I suggest that you look at GA designs and copy one of them. That way you could fail to some nuance but overall you will probably get the best result. I would not copy a RAA nor an amateur built aircraft. Their designs have a high degree of problems. One of the things that worried me is the high proportions of plastic fuel lines that I have seen.
I am designing and building a composite Cri Cri aerodynamic similar aircraft. I have found that it is extremely time consuming with very little previous designs to call upon, I have to research so much and end up making something similar that has been previously designed. It has worn me down and I am seriously looking at abandoning the prokect. I have had 40 years of designing and trouble shooting mechanical equipment, I also have a degree in mechanical engineering. To get it right on your own is possible but what if you get it wrong? What design review process do you use? How do you make sure that the reviewer is doing a good job. I worked for a company in Dallas that did nuclear design ( not me). They put the checker in a room, no telephones, no other personally allows in, max checking time without break was one hour.
What I am trying to say is don't do your own thing, use the greater knowledge of the professional flying community, unless you have professional training, even then consult other very experienced people.