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Everything posted by Geoff_H

  1. No it seems to have just vanished. Good luck with the restoration. You should have fun flying her.
  2. Under Experimental rules you can maintain an aircraft if you built it AND you do a maintenance course every so often, and pay money for the course of course. Seems a rip off if you ask me.
  3. That would be great. But I live in Sydney, nearest airport 40 minutes away. Cowra would be great to join. If I lived closer I would join Cowra. Often thought of having a few days every so often. I would like to tinler, the facebook aircraft does not show with wings on...possible hard landing twisting main spar, that is a total rebuild in that aircraft.
  4. Well, aircraft reregistered then sold, 4 years later being sold again. To me seems like a big problem. Reported not flown since 2017, deregistered 2021, then sold, now new owner wants to sell.....mmmmm. Looks like possible corrosion or similar problem. Got me worried, scared even.
  5. I am looking at buying a 19 class aircraft that has had RAA registration but it has lapsed. How difficult is it to get reregistered? What is the yearly cost for registered RAA aircraft?
  6. I was actually serious LOL
  7. Don't declare Cialis. You can't fly for 25hrs after taking one, and they are talented one a day. Not that I would ever need Cialis no no not at all. What does Viagra and Cialis do to you that you can't fly? Anyone know?
  8. I usually look to see who's paying
  9. Sorry but my experiences are that university people believe that they should be very highly paid and to do so some will sell their soul. Really anything can be proved with statistics. My daughters first lesson in living skills in Texas was called "How to lie with statistics". We generally don't teach living skills
  10. Please could you confirm that at the moment you are rated for GA medical Class 5. If yes as there any special add on requirements owing to age?
  11. An update i have had. I did the online test. Passed and got a completion certificate, what do I do with that? Then started to apply for Class 5. No additional heart tests for being over 75 seems to be attached, but maybe it will just at the end however as my state, NSW, requires a doctors clearance to drive I must add its results to my application. I see her next Tuesday, she is also a DAME, I still am not sure. My Class 2 still has 7 months left, will that be immediately cancelled?
  12. I don't have a choice if I want a class 2. They cost over $400/ yr. I am looking to getting away from.the cost and trying to see if our medicos will make me do.ot on a class 5
  13. Is anyone over 75 with a class5 on this site?
  14. But when you hit 75 the rules even for class 5 change. Is the stress test etc mandatory then, even without prior problems? It is with a class 2
  15. Well I have absolutely no medical conditions but I am required to yearly do a stress test, ultrasound heart and full blood tests. I pass all tests at a considerable cost. I have to do them just because I am over 75, no other reason. Will I still be required to supply this under class 5?
  16. Does the class 5 require a stress test, heart ultrasound and full blood tests? Is there someone over 75 with a class 5 that can let me know if these are required? And yearly?
  17. Unfortunately I don't like driving in Vic. Too unpredictable.
  18. I have done a lot of work in coastal Thailand. Loved it. Outside work. I just hate being cold. Love heat. We are all different. In the gym I will keep my jacket on far into the class. I liked the Darwin people. Whe I was flying in there i reported "unfamiliar" was immediately told area without any other aircraft, clear to land. I even liked those big lizards with teeth. 😃
  19. I love NT. Loved the flying there. Would move there tomorrow if not for my extended family here in Sydney.
  20. Do we know any more details? Aircraft type call sign etc
  21. I spend .much. ore time on a homebuilt aircraft site. It is Americsn and far more technical. This site is find interesting when topics are technical. Many years ago I was working on Yalourn Power Station and travelled once with the original guys designing and building the aircraft I was intriguing intrigued by their undercarriage testing device. The machine would lift the undercarriage with a weight attached the same height that the FAA rules require then drop the undercarriage with its weight. I was facinated as this mschine went through its paces time after time automatically. Great that the company is back.
  22. Too many old farts on this site, living in the past and looking relevance in life. Me included.
  23. No $400 a pop. Only covered when bi yearl
  24. The financial burden of yearly stress, ultrasound and blood tests
  25. My question really is that is this large financial burden give results that i am safe, well as safe as a younger person, to fly? Is it the best thing that CASA is doing?
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