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Everything posted by Geoff_H

  1. Skip I take it that your fittings are the 37 deg flare. I think that the blue aluminium fittings are.
  2. I have only single flared fuel lines. My 100 psi air line would benefit from double flare. One day I may make a tool for double flaring. What are others using on fuel lines? Maybe I should remake the fuel lines.
  3. Nice set of tools. The above set was made for copper. By making the adaptor piece o made the device work on Aircraft fuel systems including aluminium pipe and fittings. I made an adaptor system for my air compressor that uses aluminium tube and holds 100psi air. I like you set better, just like the cost of mine.
  4. My flaring tool. The brass piece is the substitute for aircraft angled flaring
  5. I made an appropriate flaring tool and using a Bunnings gas lines and in the lathe made the end bit at the appropriate angle. I have made an aluminium line for my air compressor, it holds 100psi air. I will take pics and post them if anyone is interested. Geoff
  6. That is my concern. The spard seem very thick and angled, is their construction different This is the part where the designer talks about the stability of the design and some interesting differences to the "conventional design" https://www.verheesengineering.com/delta-aerodynamics/
  7. Done that but the definition on the drawing has been lost. I actually know the wing span so I printed the drawing to fit on an A4 sheet, found the scale then scaled most dimensions. It is 8ft wide with wings folded up, found most other major measurements same way. So can guess the amount of aluminium needed, the website says "6061 or 2024" suggesting the craft could be made of 6061.
  8. The Facitmobile second generation design uses flat panels, similar to stealth aircraft, however the for simplicity of design in this case. The designer had worked for a company that designed the early stealth aircraft. Delta wing aircraft are reported to be simpler with very large cockpit volumes.
  9. Yes the D1 has a transparent floor to get better vision on landing. Tom Fink tried to teach me supersonic fluid mechanics, my results could have been better, but from what I remember subsonic and supersonic Delta wing design is very similar.
  10. Did you notice the Concorde? Aerodynamics designed by an Australian, Prof Tom Fink, an absolute genius.
  11. Posted email to him two weeks ago. No reply whatso ever. I have since been researching the internet dailey. Hence I am looking to this site.
  12. I have been trying to get building information on this aircraft. I have searched the website but there is no information such as build materials, build time, pictures during construction etc. To buy plans to find out information would cost 400Euro. Id anyone building one or have a set of plans or bill of materials?
  13. Anyone know contact information for John Corby
  14. Gas turbines only require tweeking to run on hydrogen. In the fifties a flight with hydrogen on one engine was undertaken. I believe that aircraft running on hydrogen is the future. A cryogenic tank would hold the hydrogen, very similar to some rocket engines. On an off target issue hydrogen is the answer to overnight stored energy.
  15. Those plugs were made by using the 3d autocad file to make 2inch slices through the cabin, print the slices full size, transfering the prints to particle board, then using foam (the florist style foam) sandwiched in between the particle board and sanding using particle board as guides. Long and laborious but effective.
  16. The Plugs that I made and a print of a view of the AutoCAD file. Geoff
  17. Mooney have a steel frame around an aluminium skin in the pilot/passenger region. The tail is monocoque, the tail hinges off the steel frame to provide reduced drag trim. There are fewer deaths from Mooney accidents.
  18. I put 2 layers of Kevlar around the pilot area. It may have helped safety but took a huge toll on weight
  19. Somewhere I may have the 3D CAD files that I made, it was around 25 years ago. They were done in AutoCAD. I will have a look to see what has survived if interested.
  20. Some years ago I designed and partially finished the prototype of a very similar project. The two halves of the fuselage were a top and a bottom. The main issue with a monocoque skin. A section between bulkheads has to have buckling resistance. This is where I had difficulty with design,a single skin thickness either had a large weight to resist buckling of many bulkheads close together, I chose a composite skin, bad choice in retrospect. I had to mould a core to shape then "glue" it to the outer skin then epoxy a layer on the inside. Without the ability to experiment with strengths of composite structures I made it far too heavy. I was looking at doing a master's in aeronautical doing experimental techniques until I got an away from home contract and abandend the project. Maybe stringers that were cast and attached to the skinsin the moulds would have been better, hindsight is so 20-20 vision. I made two tails, one using this method and one using cut foam with a cast skin attached ( no sanding required) the greatest surprise was that there was no measurable difference in the final weight Good luck with your project. Geoff
  21. Yes Nev, getting old is a privilege denied many.
  22. Thanks Red. I getting too old. 😒
  23. My heads up display in my car is invisible with polarised sunglasses. I have two sets of sun glasses, one for driving, one for out of vehicle activities.
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