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Everything posted by Lyndon

  1. Did you rub it flat dry or wet. Two pack rub it dry with a much corser paper than say acrylic. Should rub easy as. Two pack can be painted with much corser prep work Lyndon
  2. My. Two cents. You can't paint without keying it. I used Brown 3m about 300 quite corse. Easy fast leaves a great key. Six hrs before painting wipe with metho. Use a two pack. finish is superb. I use a 1 mm nozzle hvlp touch up gun. Perfect for 90 percent and a little slow on the big stuff. Fine finish and you can keep the primer to minimum. Going to all that trouble worth another 5 mins work with two pack Just be careful not to loose your part numbers. Lyndon
  3. Makes sense. Thanks Lyndon
  4. Outer. Angles ??? Meaning the four corner longerons ???
  5. Gunna have a go at mocking up the fuselage skins today on the ribs. Looks awkward. Any tips. Thanks Lyndon
  6. Yep I have already fitted a5 rivets . Found that out pretty much on the first one Thanks Lyndon
  7. Sorted. Thanks two points in front of the three ribs. Lyndon
  8. Thanks. Looks like number four block goes in between the ribs and the control longeron. Will have another look. Lyndon
  9. Then I seem to have one block left over. I have five of them. ??
  10. Ribs ??? A question. Manual is a little vague. On the cables. One nylon block on the rear of each rib. 4 5 and 6. The a block on both sides of the longeron ??? Thanks Lyndon
  11. Fantastic. Lazy using the net but for me to get that answer from manual would take a week. Thanks Lyndon
  12. Outer Aldrin ???. I take it this is drilled when fitting on the wings. My manual shows a hole in it to bolt to the inner aleron ??? Thanks Lyndon
  13. This way I think ??
  14. Thanks. Save me trying to figure it out.
  15. No worries. Cup of tea and I will have another look. If not A 4 will be fine ??? I read and if I'm correct. The alerons are staggered 16 mm. Eg not in line when fitted to the wings ??? Lyndon
  16. I'm doing the alerons. The tip looks like it's done with a3 rivets. Can't seem to find them anywhere. Am I missing something or is it just a matter of getting some rivets. If so are these the only parts that require them so I know what quantity to get. Lyndon
  17. Reg has advised it happens. Counter sunk rivets is the fix. I have also gently with a block of wood taken another 1mm of the leading edge in the middle. All good now. Thanks Lyndon
  18. A better pic. You can see the leading edge to. Sharp as there in no rib. This makes it protrude Lyndon
  19. Leading edge of the elevator is not straight. No ribs in in the center so on the edge it's wide and in the center it's not as wide thus its about a 4 mm woof. A fix anyone ??? Lyndon
  20. Under side. Either the elevator or stabilizer has a woof in the middle Lyndon
  21. Thanks Lyndon
  22. Snap. My pivot s had the same part number Today I also discovered that I had a 50 50 chance and also got em wrong
  23. Hard to see how close it is. The radius is quite sheltered ???
  24. At this stage yes. I have had a quick look. Can't see anything that could be fitted backwards etc. But after a big sleep tomorrow is another day for a fresh look Lyndon
  25. Just rubs on the rivet. My concern is its so close. In the air with load on it it may still rub without knowing how much clearance should be there while static. I would have thought about 3 or 4 mm minimum. I have zero now so it's a lot to find .
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