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Everything posted by Geoff_H

  1. Has spacey got one,?
  2. Anything build will be VH, just don't have a ra licence.
  3. This is the craft that appeals to me. Plans are not available
  4. I went and looked at the HB. Plans are out of stock! Why would this be? Surely they only take a day to make. Are they stopping offering these plans in preference to another aircraft in their line-up.
  5. Are they available in tricycle?
  6. I am having a serious look at building a Teenie Two. Has anyone on this website built one? If so would you have any comments on the subject?
  7. To my mathematical thoughts and studying and a huge proponent of hydrogen I think it is extremely "ambitious ".
  8. It's my opinion ion that driving a big train is more about economic loss. Blocking the line and stopping iron ore getting through is many millions of dollars. Theft crimes get bigger sentences than murder! CASA has the problem that they are responsible for the safety of the air. So if someone dies at the controls they could theoretically be sued. Losing more than 1 cent by a public servant is a serious issue. Could result in dismissal.
  9. An AI only knows what it can access in its allowed databases. It will search these databases and output relevant statements. However if anyone is interested here is an example of AI vs preprogrammed. Suppose that we make an artificial leg, identical to human leg in every way. 1. We get Beckham to kick a ball and record how each muscle reacts. We then program the computer to control the muscles in an identical way. 2. we use AI. We make a target and give the computer a feedback of how close the kicked ball is to the target. We then tell the computer to kick the ball as close to the target as possible. Then tell the computer to start. It will start flexing ,"muscles" in a numerical way. When it finally gets a feedback that it has hit something it will store the value of the distance of the target. It will remember all the actions of the muscles to achieve this result. It will then (preprogrammed) to star small variations to these muscle actions. If through iteration it gets a closer score all the muscle actions and target distance will replace the previous one. This will keep making small changes until it gets the target. In fact the AI will get a better score than Beckham. But it will take a very long time to do it. AI uses comparisons for the various questions asked and store a result (answer) when it gets some agreement to its given task. It can only use the database access it was given. If it were to use Facebook and someone had said that Mooneys can fly backwards then it would believe it if it had not been challenged by someone on Facebook. Industry use only verified scientific databases for AI work, reduces error.
  10. What if we flew aircraft fitted with the system I proposed in the opening of this thread. Would that be enough to allow us to fly at age 75+ if it were fitted and we had a health issue?
  11. I always thought that when I lost my class 2 I would go recreational. I thought that all I needed was a current driver's licence. But I looked at the CASA sites and found a pdf that needed a doctor to complete. It looked very much like a class 2 basic. Was I wrong? Or has this degree of inquisition always been there. It requires revalidation every year after 65 years of age. My drivers licence requires a similar medical examination now I am over 75. My car has two "old age" safety devices, automatic emergency braking (AEB) and infra red eye monitoring to assess my tiredness and life. If it determines that I am impaired through tiredness it first offers to take me to nearest coffee, if ignored, turns air-conditioning down to lowest and vibrates seat belt. If unresponsive it will stop the car. Why could not something like this be installed in an aircraft ,(using Garmin emergency auto land system) and I could fly with minimal medical if the aircraft had to have such a system?
  12. They piped the oil system into the cockpit. Put a 'y' in the piping two oil filters with valving.
  13. They had a truck run on a loved highway. They had a rope and winch to bring fuel oil food. They said that there was a well fertilised area of the woods. They fitted the aircraft with additional fuel tanks and fuel pumps. A cabin system for adding oil and a cabin arrangement to change oil filters. It's a long but fascinating read.
  14. The previous link is to a description of the longest time flight. Held by a Cessna 172. Well over 60 days. I could not hold for that long LOL. It was in 1958.
  15. https://disciplesofflight.com/flight-endurance/
  16. I bought some very light and fine close weave. You don't roll it you just crumple itto a ball. So fine that it doesn't stay crumpled. It will cover very tight edges. You can have the small quantity that I have if you wish.
  17. They don't let you out of hospital until you can achieve that level of emptying. They measure residual urine using ultrasound scans.
  18. After years of finding the nearest strip for a pee, I no longer have a problem. I got a TURPS operation. I can easily go down to 30 ml in my bladder before the flight. Hanging on for 4 hours no problem.
  19. I have 2 single cylinder engines. I need one engine. A single cylinder engine has put of balance forces in the xy plane.i the engines were contra rotating and synchronised the vibration would only be in the Y plane.
  20. 95.55 amongst other things states: (b) that has a single engine and a single propeller; If an engine was made from two small engines bolted together with each driving through belts or gears to an output shaft that is attached to a propeller would that be a regarded as a single engine? One starter motor and one set of controls.
  21. Yes. The picture is of the one for sale. I am trying to find what happened to the other one. The one in the picture was damaged. The other one flew until 2011, why did it stop flying?
  22. Anyone know what happened to one of the two KOLIBRI AK4 imported into Aus around 1997? One was damaged before being registered (the one in the picture) but the other was registered on 7/7/1997 as 24-4530 and deregisteted on 7/1/2011. Does anyone know why it was deregisteted?
  23. Hi Nev, I expect that your artery is the same one that I have. Found in 30% of the population, always comes from the aorta and goes to the heart in addition to the other 2 all people have. It is never found in babies. Nature have you a premature bypass operation. I am no cardiologist but I expect that you have a good cardio system. 😊
  24. The Did one of my usual aerobics classes this morning. Max heart rate according to Samsung watch was 188 bpm. I have not dropped dead yet, if I do I will keep you all informed. Lol Actually it is not good, it happens before my body heats up. I pushed too hard with cold arteries/ veins as soon as they heated and expanded the maximum was 165 bpm. Much more reasonable. I have had an angegram ( x-ray of heart with die injected) it showed minimum artery blockage. It also showed that I have 3 arteries going to the heart, normally there are 2. Nature have me a bypass operation lol.
  25. Did one of my usual aerobics classes this morning. Max heart rate according to Samsung watch was 188 bpm. I have not dropped dead yet, if I do I will keep you all informed. Lol Actually it is not good, it happens before my body heats up. I pushed too hard with cold arteries/ veins as soon as they heated and expanded the maximum was 165 bpm. Much more reasonable. I have had an angegram ( x-ray of heart with die injected) it showed minimum artery blockage. It also showed that I have 3 arteries going to the heart, normally there are 2. Nature have me a bypass operation lol.
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