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Everything posted by Tasmag

  1. Might be worth checking, I swapped the gauge out and was getting really good leak Down numbers, but when tested against another, and checked the orifice, it was always going to give 80/78's😀
  2. I purchased this exact kit, total POS. (Not from there, and not that price though) The orifice size looks like it was blown out with Oxy! Been meaning to fix it but haven't bothered yet. (Using a loaner instead) Mike
  3. No, only in unfortunately.
  4. Sratux is a good option for the MGL iEfis, talks to it via RS232 and gives audio warnings based on height and distance you set. Total cost of about $120. (possibly a little more post COVID, I haven't checked recently) Mike
  5. Thanks Nev, looked at this option a while ago but wasn't happy with the ratings compared to the likely surge current when jump starting from a Lithium jump pack. Just a quick edit - I hadn't considered using a starter that is only energised at time of use (by the start pack), was looking at continuous duty, your suggestion will work fine. Ill be giving it a go. Mike
  6. What relay do you use to supply the jump start connector that will survive the starting current required for jump starting a dead battery?
  7. Great idea, been wanting this for ages when outside vnc areas.
  8. Try these, of the Jabiru website. https://jabiru.net.au/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/JPM3L01-5.pdf https://jabiru.net.au/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/JPM0001-6.pdf
  9. Tasmag

    Field tank liner

    Thanks onetrack, I'll try UK, but it's the Australian end that is the problem as I understand it. Worth a try though. Mike
  10. Tasmag

    Field tank liner

    I am looking for 2 bottles of the fuel tank Kreem that Jabiru used for lining the wing tanks. Unfortunately not able to be sourced in Australia anymore, was hoping someone has some laying around. Mike
  11. Another option is to purchase an Iridium sat phone, new or used, and if you are on Telstra (postpaid) your current sim can be used for calls and texts. Won't need a plan for this, but do have the inconvenience of swapping the sim. Calls were about $3 a minute and texts 75c last I checked. You have to enable your plan for international calling as well.
  12. They should be charged
  13. Unfortunately the WAC's aren't available though.
  14. What do the brains trust think of the attached pic. This is a Jabiru Gen4 - unleaned. It shows that the EGT on No6 starts at highest for full power, and then drops to lowest when pulled to cruise setting. At the same time No6 CHT, which is the blue line at bottom of page, that starts high and drops to the lowest. I am thinking that No 6 is running lean-ish at all times and then really leans away when power is reduced. The chart also shows later in the flight (yellow circle) where No6 does the opposite to the other cylinders at different power settings. Induction leak maybe? Mike
  15. Not quite correct, trespass is trespass, the power of arrest is only available if the person refuses to leave (Not the same in all states though). You can be charged with trespass by summons even if you leave when asked. ( pretty confident that is Australia wide)
  16. The horizont stab angle of incidence did change from the early 230/430 models, which may make some difference as well. Went from 3° down, to 1.5° down from memory. Might also be worth looking at the springs on the trim mech, I think the newer ones are a bit stiffer. Mike
  17. RFguy, Always make sure I am inside the envelope by adding water containers in the baggage area as needed. Never had an issue with trim when inside the envelope. Mike
  18. RFguy, Don't currently have any ballast, but 5kg would be handy with some loadings. (Jabiru 430). Mike
  19. RFguy, Out of interest is the ventral ballast inside the ventral fin is a lead shot/resin mix. I've been trying to work through a removable 5kg ballast system that doesn't rely on the ventral fin attachments. Mike
  20. Here is one I use, adapted from a South African version I found. 760 KG load sheet.xls
  21. The front seats should be -12 in your spreadsheet I think, it is the only station in front of the datum. I think what confused me was the addition of a header tank and the same fuel listed in the wing tank calculations. 135l in wings and 5l in header. Normally the aircraft is weighed with header fuel and not included in the weight and balance because it is considered unusable fuel. Mike
  22. RFguy, shouldn't the front seats be a negative figure on the 230D, and aren't the wing tanks only 65L (But they may take more I suppose)? Mike
  23. I wonder how he will feel about all the monday morning quarterbacks deciding what he did wrong!
  24. Yes, just used old styrofoam and very thin fibreglass sheet. Would mean a respray of the altered surface though. Would actually be possible to moud up an insert that would be able to epoxied inside, without any changes externally. Mike
  25. I have also seen people covering with white Gaffa tape to achieve a similar result. I filled mine with foam and then a very thin layer of fibreglass. Mike
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