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Everything posted by Lyndon

  1. Time to drill another rivet I think. The bottom lonererons are side specific. On these the rivets are off set except where a rib joins them. See pic one. Now on the rib a where it meets the longeron at rib a the holes are off set. There is no way in the world I can rivet the rib to the longeron see pic two. Thinking just drill another hole for an extra rivet. Thoughts. Lyndon
  2. Will do at bunnings now. My tyres arrived from the states today. Happy as. $40 bucks from USA to Adelaide. Have to be happy with that.
  3. I will see if I can get them locally. Lyndon
  4. No never heard of it. But I'm pretty sure of what it will look like. Will get onto it . Thanks Lyndon
  5. Will do. The fuse is just miss behaving as all the rivets don't line up. Especially the A and B rib. I want it cleacoed before rivets. Lyndon
  6. Ta. The fuse is a bit of work. Alignment of rivets seems to be a job and a half. In a day or two hopefully it will be done. Lyndon
  7. Front lower hatch fixing support question. What am I missing. How does this work. Is it bent over to catch the lip. A rod installed to make a hinge. Nothing in my manual except rivet it the hatch ??? Lyndon
  8. Nope it's almost done 2000.
  9. Thoughts on a 100 hp Rotax out of hours at a flying school. Soft start 2009 all serviced by a lame. Or is second hand to be avoided. Lyndon
  10. Bloody manual. Parts list for the rear fuselage. All primed and ready to go. Then during assembly all these other parts are required. If I went by the manual you button up the skins then you can't fit these angulars. Luckily I haven't riveted it all up. But I now need to set up and prime again. No economy of scale. Lyndon
  11. Thanks will have a look at that Lyndon
  12. Great I shall get riveting. Any tips on the trim wiring through the fuse ?? Lyndon
  13. So what your saying is I can go ahead and rivet up the fuselage skins and leave the elevator cables for a later date when I fit the tail. ?? Thanks Lyndon
  14. Now jumping a step. If I close up the fuse. Including the cargo area wiring for the trim and I have the rudder cables. I will be able to fit the elevator cables ok afterward s Lyndon
  15. No I haven't found any plate yet. I'm just sorting the wiring so it misses the cables etc. The manual shows all sorts of extra prices on the fuse which arnt in the parts list. So I will chase up the wiring the extra parts and prime them before I rivet up the fuse. If any one has a pic of their loom it would be a great help. Lyndon
  16. Incredible penny just dropped. Lyndon
  17. Don't match
  18. This is doing my head in. Minor problem the ribs a and b don't quite line up with the bottom skin. The big thing is I can't make sense of the angulars the bottoms make no sense. Holes are completely mis matched. I'm sure it's me but can't seem to work it out Lyndon
  19. Thanks. Will double check. I believe I fitted them correct but will check with the skins. Thanks Lyndon
  20. I will do all that. But the battery. What is the advantage of fitting in the rear. I'm thinking lithium ion in where the kit suggests. ???
  21. Probably not as much as I'm asking. Lyndon
  22. One question. Button up the fuse. Nothing I need to do. Eg cables wiring. ??? All can be done easily afterwards. ??? Lyndon
  23. Happy with it. Time to relax now. One question. Seems to make sense to leave one side off and rivet up three sides. For acces etc. But I'm guessing the answer is get all four clecoed then rivet.
  24. From what I know and have leant. Taking in mind I have just started mine. Take your time. Read the manual and ask lots of questions. Reason being every time you make a mistake and have to un pick rivets you compromise the hole. Be careful. Very careful. Does not matter how good you are they don't like being drilled out. Believe me I'm an expert I've drilled out lots. Lyndon
  25. I'm no expert but all the time is in preparation. Eg getting it ready for primer. It's a lot of work. It makes a nice job if go this way. Remember don't prime painted surfaces as prime to top coat has as 36 hour window. So you will be priming on primer. Weight is not good. Depends on what you use but wet on wet will eliminate sanding the primer. Lyndon
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