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  1. Unfortunately I don't like driving in Vic. Too unpredictable.
  2. I have done a lot of work in coastal Thailand. Loved it. Outside work. I just hate being cold. Love heat. We are all different. In the gym I will keep my jacket on far into the class. I liked the Darwin people. Whe I was flying in there i reported "unfamiliar" was immediately told area without any other aircraft, clear to land. I even liked those big lizards with teeth. 😃
  3. I love NT. Loved the flying there. Would move there tomorrow if not for my extended family here in Sydney.
  4. Do we know any more details? Aircraft type call sign etc
  5. I spend .much. ore time on a homebuilt aircraft site. It is Americsn and far more technical. This site is find interesting when topics are technical. Many years ago I was working on Yalourn Power Station and travelled once with the original guys designing and building the aircraft I was intriguing intrigued by their undercarriage testing device. The machine would lift the undercarriage with a weight attached the same height that the FAA rules require then drop the undercarriage with its weight. I was facinated as this mschine went through its paces time after time automatically. Great that the company is back.
  6. Too many old farts on this site, living in the past and looking relevance in life. Me included.
  7. No $400 a pop. Only covered when bi yearl
  8. The financial burden of yearly stress, ultrasound and blood tests
  9. My question really is that is this large financial burden give results that i am safe, well as safe as a younger person, to fly? Is it the best thing that CASA is doing?
  10. I suppose that the question now is does a stress test, an ultrasound on the heart at maximum stress and blood test each year reduce the risk of me having a medical episode in the air?
  11. I was looking at the Bruces protocol test and it says a 1 in 10,000 death rate. What makes it more poignant is that they require that you sign a waiver, that now worries me. Another flying risk. Although I have been doing them annually for nearly 20 years.
  12. That is too "exciting " for me. It is one of those "rather be on the ground wishing I was in the air thing". Night VMC (years ago) is "IFR in the dark". That was "exciting", well heavy adrenalin.
  13. I agree. But CASA requires the actual data from the test, not just a cardiologist saying I am OK. If I don't do the test I don't have a Class 2. They sent me a very dirty email telling me that it must be sent to them on time. The cardiologist said I was OK, it was not until the actual numbers were sent that they approved my Class 2 for another year. It does not worry me as I get greater stress 3 times a week for 45 minutes, maybe I should worry, I am addicted to endorphins.
  14. The way I understand it is that a stress test that takes you to a higher level that your heart usually reaches is very dangerous. And often kills you. At my test I am doing less than usual. I.have had an angiography and it showed 3 not the usual 2 arteries going to my heart and little blockage. Probably why I am doing so well at present. However does not mean I won't drop dead tomorrow.
  15. Three times weekly i exercise and my heart rate gets to between 170 and 190. On the stress test I get to around 165 before I say quit, usually due to lack of breathing. I have been doing the exercise for just under 30 years. Don't expect it will kill me soon, I have been told of how to stop if I get certain issues.
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