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Everything posted by Geoff_H

  1. I like it. Any details on the way it was converted?
  2. It appears that there maybe a 2 piece spar option with a joining plate in the middle. I was wondering if anyone had worked out a way to separate it or make some other arrangements for quickly changing the wings. If I bought one I know that I would prefer to trailer it. Geoff
  3. Has anyone made a trailable Corby Starlet? Folding wings maybe, or even removable wings with a reasonably quick reassembly.
  4. So true. Can't tell you how I know. Happens to a friend of mine.
  5. Once mild cases of autism were called NSD (non specific diagnosis) now they are called autism and often ADHD. People that were highly functional and have low interpersonal abilities were just regarded as different now they have something that needs examination and limitations. My daughter is like that, has a phd in a medical field now writes AI software for a medical company. She would be limited in flying, she uses ADHD drugs. Her worst feature is the drop kick she married and her subsequent boy friends. I will not get diagnosed, the diagnosis may be limiting after over 40 years of flying. It is interesting that CASA now asks the industry, rather than their own investigations, if the result of a rule change turns out to be wrong they can claim reduced responsibility.
  6. They are the GOTO at the moment. It is difficult to get stock and prices from them. In that respect aircraft spruce are great. Aircraft metals have not responded to emails.
  7. I did think of substituting 6061T6 to 2024T3, but after comparing their respective properties I decided against doing it. 6061T6 is far inferior
  8. Yes I expect to buy 6061T6 angle from them. Unfortunately they do not stock any 2025T3
  9. Sure. I am having trouble finding Australian suppliers. But I will buy from Aus where ever possible. Aircraft Spruce seemed like a godsend, not so sure now.
  10. I looked for a 1/4" bolt that I selected at random. No stock. Rivet random selections were both in stock. Shipping appeared normal for Australia. The sheet 2024 and angle 6061 shipping costs worried me a little, no estimate of cost just billing on shipping, an open cheque more or less.
  11. I wonder what stock they have? No .o4o 2024 T3 nor 1.5 x 1.5 inch 3/16 6061 T6 angle.
  12. How much are you wanting for it? Any pictures?
  13. My vehicle actually has laser lights. They are reported to have an effective range of 600metres. They are inhibited from operating where there are street lights and the car is exceeding 60km/hr. They have a pretty heavy heat sink on them so the speed limitation might be for cooling
  14. Both the laser and led headlights in my car are dot controlled. If there is a car in front or coming head on the dots in that area are turned off by their computers. One time when the laser lights came on there was a car in front of me, it only lit up the left side of the road a few hundred metres in front of the car in front of me. I don't know what that driver thought seeing the side of thr6road lit up
  15. After a websearch, always a little dodgy, I am sure that for thin thicknesses laser welding could be great for the homebuilder. Less distortion continual good penetrative and ease of use by amateur. I did a google purchase search on laser welders. 90% for sale are tig or stick etc welders. The price of welders from that laser search ranged from around $1000, very affordable. But on closer inspection none of these were actually laser, usually tig (already have tig set up so not at all interested). Then I found that the cheapest laser was $10,000. Just a lot outside my budget for new tools. $25,000 for a reasonably capable machine ( and I really do not know what makes a machine more or even less capable). To buy one I would have to be building a steel tube large aircraft to even start to think about one. Maybe one day they will get cheap. My car has laser headlights. Supposed to be able to light up to around 600metres ahead. The car manufacturer does not offer them any more. They were a $2k extra, I guess that they were not considered worth buying and hence not in demand.
  16. It apparently can make professional welder out of a dog dollop welder like me. It appears that you melt the filler the the filler transfers heat to the metals to be joined. Fast weld less heat into metals so less buckling. Expenditure for equipment that is needed to be purchased is vague, I don't know all that is involved.
  17. Anyone got any experience with laser welding for aircraft?
  18. Yes. Gliders have a very short relative tail to aileron distance so much more rudder is needed to counteract adverse aileron yaw. It's as you said a matter of rudder force times distance of the rudder to the centre of gravity creating a moment on the aircraft.
  19. I believe that casa have committees that look into your fitness to fly. Takes a while to assemble a lot of people. Committees are great no single person can be responsible! Consultants are often used as a means of deflecting blame,,
  20. Just about the same happened to me except that the specialist wrote an immediate reply virtually telling casa how ridiculous their claim that there could be a problem was not valid. It was cysts on the kidney issue benign and large proportions of the population have them.
  21. The windwagon is nearly identical to Hummel, they are linked. Wing chord is one of the very few differences
  22. The Hummel aircraft is a derivation of the Windwagon and the Hummel. The Windwagon has smaller chord wings, faster but not sure which wings would be better. Any ideas on which to choose. I Waa thinking of an industrial v, but again maybe the 1/2 vw would be best. Any ideas. Geoff
  23. I visited Spacey, really nice guy, sat in his very nice Hummel. I am convinced it is the way to go. I have started working on my Hummel.
  24. Trouble Nev is my passport is out of date so I can't enter Victoria (lol). Spacey lives only a handful of kilometres away from me. I am hoping that he can put some light on the issue. I think that the Hummel classic, which seems to be more relevant to me is being discontinued. Very little seems available as the company appears to be heading in the direction for kits.
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