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Everything posted by Phildo

  1. Thanks Scotty, I wasnt aware of the Jim Wills plan set. I will check it out. I think I have gotten a general impression from the photos on your site mate, so that will do for now (I just have to order a set eh?) And yes mate, I agree. I love the fantasic plastics for their technology and engineering, however nothing draws my attention faster then the rag and tube stuff. However, I am well aware that the Piet, although simple in design, is quite a build (some, like me think thats a good thing!!). I may just well follow you in your footsteps mate -and ask you some more questions!! Thanks for the reply... Phil
  2. Actually Scotty, I just looked a bit more into your website and saw the plans in the back ground. I see the a laser quality. Are they detailed?? Cheers mate, Phil.
  3. Scotty, Hey mate. I have been lurking around the Piet idea for years. Good to hear you got a good supply of spruce. I was wondering, did you order the complete plans (option 9) plus flying and gliding manuals? I take it your going with the three piece wing? I might join you on this journey even yet!! Piet's are such lovely looking aircraft but man, its a real project! I would love to see a section of the plan detail. Do you think you could snap a portion and upload a bit to see? Good on you again mate.... Its great to see another build going on. P.s ... I see your a member of the SAAA. Do you intend to RAA register or VH through the SAAA? So many questions (sorry! ) Phil, Brisbane.
  4. Thalass, Yes, unpopular as the age/maturity of new pilots seek out the more comfortable and sleek machines (mostly for their partners sake!!) Further to this, training machines need to be commerically built as per CAO's unless the AC was built by the owner (and try and find an instructor who will jump in!!) Still, there will always be 'the few' who enjoy the lighter side of the RAA spectrum... I know I enjoy seeing both although I do favour the 95.10 beasties .... Phil.
  5. Nothing heard yet. I guess eventually someone will let us know of her circumstances. Do we have her name yet? Must have hit hard, poor lady. Phil.
  6. Does anyone know what happened? Type? Is the female pilot ok? Early days yet but could someone shed some light on the crash? I hope she is doing ok. Thoughts go out to family and friends ..... Phil.
  7. You can get the DVD from most 'EzyDVD' type stores - they're gone bust now but some stores operate privately. I got mine for about $10.oo .... Its titled .. Discovery Home and Leisure A Plane is Born ... 200 mph Europa XS kit aircraft Distributed by 'DUKE'. www.dukevideo.com Its not bad, I agree with BlackRod ... he is a bit of a tosser. A little bit on the pommie geeza side if you ask me. Anyway ... you still get excited when it maidens (who doesnt!) Phil.
  8. Good question on airshows. Basically there is always an 'operation order' which outlines that intel officers are to be on the look out over zealous persons photographing 'unusual' items like the main switchboard ect. I was told by a security police officer that you can do a lot of damage with a single blow with a hammer in the right place on a certain aircraft .... hence they are guarded operationally by airfield defence guards (as are the Pilots who are escorted to the planes). These are strategic assets vital to the nations security and not show ponies - but the defence needs public awareness and hence the airshows. Obviously the Defence are between a rock and a hard place with security during the airshows. Having a little to do with the last Amberley show I can tell you there is a lot of planning involved years out before the day. I personally have done a stack of displays of warships, armoured vehicles and other hardware and the Australian public are very respectfull not to probe to much. You just have to desensitise your display and yet make it interesting to public for their support and understanding. Besides ... who doesnt love an air show right?!! May common sense prevail. I believe you can find the exact legislation under a search of the Defence Force Displine Act for photographing bases. Basically - dont do it under normal circumstances and you wont get imbrassed by the Police (military or civil) who may start asking you questions. However I dont think mum and dad snapping a shot of the gates at Kapooka where little Johnie is doing his basic are gunna get picked up by ASIS (for the time being!!!!!)
  9. The short answer is 'Yes' in Queensland ... HOWEVER, This is normally for establishments and usually close ups like of entry to doors, personel, vehicles ect. A shot up at about 2000 feet may not be in the spirit of the legislation considering this may be accessed by Google maps. I cant find the legistlation however it would be under the prisons act or something. You definately cannot photograph a military base either - period. I remember when I was in the Army a contracted air survey crew telephoned staying they were taking shots for one of the mapping companies and we moved all of the armoured vehicles under the covered hangers. My 2cents however I am not a lawyer .... god forbid!
  10. Gezz man! That was quick!!! I'd hate to be around when you have a really strong desire!!! Alright, Savannah it is then. Bloody hell .... 9 days from post to purchase! (Its taken me 6 months to decide on buying plans!!!!) Nice work ... enjoy the build mate. Lucky bugger. (If you need a workshop monkey .... Im your man!!) Phil.
  11. Just curious Vorticity .... Why have you listed the sonex kit for sale in the classifieds? I'll ask around in Brisbane for you mate as I know one bloke who might help ..... Although no promises. Is the kit in one large box about 3 pallet lenghts? Phil I will send a PM if successful. Might take a couple of days to catch up with him - I'll give it a go ...
  12. Ahhhhhh ........... The black arts of the RC modeller. As I am still active in the model scene I see alot of very fine work done by these strange little men in their sheds that we all secretly admire. I saw a bloke I knew buy a plastic kit from a toy shop and 'weeks' later he brought the 1/4 scale version to the field for its madien. Its unbelieveable to think he could upscale and build soooo fast. He said he just used the model and its drawings and photocopyed up to size and he went from there. Nice work on this jet though. He needs a mid life crisis and a step up to real flying. Phil...
  13. Example .... Phil.
  14. Thanks Wotbak .... I too believe that the mini kits are the go. I will most likely PM with a few basic questions on the mini max build - nothing to serious - just local info as there are a lot of threads in the US. Cheers mate, Phil
  15. Thanks gents ... I guess Boonah is out of the question. Cheers JG, sounds like a fair deal, I am tyre kicking with the maths at the moment ... Thankyou for the response. Phil
  16. Looking at the figures to house a mini max near Brisbane. I know these things are sometimes a bit of an 'gentleman’s agreement' and figures aren’t often spoken about (aloud) - but how much is hanger space per month or fortnight? I'll throw it out there for those who know to respond!! (my apologies if this subject has been raised and posted to death elsewhere - pse let me knowi_dunno) Cheers, Phil
  17. Kits or plans?? Question with JDT mini max .... Is it better to buy the kit from the US or go with plans and local supplies? I was thinking the mini kits. http://www.jdtmini-max.com/aboutouraircraft.php I have being putting off starting since 2001 when Sebora Pty Ltd sent me a heap of material. Well the time is getting closer and I feel now I can commit to the project over time. I have stuffed around building enough building/flying RC models to at least get a feel for wood strength basics and techniques (Still love my models ...dont get me wrong .. Just ready to build a bit bigger!) Any thoughs? Phil
  18. That's only because they're on the viagra from Friday arvo !!!! Seriously, I would have to agree.... gliding is something, although time intensive, that really appeals to some, me included. The simple pleasures of life .. eh? Phil
  19. Warick eh??? May just do that Nath. Cheers Phil
  20. Yes Ozz, I once saw a sapphire thermal over mangalore once .... couldnt believe it!! Pure gliding is what I am after - the hunt for the thermal appeals.
  21. Thanks fellas, Interesting to see uniformity in pricing to a degree. I will go for another flight this coming w/e to get a feel for it again. Damn addictive stuff these gliders. Dont know what it is.... but I feel I want more!!! My problem is as a shift worker - I only get MAYBE 2 weekends of a month if lucky. I am concerned at my ability to help out at the club on the rostered days, and of course my availability for the whole day (I'm a copper - shifts change daily and call outs happen.) Phil.
  22. HA! I no do agen!!! What a lovely story to tell him when he has his own children. Nice photo mate. Phil
  23. From Jay kay, Firstly, Giday mate. Yes, now that I look at your post I would agree with you. I was thinking at the time of a FEW select people known to me who are employed by the police who have adopted the 'I'm a underpaid Public Servant, therefore I will do as little as possible' types that ruin the good work of the majority. I guess I was far too broad in my opion when typing the post. And no, I dont look down on anyone anymore. Everybody, including the offenders, can teach you something about something. I learnt that from the Army many years ago where the young diggers with the up to date info would give a lecture to the senior officers who listened intently and respectfully AND would act on their advice. I believe to be a good police officer, you need to have plently of life experience otherwise you may just well start looking down at people (or worst still - get big headed). I see it everyday from people who started in the job at a very young age. I'm not perfect i_dunno either mind you !!!! (read - grumpy bugger!!!) Phil.
  24. Thanks Bob, What's the tug costs out of interest?? Phil
  25. I would love to soar ..... However gliding is time expensive and all day at the field is a bit much these busy days. I can book a flight with the school, 7 days a week and fly for an hour or two and be home for lunch. Easy. Gliding, turn up, sign the book. Wait, help out ect. ect for a few flights. Its a shame because gliding is really what I am looking for - simple joys of flying. Life is a comprimise. My 2c. Phil.
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