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Everything posted by Geoff_H

  1. I suppose that the question now is does a stress test, an ultrasound on the heart at maximum stress and blood test each year reduce the risk of me having a medical episode in the air?
  2. I was looking at the Bruces protocol test and it says a 1 in 10,000 death rate. What makes it more poignant is that they require that you sign a waiver, that now worries me. Another flying risk. Although I have been doing them annually for nearly 20 years.
  3. That is too "exciting " for me. It is one of those "rather be on the ground wishing I was in the air thing". Night VMC (years ago) is "IFR in the dark". That was "exciting", well heavy adrenalin.
  4. I agree. But CASA requires the actual data from the test, not just a cardiologist saying I am OK. If I don't do the test I don't have a Class 2. They sent me a very dirty email telling me that it must be sent to them on time. The cardiologist said I was OK, it was not until the actual numbers were sent that they approved my Class 2 for another year. It does not worry me as I get greater stress 3 times a week for 45 minutes, maybe I should worry, I am addicted to endorphins.
  5. The way I understand it is that a stress test that takes you to a higher level that your heart usually reaches is very dangerous. And often kills you. At my test I am doing less than usual. I.have had an angiography and it showed 3 not the usual 2 arteries going to my heart and little blockage. Probably why I am doing so well at present. However does not mean I won't drop dead tomorrow.
  6. Three times weekly i exercise and my heart rate gets to between 170 and 190. On the stress test I get to around 165 before I say quit, usually due to lack of breathing. I have been doing the exercise for just under 30 years. Don't expect it will kill me soon, I have been told of how to stop if I get certain issues.
  7. Every year now its a stress and ultrasound on my heart then a full blood test. As we get older, in spite of fitness, our heart gets more dodgy, usually heart valve. In her opinion, she is my GP and DAME I will pass for another 5 years, I am 77 now.
  8. I believe that a fibreglass wing tip could solve the wing loading issue. My back of a napkin (always the best calcs as per Rudd internet design), say that wingtip extensions could even make it a powered glider. I have been making a Composite Cri Cri similar aircraft but have abandoned it owing to the significant design and testing issues that have extended the design and build process to a time when I will run out of Medical. My DAME recons i have another 5 years before I will be too old to pass.
  9. I believe that is where the requirements are not as good as they could be. Maybe 30kg for an untested aircraft but use a landing speed as an override if below a certain amount. The problem is that a person unable to get a GA PPL cannot fly a Cri Cri but it is one of the lightest aircraft around.
  10. Then why can't a Cri Cri be an RAA listed aircraft?
  11. I asked because this was your argument. Both countries have common law. I still see no other reason other than RAA wanting membership.
  12. "FAA Part 103 is based on the US legal system; ours is based on the Australian system" What is different about the Australian system to the American system?
  13. I am pretty sure that it meets Part 103. However the engine out characteristics are so similar to single engine aircraft that many country's class it as a single. Ot Australia
  14. Do can I fly a CriCri as a RAA? Unfortunately I guess that there maybe other aircraft as well.
  15. The way I understand it the USA experimental rules allowed constructors to do their own maintenance. I believe this was so years ago. Now you have to do a course that CASA seems to need to approve. CASA want to control anything with safety attached, their charter, US set up for administration, the will never allow Part 103, RAA don't want it. Only a polly will get it for us.
  16. .I have been told that the RAA have accepted, from CASA, responsibility for operation that involve expensive operations manuals, and external expert requirements that involve expensive experts, auditors and even more expensive insurance. All to be paid y members, I have not seen a balance sheet but have been led to believe that the organisation has financial issues that keeps them on their toes. Hence my belief that they may not be able to afford members leaving to fly Parr 103?????
  17. If my memory serves me right it was a politician in 2000 that got the USA experimental aircraft law into Australia, essentially word for word. CASA have had fun with it since.
  18. No it is not up to RAA, but which other organisation would do it? I would not think that any person would be listened to by CASA, other than some politician or so.
  19. Part 103 would mean that RAA would loose members and money....Never going to happen, I have it on authority that they are in need of money. SAAA only assist in aircraft construction, with Class 2 basic why go RAA? Actually there are non SAAA people that can approve your build for a one off fee, SAAA need not be involved.
  20. "Rubbish Geoff" Why are you so sure that you are right. I have used the Brain Storming" technique all through my career with great success. Without it we may still be flying in Wright Flyers. I will now bough out of this .
  21. I now regret even suggesting it. Novel ideas ot accepted willingly here. At Umi easily I was taught be excessively creative, find the problems with discussion in a group and then either develop or scrap. Mmmmm.
  22. But the air that goes out the flap maybe aitr that has just passed over the cylinders and heads rather than the cowl still air
  23. Skip, the maximum operating temperature of your actuator is 85deg C. Maybe that's your problem.
  24. If you want simple automatic and probably the lightest solution use an expanding wax (as per water thermostat technology). It is used in the cooling flap of a rear engined air cooled motor vehicle, a Fiat if my memory serves me right. Just an actuator "piston" rod with the appropriate wax inside. Simple.
  25. I just looked at the specs of the actuator that you quoted early in the chat. In my 'guess from experience " the 10% duty cycle indicates a current restriction. The force available seems low, particularly in flight. The dynamics of how the actuator forces the flap could produce a larger force than the quoted figure, try the current test on the ground, then loan flap with hand and see what happens. I am like a pig in mud, I did this style of investigation before I retired, loved the work, these days I just wish that I was not retired.
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