Some years ago I designed and partially finished the prototype of a very similar project. The two halves of the fuselage were a top and a bottom. The main issue with a monocoque skin. A section between bulkheads has to have buckling resistance. This is where I had difficulty with design,a single skin thickness either had a large weight to resist buckling of many bulkheads close together, I chose a composite skin, bad choice in retrospect. I had to mould a core to shape then "glue" it to the outer skin then epoxy a layer on the inside. Without the ability to experiment with strengths of composite structures I made it far too heavy. I was looking at doing a master's in aeronautical doing experimental techniques until I got an away from home contract and abandend the project. Maybe stringers that were cast and attached to the skinsin the moulds would have been better, hindsight is so 20-20 vision. I made two tails, one using this method and one using cut foam with a cast skin attached ( no sanding required) the greatest surprise was that there was no measurable difference in the final weight
Good luck with your project.