Taking a break from construction and doing what I really like.
My thoughts on the Rotax 912 . First I wish the Japanese built one but anyway we will have to put up with Austrian engines for now.
2010 or 2011 not quite sure. 1740 hrs and it's mine.
Pulled it apart and first impressions are it's made so simple and easy to work on. Not all orings seal perfectly which is normal for a European engine thus it's not as oil tight as is should be. Cooling system has quite a few leaks. Yep it's not Japanese. Inside the cooling system is perfect. Nil corrosion. Inside the engine is also very good. No sludge but at oil change intervals and how it's used I would expect better. The lifters are worn. I blame the oil for this. The oil rings are badly carboned up as is the heads and piston crowns. Bore pistons rockers valve seats guides etc show virtually no wear at all. The cam is fine upon initial inspection and will go around again. The front reduction unit is also perfect. Inlet valves are perfect and the exhaust have some marking but are now fine after a very light lap. Overall if this engine had better oil it would be only just run in at these hrs. The carbs also look perfect albeit very dirty etc. The oil pump is also like new. So lifters. Valve stem seals. Maybe a light home. Valves lapped. Some oil control rings new gaskets and seals and would be very disappointed if it didn't do those hrs again.