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Everything posted by Geoff_H

  1. We had a Piper Cherokee fly over our driveway at the time of the Google earth picture, it looked like the aircraft was in my driveway, amazing since that was where I was building a small aircraft.
  2. We have recently been made the Australian re-seller for Hirth Engines. We are trying to make a list of Hirth engines in Aus so that we can provide specialized support for these engines and gearboxes. If you have a Hirth engine and have not let us know what engine you have please drop us a reply here or email [email protected].
  3. Hi all, my name is Geoff and my small company has become a reseller for Hirth. I am a professional mechanical engineer and consultant for big Engines and power systems. I do not know what Hirth Engines are in Australia but will stock spares if I can determine what Engines we have here. I can also visit groups around Aus with a few small Engines that we have in stock. I love to chat aviation so call me anytime, I have been in GA for 35 years and have owned two aircraft and am building an experimental aircraft. Our website is still in its infancy and will be modified and added to over the next few months. www.Hirth-engines.com.au
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