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Everything posted by Tasmag

  1. Should that ban include the use of other acronyms, ICAO for a start!
  2. I went the VH route and found it to be cheaper than RAA, no ongoing registration and membership of SAAA saves me about 1K on insurance. Not sure why you believe SAA are biased toward RV's, I didn't build one and couldn't have had a better experience. Looking at the costs of rego with RA and membership, I am way in front going the VH route. Mike
  3. Still only useful in 3g service area though. The ADSB-pi fixes that. Limited range though! Mike
  4. I have only ever used Ozrunways, but this capability is something that would make me take a second look at Avplan. Mike
  5. I do the opposite, I have a self designed aircraft log book that I had permanently bound. Still much cheaper that buying one and I can eliminate a lot of unnecessary parts. Pilot log book I do electronically and bind as needed. I'm not 100 % positive but I think the aircraft log book (VH reg) had to be bound while the pilot log book just had to be printed if CASA want to see it. May be different for RAA though. Mike
  6. If you use the ADSBPi device that was on the Ozrunwsys website a while ago you don't need premium to get ADSB paints. That was the case prior to OR8, can't confirm now as I have premium. Mike
  7. Kyle Thanks for that, is there anything too look out for? Mike
  8. Kyle I have a Gen 4 and would really like a heads up on problems that you are aware of. Mike
  9. I guess the question is however many have died from over reliance on GPS, compared to some use is DR. I have been using GPS since they were commercially available, spent the first decade decrying their use and forcing the use of map and compass as primary, and the last decade embracing the convenience and accuracy! I'm sure the use of VOR etc was considered cheating once! Mike
  10. I would think a big part of it could be to see what your oil has been doing. Without a bottle you wouldn't know if it was burning or expelling it.
  11. How is it that the weather had any impact, the draw was only available for online ticket sales. These would have been completed prior to the weekend, and weather, I assume.
  12. Except you wouldn't call a stonr cutter when you needed help, but would be quick to critique any response that didn't fit your narrow view, and experience.
  13. A quick update, should has said 19 rego, not 55.
  14. I have not long finished a build through SAAA, they were very good in all aspects. VH rego means it would be easier to access controlled airspace, from memory 55 rego requires specific approval from CASA.
  15. Jamie at jabiru is flying a 430 twin, has been for a while.
  16. An attempt to convince themselves that they aren't as powerless as they know they are. Some would suggest it is related to appendage size. Either way it closely related to impotence - physically, emotionally or intellectually.
  17. Kyle Didn't know that Stratux works on standard licence, it may just be the AHRS functionality that requires the premium then. (I fitted a GPS chip and AHRS to mine to see how it went, the GPS is great, the AHRS not so much - has a lot of drift) I went back through my saved files, unfortunately I only have the Pi3 version saved. Might need to find someone with an old working version to clone. Mike
  18. That's the one problem with not being able to turn off your position in Ozrunways, and still receive other aircraft positions. I do, however, understand why they require it.
  19. Having thought about it a little more I suspect that the levels and latency aren't as big a problem as first thought, I have seen double paints where there is an OZ icon and an ADSB icon for the same aircraft. The paints are all but overlaid on each other and the altitude differences are negligible. Doesn't mean that they will always match though. Mike
  20. Franky I had assumed this was accounted for as ozrunways only gives a relative altitude difference, referenced to your current level. Bit if a trap if it isn't. Mike
  21. Kyle A bit late in the reply but the stratux works a treat on both ozrunways and the iEfis. If you use the stratux you have to have the premium ozrunways, but if you use the adsbpi version it works on the standard licence in Ozrunways. Mike
  22. If all comes down to the difference between 'must' and 'should' in casa wording. The 200mm minimum is a 'should' and therefore not a requirement, only a recommendation.
  23. The point I was making that I didn't assume these things, or anything else about the cause of the incident until I am made aware of the facts. And I wouldn't be surprised at all if the occupants of the aircraft told the people on the ground what happened, they usually do!
  24. Maybe he knows something we don't about the cause of the forced landing.
  25. I would be surprised if it is a regulator as the battery should supply voltage even if that goes offline for some reason. Could it be as simple as the connections in the Master switch or Avionics Switch, assuming it is standard Jabiru Wiring. The other option would be a faulty avionics or master Circuit breaker. just thinking about it as I type I am leaning toward the circuit breaker as an option. Mike
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