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Everything posted by Geoff_H

  1. Aircraft are expensive and Beavers are very more expensive. Must be higher maintenance costs.
  2. When Garmin upgraded the GNS430 to WAAS they had to build a totally new processor board to make a GNS430W. It is a lot more hardware than additional transmitters to cancell out the noise in the receiver, it is apparently a whole new performance of processing hardware. I found this out after forming out $10k to have the processor board upgraded.
  3. Black pigment is often carbon, I expect that would attenuate significantly. White is titanium dioxide, I think that as it is an insulator and non conductive why every GPS receiver that I have ever seen is white
  4. The Garmin have don't paint on their body. I think that some paints can attenuate radio frequencies.
  5. The Dynan uses WAAS. Speed of operation is critical and I think that we use waas devices for speed of operation and other technical reasons I upgraded a GARMIN 430 to 430W for technical Operations reasons. Hence I have bits left over
  6. Hi Skip, well I was interested in augmenting my project withe a possible repair project, but a place to put the repair job plus a hostile minister of war has made me put my project on hold as she wants the house without any faults before I go on. I expect to only have an RAA licence by then hence my changingind engines to a single. I am not expecting to use many things including heaps of stuff for a quarter built cozy IV. I have given away a significant amount of stuff that I will never use, if I don't the other half will trash it all if I die first, she thinks that will make me angry, how could it I will be dead lol. Just a point that I expect that any GPS receiver will connect to your GPS if it uses the naval code ( and I think that most do). However if you get a non dynan make sure that it is WAAS. Geoff
  7. Hi Skippy I didn't realise your craft was composite . I also have a garmin one like the picture above ( but with plug fittings ) again hanging around. I think that it is waas. Let me know if you are interested. Geoff
  8. A comant CI 2480-201. Don't know if it would be comparable. But it is hanging around doing nothing for me. Let me know if you are interested. Geoff
  9. My project is composite. No need for it
  10. It is sitting in my workshop. Very cheap to buy
  11. Don't forget that that CofG must fall within the triangle formed by all three wheels (or skid). As well the distance between the Cof G and the main wheels axle can affect ground handling The spitfire and one of their German counterparts have been reported that theain wheels were as too close to each other and increased difficulty of ground handling.
  12. At the end of the day the location of the CofG to the Aerodynamic lift centre has to be the same either configuration. There maybe some different moments on the aircraft owing to nose wheel drag, just make sure that at landing speeds these are easily compensated by available tail moment
  13. Hi Skippy I have a dual VHF/GPS antenna. I bought it but it did not get into the air. I upgraded to WAAS. This is not a waas antenna. Let me know if you are interested. Geoff
  14. The Mooney I used to own had been flown to Australia via Canada, Europe, down through the middle east and India, Indonesia, new guinea and Darwin then down to Perth.
  15. Some years ago the Mooney club was looking at flying to New Zealand. Port Macquarie to Lord Howe to Norfolk island to top of North Island of New Zealand. We also considered East Timor but you can't get avgas there. I looked into shipping 44 gallon drums to their but our contact there was not interested in doing all the paperwork for the importation.
  16. I was once told to call "aircraft on final" at non controlled airfields!
  17. Understatement. This is what happens when critical monopoly infrastructure is privatised. Look at roads, electricity, airports etc.
  18. I don't think that they want RAA, under
  19. From what I read on the internet it would appear that the 6 built were kits. I expect that there were no commercially offered plans just parts and a kit with assembly instructions. It did appear that the designer still lives in NZ, not sure.
  20. One of the problems that I have in converting to a single engine is "which engine". The original idea of this design was to build an aircraft that could be built for under $10k using tools and equipment that could be easily borrowed or used by 'friends'. The two two stroke engines cost $4k. They put out around 30hp together, each weighs just under 10kg. They have 600mm props and operate up to 6000RPM. So to keep the weight down, to maintain less than 45kts stall speed I need a light 30hp engine that is reasonably light including and drive speed reduction for a single prop that will have to turn at a slower speed ( still have to do the calcs on this)
  21. Thanks Nev, Spacey. I am trying to catch up with RAA rules. I have a lot to go but I think that the specs for wing loading etc are in line with other single seat aircraft.
  22. Ok you have me. What is category A?
  23. I had an initial SAAA inspection. If I can find a suitable single engine how would I get RAAA approval?
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