, it's not illegal. Remember exemptions? Since the Civil Aviation Regulations 1988 were never intended to regulate this class of aircraft or activities, RAAOs are permitted to operate via exemptions and delegations. The regulator gives me the rules via CAO 95.55. So a little bit of factual information will go a long way. We actually have more freedoms than GA. I must thank you there Teck. Not that I have to prove myself to you, but family was my decision to give it up after 7 years. If you want references, PM me, and I will even send you photos. Until then, show some respect and reserve your judgements, and I will do the same. Well not really when you know what you are doing. I used to cop that talk all the time. I used to say when I am flying low level, I know that tree or pole wont jump out at me. Yet we are quite willing to travel on a highway towards a B double in the dark at a closing speed of 210 km/h, and you cant tell me you are absolutely sure he will not cross on to your side of the road and wipe you and your family out. I love my legal low level flying. It is a skill set not just in flying, but risk and hazard management. AND IT'S LEGAL!!
  7. Double wing strut attachments. ..tick. Just need to check the rest. Id plate at the rear says 560
  8. My Sav was always registered as 544 kg as stated before coz it was Ra-aus old figure. After checking the id plate at the tail, I now good for 560kg. Woohoo!
  9. Yeah ya right Turbo....thats the only thing I see that was wrong with it. The reversal. Just defending professionals there....And to reiterate, I am not advocating anything illegal here. For those out there thinking of doing it, dont until you get trained.
  10. Teck, I guess you havn't been trained lucky yet by that statement. Like it or not there is a professional way to manage low level flying and thats why we get trained in risk management and hazard identification. And if it was never allowed then CASA would not have made rules to that effect with endorsements etc. The difference with wanna be's and professionals is the training. There are definitely areas not to fly low level at any stage without a proper plan. Just because you dont like the taste of vegemite, dont tell me I cant have it, coz I grew up on it. Probability is what will kill you, unless you are trained to reduce that probability which is very much achievable, and this has been endorsed by the very regulators that control us. No one is going to let me do brain surgery without the proper education and training, nor would I even try and do the training required. Its not for me, nor is it for many many people. Low ops are the same. Keep an open mind about low flying and dont ridicule those that do it professionally! Enjoy your lunch? Thank an Ag Pilot! Wear cotton? Thank an Ag Pilot!
  11. I always feel lucky....coz i am professionally trained.
  12. Continental 550, 300 hp, full throttle most of the day, hot temps at low level. We got the full 1500 TBO out of it no worries. Sure it's in the back of your mind, but these engines keep going.
  13. I got told a good way to be remembered around the traps. Put your face and details on a coffee mug and send them to your operators of choice. None of our clients crops got sprayed unless a coffee or two had been consumed, and like most ops rooms, coffee was always consumed wether you were flying or not. Just a thought. But best of luck.
  14. You have more chance of dying in your car there Teck....so maybe you should give that up........while you are still alive. Nobody is advocating anything illegal. Mine and others 'point' still stands. Sunshine Teck...sunshine!!
  15. Aww you guys are killing me!
  16. Bloody legend Frank. That's what I'm talking about. ...
  17. Won't be too hard Teckair, but my point is that this is a 'feel good' story and as usual it doesn't take long for a "Oh, but this could happen" remark to come out and rain on the parade. Can we just enjoy some sunshine on a cloudy day here for once? Good on ya Maj too....
  18. Geez Teckair...remind me to stay away from you. ... Beats ups that have gone wrong. ..now bent planes from passengers. ...Ya might be hanging around with the wrong crowd I think. Promote the sport!
  19. After a couple thousand hours at low level, I am qualified to say that it is the best fun you can have with your pants on! Come to think of it, it's even better than some fun I have had with my pants off!!!
  20. Already got mine Nev..... call it whatever, it's just low level flying. No worse than an aborted landing.
  21. I'm with you head in the clouds. ..... spot on.
  22. Thumbs up for the Sav fuel system. ..
  23. And it does. ..but bulk strip not mandatory, which was the original question. Hopefully never having to conquer that mountain.
  24. SL-912-015......Hmmmm....does it exist?
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