Kids education...f-%k! I have 3 teens. During lockdown material is distributed online and via post (to accommodate a disturbingly significant number of kids without internet or laptops). Learning material is targeted to the lowest denominator and this is largely true outside lockdown as well. My oldest boy is 15 and seeks out additional material to fill his day and we make sure he does. This young bloke was signed off with a RPC X Country and Pax endorsement at the age of 15 and 6 weeks of age a couple of months ago. He will be featured in the next sport pilot. My middle bloke is 13 and recently pulled his motorbike to bits as it was running rough and thanks to you tube repaired it. He struggles with books and classrooms but is now half way through the PPL theory syllabus where he and I take turns reading page by page of the text book, discussing it, and watching youtube to visualize the lesson as well. He is developing a deep understanding of concepts and has great memory retention. He will sit most of his exams for RPC during school holidays during the next 12 months. My 12yo makes the world bend to his will.
I am an older dad and remember the time I spent with adults as a young adult (before computer games took over the lives of kids), I make sure the adults in my kids lives are role models and supportive. My wife and I spend time getting into where the kids are with life and learning. My kids are fortunate on so many levels but mostly that they have a loving family and supportive community where they have opportunities.
There are so many valid reasons raised in this thread why education fails but remember education is so much more than school. Most of us can contribute to the dreams, motivation and self-esteem of a young person in our life. Go and get involved (or more involved) through your aero club, Rotary, Lions, Apex, neighbours, grandkid or your own kids if you have been slack. If you can't help directly encourage someone else to.
They have massive challenges facing them into the future, challenges we are leaving to them to deal with and they know it.