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Everything posted by Lyndon

  1. Thanks for that. Jumping ahead what limits the elevator travel. I have fitted all the controls now. Quite an engineering marvel. All works perfectly and it fits Lyndon
  2. Gday. Does anyone have a used set lying around. I bought my engine used and I don't have them. They are way over priced new. Happy to pay a reasonable price. Thanks Lyndon Ps I couldn't find a sell and buy in the forums.
  3. Do I fit bolts and lock nuts here. ?? Or is pretty much good for travel as is. I can't find anything in the manual. Lyndon
  4. I was thinking that. Pretty sure there won't be a next time but. Lyndon
  5. Well I riveted the right side. Bolted the left. With the nuts loose I placed the flapperon in position. Then did the nuts up. I couldn't rivet it as I only have the pneumatic one. If I did have an issue I would have a hell of time drilling them out. This way it can be removed easily. Well as easy as it will ever be.I now need a day off for back to recover Lyndon
  6. Ok will give it a go. The rivit gun actually fit ??. I will limber up and give it a go. Thanks Lyndon Rick the rod arrived. Thanks again
  7. I have a question. I'm working in the hole under the plane and have just done all my fuel lines. I must admit this is a lot of fun ?? Oh to be young and fit. My manual states to rivet the brackets on. This is easy without the flapperon unit and impossible with it in place. Before I go and rivet the two brackets ?? They will I take it flex enough for the flapleron unit to be squeezed in between the two brackets. Thanks Lyndon
  8. Amazing. To begin with I thought something was wrong
  9. Just aligned my pedals . After building it this far I just noticed when sighting up my front wheel the engine is of set about 20 mm. It occurs in the engine mount. Someone smarter than me will tell me why ??? Lyndon
  10. Undercarriage works well
  11. I'm not a painter but what I have learnt is make sure you have a decent size nozzle on your gun for the big parts when you want a nice finish. One dry and one wet will do the top coat. Also filter every bit of paint before going in the gun. Lyndon
  12. Excellent.
  13. Wow interesting engine. Are you building that your self or buying one done ??
  14. Every bit of my plane is primed in two pack. Have glued onto that. I don't know how much will dissapate but the glue is not light. I'm fitting a big prop. I'm sure it will be slow but it will climb. My thoughts are it will weigh what it will. Saying that I'm keeping every thing to a minimum Lyndon
  15. As per pic.
  16. Carpet then pedals ??? I figure once it is synched down it will be fine ??
  17. I bought a large spray can of sika adhesive. Quite surprised how little I got done with the can. At almost 20.bucks a can I got the sika in a one litre and now brush it on. It's actually better. Less mess cheap and and I dont have to mask up.
  18. Sydney filters. They will post em to you. B7165
  19. Some progress with the controls. My elevator rod was rubbing on my main reinforcement for the main wheels in the tunnel. After lots of deliberation I flattened it slightly. Very happy with the outcome. Fitting my carpet now. Nice to do something that is very straight forward and you can't get wrong Lyndon
  20. My rudder cables to my pedals have a Bush sc134 ??? Does any one have dimensions of this Bush. The photo in manual could not be more out of focus. It also has no mention of bolt size. Any help would be great. Lyndon Ps I know its wrong the way I have it
  21. I have fitted the pedals and I'm very happy with the outcome. Keeping in mind I don't have a rudder yet ???. I can push the pedals in a either direction far to far. I would have thought a stop would be on the front wheel. I'm hoping there is a stop on the rudder and cables will be my stop left to right ??? Lyndon
  22. Pedal positions. The pedals are positioned as per the adjustment on the steering arms. Any thoughts on where they should be for you who have been there done that. They seem to be pretty much at 90 degrees to the floor with the arms pretty much bottomed out. I'm fairly tall so I can make them further away a bit. Lyndon
  23. Thanks for that. I have all the fittings except for my carbs and fuel pump as I got a used 100 hp. Lyndon
  24. What are you guys using for the carby fuel line outlets by 2. Just an ordinary brass barb with some sealer ???. My Rotax manual lists nothing really. I did read that the fuel lines to the pump is 5/16 and from there it's 1/4 to the carbs. Thoughts ?? Lyndon
  25. Think it's not going in. Well at least for now. Lyndon
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