Now I know right off the bat that this is going to stir the nest - the empty nesters anyway!!!:big_grin:
Now I've got your attention - I would like to draw your attention to the prolific greying force that is popping up everywhere!!!! Like speed cameras in the holiday period - you don’t see these buggers until its tooo late !!!!
What I mean is these cashed up, tanned, healthy looking, expensive European car driving individuals are taking over. With time on their sides and a mortgage long since being converted in investment properties and managed funds hedging inflation and rising living costs ..... these fella's are like oil barrons looking for good time in a third world country!!!
Everywhere I go there is a Triple B, "Bl**dy Baby Boomer" talking up the big talk with a fist full of cash and wink in his eye that screams at me "I bet you'd love to own this too, would'nt ya mate!". Of course he is standing next the latest and greatest toy.
Of course by toy I mean, a brand spanking new LSA, that being a 300+ knot, hair on fire machine with matching leather seats with a surround stereo system with a GPS/NAV system that plugs into your backside and gives you a hologram image in your eyeball of the terrain at night in fog with 100% reliability.
Which brings me to the crux of my tale.
My other great aviation love is model aircraft (poor man's flying??). . The other day I was yet again counting the beans in my penny jar for some real Drifter type 'flying money' to release me from my earth bound woes. Thwarted in my fortnightly quest of expendable cash I went to my other interest/mistress and grabbed one of my more favorite scale plane and gear and went to the local model club in Brissie.
(a simple formula for working out 'flying money' is as follows;)
PAY $$$$ minus
EQUALS = MARRIED MANS FLYING MONEY (enough to at least get a bus ticket to the airstrip usually - but only one way!!)
Low and behold, I turned up at my model club to see a troop of yet again ... European sedans with models in tow. And when I mean tow … I mean TOW !!(Have a look at pictures below!!)
Strewth!!! What’s a bloke to do. A bloke being in the age group of 25 – 45 years. We're suppose to be the COOL KIDS ON THE BLOCK…. NOT YOU FOGEY’S WITH YA SLICK WAYS AND MEANS !!!!(And deep pockets too!!)
There was a time when us younger blokes revelled in the fact THAT AT LEAST WE HAD THE HAIR AND COULD PULL THE CHICKS!!!! NOW ... NOT SO, VIAGRA and Ashley bl**dy Martin fixed that too!!!
Throw me bone here … but can you Yuppie older folk with your chino’s in the right hand and your latest I-pod phones in your left (with the European sedan car keys in your hip pocket – next to your gold visa in your wallet) cut me a break and at least look like you’re a frail old barst**d fearful of being in gods waiting room!! I mean even your old dreary old wives are starting to look hot!!! What’s the go with that !!!
AAHAAAAA …. I give up. You’re too good. One day ….. I’m gunna get me that European car and slick carbon fiber speed machine and get my Million dollar hamburger, from Byron of course.
To quote the RAA web site;
Our purpose
To foster, encourage and continually improve the safe, responsible flight activities of powered recreational and sports aircraft within an easily accessible and low cost environment
At least I can always just stare at your shiney new purchase at the field - that is if you dont mind the drool. Never a pretty look.
Some say that if your that worried about the cash - you shouldnt by flying. I say - that didnt stop the Hinkler flying across the planet did it ?? He worked for several years to get the Avro.
I put it to the peanut gallery.
And yes ... I await the broad side from my grey elders who must be in the majority here!! :big_grin::big_grin::black_eye::black_eye::yuk: Let's hear from the fiscally challenged middle aged men out there who have crook necks from always looking upwards .... (I doubt it though ... their to busy working to pay the mortgage, maintenance, ect .. ect to read this!!)
Of course, this is all said tongue in cheek, I just want to have your stuff - except your prostate check ups ;)!!! And be nice ... someone is going to have to push you around the airfield one day.
Fly Safe.
BTW - the fellow who owns the vehicle below is a amazing man of great building talent - a real gentleman.