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Everything posted by rocket1172

  1. rocket1172

    Jab twin

    I love my central stick and have had plenty of people comment on it....in the Sav that is
  2. Living the dream
  3. rocket1172

    Jab twin

    "......then something needs to be done about the centre control. A point of contention with Jabs anyhow( as I see it)" Please explain?
  4. This one is interesting. Could be few reasons for it. I will be watching with interest.
  5. Filter! ...... My bull!@#t filter. It's chocka block after reading this thread!
  6. Well said Rank. We must resist this pussy society mentality and man up, accept responsibility and live it.
  7. Its a bloody cluster #%&ck isnt it. All this insurance talk. As aviators we accept a risk everytime we fly. Simple! Either we like it or not! I would say that as long as the thruster gets in and out, then I'm in. Waivers dont work, just ask the Essendon FC. You cannot cover every situation that might arise, nor should you have to. Nobody should be expecting anything other than what it is. A farm strip. We take responsibility to accept the risk of flying and everything that goes along with it that we choose to encounter, so this should not be any different. You will never be able to cater for the idiots and the inexperienced either. Its a sad state of affairs isn't it! I cant make the decision for you, except to say, try and keep these fly ins alive. I just wish we had more of these is Vic. Just my two bobs worth anyway!
  8. Right aileron, left wing stalled and dropped. Ouch!
  9. Man doing push ups in long grass, not necessarily doing push ups
  10. If it was that easy for the insurance companies to send out waivers, I am sure they would. You can read this 2 ways. Either the waivers are worth two dollops of goat #%it, or there is enough collusion in the industry to make it fair game mongst themselves. Cause we are the only ones that lose. Never them!
  11. Savannah 19-7149, tracking couch to the kitchen, 6', traffic sighted, no confliction!!
  12. http://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/glider-dies/story-e6frf7jo-1226315746848
  13. I sense all these have been written while the wife/girlfriends are not around? Thats the smartest way. My old boss used to stay stuff like that and when asked if he would say that when his wife was in the room, he would say " S#$t no!, I am much smarter than that"
  14. Ex GA, did my 5 hours in a Gazelle. The only endorsement I had to achieve was the low performance. All my other endorsments were carried straight over, including Pax, CSU, Retract, Low Level (Ex Ag 1), Tail Wheel, Nose Wheel, Cross Country, Radio and because I had my CPL, was not required to do the Human Factors section.
  15. Nothing wrong with your actions mate, I would have done the same thing. If you go out of the circuit, and sort the problem out, and find that just the fuse has popped, then its a simple solution to a problem that can upset your frame of mind at anytime. RKW is correct in one sense, flapless landings should be experienced, which after some problem solving, you might have to do. But as an ex GA pilot, I won't be landing after my landing gear circuit breaker pops (electrical problem)......not after exiting the circuit and trying to sort the problem out!!
  16. You can't beat the sound....the smell.....and the will and desire to be able to do it in the first place. I would love to put one in my Sav. Some things in life have to be done only because we can....they don't have to be truly feasible and logical. From what I have seen in the video, a constant speed prop (and a bloody good one!!) would have to be used to control that approach speed....
  17. Theory is taught, tasks are practiced, experienced gained. Prior planning is essential, but being prepared to change the plan and quickly adapt to an ever changing picture, is crucial. How many times have we gone out and painted a perfect picture for ourselves, only to be a little dejected when it doesn't pan out that way? It's different for me as an ex Aggie. You soon get experience after doing 60 take off and landings in one day. Pull out of paddock, lose airspeed, power off, white arc, full flap, 100 ft high, x-wind, a little downwind, airspeed good, prop pitch fine, no time for trimming, into wind wheel down first, then the rest, flaps up............Sorry, fell into a bit of a trance then. My point here is, that you don't need a stable approach for things to happen nicely at the pointy end. But when you are starting out, it is a good starting point. When your eyes are firmly planted at the end of the runway while flaring, who cares what happened on downwind and base.......its how you played the cards you were dealt. And to add fuel to the fire.......my previous description of the Ag landing does not lend itself to attitude controlling airspeed etc.......to me, (primrary effects of controls), power gives you speed.....and the stick always steers the damn thing!!!!!
  18. Good on ya mate!!! I just finished my conversion from GA to RA, and it feels great to have the wings back! Enjoy the fruits of your labour.
  19. Picking up my baby tomorrow (14/7)
  20. G'day Gordo, was supposed to head up to Gladstone this week and fly it back, but we have had a few people leave at work so have had to put it back to next month, so I am hoping to have it here mid July. Then the fun begins!!! :big_grin: I will keep you posted and we can organise a meeting sometime. Rod.
  21. Oops, forgot to put the office in!!
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