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Everything posted by Lyndon

  1. On the floor ??? Main concern is it comes out through the hole in the top skin where an elevator cable comes out. What to get my length right
  2. I'm running my trim wiring in the fuse prior to final riveting. I'm thinking it comes out the top of the top skin under the the little cover that is front of the fin. I have some dimensions but no instructions. From there I will run it to the battery ?? Lyndon
  3. Nope more the way it all fits. Plates overlap and tend to bend in shape when rivets pulled
  4. Skid a bit ordinary. I'm sure this correct but it's a little agricultural. Lyndon
  5. Bought enough
  6. First person I asked was Reg. Nope doesn't stock them anymore
  7. No mean feat getting those rivets in Adelaide. But I found a place. Now my car has decided to play up. Next week onto it again more rivets. Lyndon
  8. No worries. I will chase the correct ones up Thanks Lyndon
  9. Bottom of fuselage. Skins corner with a longeron inside and out ??
  10. Rivet advice. I have bought some longer a4 rivets. They are plain without the center grab section. See left rivet. Kit a4 is in the middle and kit a5 on the right. I have asked one person who said they Will be fine. But before I get riveting I need a hug and someone else to tell me these are fine to use on my aircraft. ??? Thoughts Thanks Lyndon
  11. Another day. Will have look for the rivets. Fingers crossed Lyndon
  12. I have yet to use a a 5 flush rivet do the kits must use very few. Seeing I haven't seen one yet
  13. Very true. But I can't find a5 flush rivets yet. But saying that I have found every thing else I couldn't find. Lyndon
  14. I've run out of the long 1/8th rivets for the fuselage bottom. Are these specific or can I just buy them locally. Lyndon
  15. Flush a5 rivets in this section. I can't seem to find any in my kit but a bigger concern is that can one really make it truly flush. Why wouldn't I drill another two holes in the bottom plate and just rivet it all with a5. From what I can see they must want the upper hinge captive ??? Lyndon
  16. Found em. Thanks
  17. Thanks will look in that section
  18. I have looked everywhere in my manual. No mention of fit these or even a pic. I can find them in the parts list. Sg011 x2. They look like they belong here and hold the inspection panel. Am I correct ??? Lyndon
  19. I think I have the fuse sorted. Those home made bars did the trick. Most of the issues at the front with double longerons. Off to Melbourne now so Monday I reckon I can rivet it all up fingers crossed. Best part of a week setting up this fuse. Lyndon
  20. Well I was to have the colour on the rudder alerons stabilizer elevator and fin but I'm waiting on my solid rivet dies to finish them. I've done my wheels and landing gear and struts in colour. I may have an engine fingers crossed. Lyndon
  21. Yep but I can't do the wings yet as I'm waiting on tanks
  22. I've got wings to do. Be a while yet I'm sure
  23. Correct. Thus the longeron is only primed on the inside. The outside will be rubbed and primed just prior to painting. Lyndon
  24. I dip all my rivets in the same two pack primer. I'm thinking that should work ??? Lyndon
  25. I agree. Havnt drilled it yet. Having another look and running a measure over skin vs the holes. The tape is telling me I will fit. Time to have a cuppa
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