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Everything posted by waraton

  1. Ian hi, Warwick here just looking for some local advice getting from yass to cooma raa aircraft, specifically are there any tricks with the western vfr transit lane or is it straight forward. 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Ian


      Should have been

      call to CB APP approach 125.9 at COTR or THW

    3. waraton


      Thanks Ian, appreciate your advice. Warwick

    4. Ian


      Did you see the link to the Sydney General Flying Guide?

  2. My 15yo son volunteered to help in the search for a man who was lost South of Tibooburra. He logged 6 hours flight time, It was unpleasant in the air, at 35c on the ground it must have been horrendous for the missing man who was found safe around midday. Pretty unforgiving country to be lost on foot in. Photos taken enroute to the search area.
  3. What are the consequences of not having one as a recreational pilot accessing these airfields? I have never heard of anyone being carted off or fined, heard stories about a few verbal's with council staff and that's about it.
  4. Thanks Garfly, the vid and background you presented is excellent. Very informative, your effort is appreciated!
  5. John Cleary is a highly respected, dedicated and intelligent individual who has driven the effort to have some transparency throughout the planning and approval process of this project. I take John's word as truth that the approval process was corrupted and he provides some significant insight into this in the video. He doesn't think it is final and that is why he has been doing what he can to get as much support via the petition to do so. I have signed the petition and passed the link on, it can't hurt if others do the same.
  6. Are you having a swipe at me or Ben Morgan??
  7. https://www.facebook.com/AOPAaustralia/videos/428879775416992/
  8. I have copied and pasted an email from John Cleary from the Illawarra Flyers Group Wollongong NSW which relates to a gas stack in the circuit at Wollongong. He is keen to distribute this information far and wide especially throughout NSW. Here it is... Dear All, If you are willing and able to forward this email to family and friends to support this petition, the following has all the relevant information so people can make an informed decision. Our ePetition is now open for 1 week for signatures. Anybody in NSW with an email address can sign this petition. You will find the petition at https://www.parliament.nsw.gov.au/la/Pages/epetitions-list.aspx The title of the ePetition is “Review the NSW DPIE Tallawarra B approval decision” The more people who circulate this through the social media networks of family and friends, the better. For anybody who hasn’t seen the original petition email to Paul Scully and data supporting the petition, it can be downloaded from this drop box link https://www.dropbox.com/sh/evswnkmmhoy3p59/AADLaA5P3YeuPsHeXfZOLnbwa?dl=0 Thank you, John Cleary
  9. https://www.raa.asn.au/nationalsafetymonth/virtual-conference-agenda/ Just a reminder that tomorrow, Sat 30th October 2021, RAAus are hosting several professional development sessions online targeting pilots. Sunday targets aircraft. I imagine there is a lot of behind the scenes work gone into putting it all together so thanks to those who have contributed.
  10. Overflying Packsaddle Roadhouse (far west NSW) this morning...it's still as dry as a you know what.
  11. Flight this afternoon needed the straps tight due to some enthusiastic thermals. Lake Popiltah (dry) far west NSW.
  12. Thats a great suggestion...bureaucracy loves options. Thanks
  13. Thanks Ken, this is the sort of stuff which is helpful. We need examples to put to our council. Please try and keep that in mind for this thread. Does your airfield waive landing fees for recreational aircraft and how is this done? Do landing fees impact on your flight planning?
  14. Does your airfield waive landing fees for recreational aircraft and how is this done? Do landing fees impact on your flight planning? I know landing fee discussions are done to death but my aero club (Broken Hill) is looking at putting a proposal to council to waive these costs for recreational flights. We believe the city loses traffic due to the charges but evidence in anecdotal. Some airfields offer exemption by application/registration and some just don't charge. Any information you provide which supports our proposal can be incorporated into a proposal.
  15. We will be ripping around in battery powered VTOL recreation craft by then so wont need an airstrips. Landing pad with auto retracting dome hangar on the roof. Bewdiful!!
  16. I love to fly, on a normal week would get up at least twice a week and like others I am really missing it. I have the scope (arguably) to go for a fly but I choose not to because in the unlikely/unfortunate/random event that things go poorly I do not want to put emergency services under additional pressure. Even local police are flat out, hospitals, GPs, ambos, are going above and beyond anything they could have foreseen when they signed up. Not much else I can do to help except to stay out of the way and wait patiently for opportunities for us all to come back online. Its shit sandwich for everyone.
  17. News reports today talking about a hospital crisis in WA with degrees of elective surgery cancelled and increasing ramping. No capacity to deal with COVID on top of what they already have and harder to run the spin cycle on an underfunded system.
  18. My kids go to a regional underfunded, under staffed high school in NSW, they are currently remote online learning and have one face to face video lesson each day as part of that. The system is delivering learning here albeit (understandably) at a reduced capacity unless you ask for more which is forthcoming when requested. As I touched on in a previous post, parental involvement is very important however I am aware not possible for many for various reasons. The lessons for my kids follow the same timetable, including recess and lunch, as a normal "at school" day.
  19. Kids education...f-%k! I have 3 teens. During lockdown material is distributed online and via post (to accommodate a disturbingly significant number of kids without internet or laptops). Learning material is targeted to the lowest denominator and this is largely true outside lockdown as well. My oldest boy is 15 and seeks out additional material to fill his day and we make sure he does. This young bloke was signed off with a RPC X Country and Pax endorsement at the age of 15 and 6 weeks of age a couple of months ago. He will be featured in the next sport pilot. My middle bloke is 13 and recently pulled his motorbike to bits as it was running rough and thanks to you tube repaired it. He struggles with books and classrooms but is now half way through the PPL theory syllabus where he and I take turns reading page by page of the text book, discussing it, and watching youtube to visualize the lesson as well. He is developing a deep understanding of concepts and has great memory retention. He will sit most of his exams for RPC during school holidays during the next 12 months. My 12yo makes the world bend to his will. I am an older dad and remember the time I spent with adults as a young adult (before computer games took over the lives of kids), I make sure the adults in my kids lives are role models and supportive. My wife and I spend time getting into where the kids are with life and learning. My kids are fortunate on so many levels but mostly that they have a loving family and supportive community where they have opportunities. There are so many valid reasons raised in this thread why education fails but remember education is so much more than school. Most of us can contribute to the dreams, motivation and self-esteem of a young person in our life. Go and get involved (or more involved) through your aero club, Rotary, Lions, Apex, neighbours, grandkid or your own kids if you have been slack. If you can't help directly encourage someone else to. They have massive challenges facing them into the future, challenges we are leaving to them to deal with and they know it.
  20. Not sure about Flightrights' thinking but maybe when you crash them they cost a lot??? Sorry lockdown fatigue !!!😂😂😂😂
  21. The impact of COVID lockdowns relating to clubs can be an issue. A club I am part of maintains its own strip and hangar, and is off grid. Our club confirmed that checks and maintenance on infrastructure are covered in NSW as a reasonable excuse to leave home for volunteer work which cannot be completed from home. Our club published a roster with a list of duties and put a COVID safety plan with QR scan in place. We have someone fulfil this role every 2 days or so and although we are all grounded at least our patch of heaven is being cared for as long as restrictions remain in place. Itching to get back in the air though.
  22. https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/321243729579?epid=11017014888&hash=item4acb9e4eab:g:X8oAAOSwrmdTp7YV&frcectupt=true Very popular supplier of batteries especially the Odyssey 625
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