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Everything posted by Geoff_H

  1. PS I have used it on several occasions. I swear by it.
  2. The very best numbering system for very large scale projects for both design and construction is the KKS (German initials for K? K? System). It is freely available to use and allows both designer and manufacturer to instantly know most of the number of the part. It uses alpha numerical letters to avoid confusion. If you areinterested I am prepared to show it toyou but not by dozens of emails, it would have to be by meeting, I will go to yourself, I have to go your way soon.
  3. I have done it on several occasions, albeit for short periods of time. Unless the airstrip is where you work you will need a second vehicle at the airstrip. The timeto care for the car (fuel etc) and tying down the aircraft only seem to make it quicker if the vehicle journey is over around two hours. It is somewhat stressful to always have your eye on the weather and winds. But it is more fun than driving
  4. Half your luck. It looks great. Was that way a few times when I had the Mooney. Love the NT, particularly at this time of year.
  5. They probably use capacitors and inductors to isolate the noise, then to prevent radiation directly place a conductive shield rather to the aircraft earth. Also shielding the cable, again earthed to the aircraft earth, to prevent the cable being an aerial to the electronic device connected that self contains radiation.
  6. You can buy integrated circuits that will control 5VDC. They have over current and over voltage protection. The noise may also come from the cable acting as an antenna, shield the cable with foil and earth one end only, this is very important.
  7. Tried wrapping your device in foil? Best to earth the foil. Without actually seeing the situation I am guessing that it is noise from the switch mode power supply, probably very cheap and lots of side frequencies.
  8. Anyone know where I can buy 2024 T3 or T4 Aluminium tube in Sydney. A while ago I found a place down Campbelltown way. Can not find them on the internet.
  9. The lawyers have no conscience. They go after anyone with any assets. A senior lawyer will charge $700 per hour. If they get a judgement for their client their percentage varies according to the level of the court that gives the final judgement. Can be as high as 60% of the judgement. Unreal. Lawyers and CASA make the LAME's life hell. Many will avoid most things that they have to sign off on.
  10. Agreed. But even my Vanguard engine designed in the 50's had forced camshaft lubrication. In the rebuild of the Lycoming Engine I paid $1800 for an STC to drill holes for camshaft to change it to forced lubrication. My feeling is that both Lycoming and Continental are hiding behind the too hard to get approved curtain. After all Porsche got approval for a modern single control with computer systems in the 80's.
  11. I often think that mass produced Engines such as vehicle Engines are more reliable. My Lycoming did it's camshaft in a few years ago, luckily found from metal in the oil, never had a car Engine problem in the last 40 years.
  12. TCM 850 another turboprop aircraft designed by Mooney but made by their previous owner.
  13. I seem to remember some years ago reading why those early business jets were so cheap to buy. The article said that it was because they were so fuel inefficient that they cost a fortune to fly. You might look into this. When I win the $30M lotto I might buy a more recent one.
  14. Yes I had two epirbs, one that used the aircrafts GPS to instantly transmit coordinates the other a portable. Despite having two comms I always carried a hand held com. And two portable gps'.never have too much safety.
  15. I had the windmill stop in my Mooney. I was getting underneath the northern steps of the Melbourne CTA after an 8 hour flight from Kalgoorlie that involved rain, a reroute and other stresses. I was at 800 feet above ground. First instinct was to use my Aspen to turn the craft into the wind, then I picked a yellow field that is etched in my mind, it was short and I was going to go into the fence. Rather than do preliminary checks I decided to use my height to get a call out before I was too low to communicate. Got the Mayday out then ignored the controller asking all sorts of questions. I had maps all over the instrument panel, trying to keep out of trouble for accidentally entering the outer edges of the CATS without a clearance, had got into trouble before. With the maps gone the left tank low light was staring me in the face. I changed to the right tank and the Engine roared into life. Radio call to CTA then an uneventful flight from there on in. Had to fill in a report for the Mayday call, but I still think I did the right thing at that height. What do others think?
  16. That is so cruel:cheezy grin:sometimes I think that an aircraft cannot fly unless we have CASA:no no no:
  17. Unfortunately my design breaches several conditions of 19. Reading t to CASA documents my wing loading is twice that allowed, also I want to eventually do aerobatics.
  18. Max AUW in 250kg and I did not know that I could have more than one Engine and be RAA. I must get my RAA licence, I only have aGA licence. You have made my day.
  19. Similar in the Engines, but fibreglass, tricycle, low removable wings for trailering, probably using aircraft wheels, hydraulic brakes. Bears more relationship to a Cri Cri. Max speed something over 100kts if weight is as planned. Extensive use of 3d printed nylon. Flaps may end up being nylon printed, slightly heavier than aluminium or fibreglass. Very minimal welding, exhaust and similar parts. It is taking forever, many parts are made a few times before the manufacturing technique produces an acceptable part. I have only manufacturing AutoCAD drawings at present, not side vied or anything like that. At present I am working on moulded wing spars.
  20. I actually have a company. Used it for over 20 years. Wife is also a director, my account tells me that that makes our home open to loss from litigation. I don't really know but it is reported to be owing to how directors are personally liable.
  21. Thanks. I didn't know that. I wish that I could get my little 2 Engine design into RAA. Engines only 15hp each.
  22. In fact I would be pleased to do whatever I could to assist in the development of an Australian product of any form, but any aircraft in particular. I would not want to be paid, I am comfortable enough. Can anyone suggest a possible way. A friend told me to make two companies to restrict liability, I don't know if this works. I would also like to give away my aircraft design that I am building, it's goal is to be in the air for around $10k, on target at present. Any lawyers among us?
  23. From another thread the discussion turned to legal liability. I am just curious, does anyone that has a 19 registration have insurance for third party damage?
  24. I hope that you guys are right. My legal advice a few years ago does not agree. I think that a serious loss owing to a failure of some items is different to product liability or dangerous pastimes. Maybe a 19 series aircraft has never been in a litigation, but crash into a shopping centre and set it alight then I would expect that the shopping centre owner, or his insurance company, is not going to accept a sorry as compensation.
  25. Let's say that a wing became disconnected owing to a calculation error. The lawyers will go after the designer, the manufacturer and the sales organisations. Well only the ones with money.
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