Thanks. Just what I wanted to know. I have had my GA since the early 1980's. Then I did all my flying FullSAR. Since 2000 all my flying has been via the magenta line. Since 2007 via 430 into autopilot. It has come time to do my biannual flight review. This time, for the first time, I have been asked to do 3 hours of desk office review plus a 2 hour navigation solely on visual. First I find that NDB and VOR has nearly disappeared, I used these heavily before GPS. Now this is going to cost me serious money. So I am looking at a rec licence, I don't do long navigation flights any more and essentially only on my own or with a friend. So the question is if I have to do it for GA why not abandon GA for Recreational flying? I assume that I would still have to do a navigation exercise, maybe not so long, and the desk exam pass, is this so? If my GA licence has not got a BFR what restrictions would I have on a recreational licence? What medical would I need in the future? I now have a class 2, it is very expensive with a yearly stress test and heart ultrasound. Needed for age alone reasons.