Giday Ben,
Yes mate .... I know it goes on. I myself had a offender two months back break into my house whilst I was home (I knew the offender from previous dealings). After a prolonged foot chase (in bare feet mind you in the pouring rain) I phoned the local coppers and I can tell you that the service was to say the least, a bit poor.
I ended up giving the local blokes instructions and eventually gave up until contacted by a good friend who tracked the offender down and we went and arrested him. I'll tell you its hard to be professional with the offender standing next to you who just broke into your house!!!!:hittinghead: Just kidding!!!
So yes Ben, I get it. Unfortunately the coppers burn out real quick and sometimes just give up. It's easy to do and negativity is a cancer in this job.
But, If I could get you to come along for a night ride on a friday night in my patrol car, I think you'd see why. Just remember to keep you windows wound up so the passers by cant spit on you. And oh, becareful to check the rear seat when you sit down for needles shoved in upside down full of Hep C (75% of people inprisoned have Hep C). Other then that, it's all good until the paper work kills you when some old mate like your psycho makes a formal complaint stopping me from advancement courses for 12 months . So you see, there is always two sides to a story and somewhere in the middle is the truth eh?!!!
Anyways, that my 2 cents my good friends. Remember, I've been on both sides of the coin with the law .... so I know mate, bloody coppers!!!! Ha ha ha....