Well!! I have looked at alternative engines for years. The E-Tec engine was launched in 2003 so isn't as new as you think. I`m not surprised BRP have put it in a snowmobile as expected they might have produced E-Tec micro light engines as you may be aware that aircraft engines have always had the problem, if you want more power then you need a bigger engine a bigger engine causes problems as you have added weight so it becomes a negative. but if you have a light weight engine producing more power then you are on a positive which is much needed. the advantage of a two stroke is it fires on every stroke so more power! a big plus is fewer components too! less to go wrong.
BRP are well aware of producing an E-Tec aero engine I`m quite sure and expect to see one in the near future.
The E-Tec engine has many uses for just about anything you can think of. Hovercraft. Racing cars (Kit) it would replace the much loved R1 engine.
There are many reasons why these are not put into everything.
Think of the spare parts that they would not be producing. Replacement engines etc etc so why would you want to produce a replacement for all your engines and shoot yourselves in the foot due to lost parts revenue and so I could go on! but this is another subject.
I`m pleased to see I can buy an E-Tec engine off the shelf as this was not available 5 yrs ago when it was only available as an outboard.