Heard part of an interview on ABC Broken Hill today (missed old mates name) but he was promoting the races. He acknowledged significantly fewer small aircraft attending the event and town generally but the decline being more than made up for by bigger aircraft with more people and increased buses etc. The lack of small aircraft was of no consequence to the event and no question as to why the light aircraft were staying away. They couldn't give a flying ........
Between Broken Hill and Tibooburra, Far West NSW, a gum creek with only a few gums!! Flying my Subaru powered Rosco Gyrocopter. Almost 6300 hours on this machine.
I've replaced my Jabiru beacon light with one from the same company that made the original. Cost $205usd delivered and fits straight in the Jab mount. It sits about an inch higher than the original due to a heat sink which (the company advises) will prevent them dying early like their predecessor. Works great.
Flight yesterday saw a stop in at White Cliffs where we went to the pub for lunch. Matt from the pub is only too happy to organise a pickup or drop off or both from the airfield if you phone the pub. He rekons there is enough to do if you you have a couple of days to spare.
This was lunch !
The town has two main residential areas where residences are dug into the hills.
Bit hard to see here but hundreds of mine shafts very close to each other. Apparently there are around 10 active mines still in operation digging up opals.
Found it, sorry about that it went into the universe which hopefully the updates will fix...I will look into what stock I have and the pricing and get back to you tomorrow...thanks for letting me know
Got it! There was some goop and double sided tape as well. The top comes off with a hex head key but that's as far as I managed to get. Kuntzleman 610 326 9068 no luck for a replacement but a quick search of the web reveals
"This self contained 14 Volt beacon uses surface mounted LED (Light Emitting Diode) technology and meets FAA requirements for anti-collision light systems in both airplane and rotorcraft categories. This rugged little unit measures 1.7 inches in diameter, 3.5 inches tall and weighs 8.4 ounces. The average current draw at 14 volts is 0.6 Amps with a peak input current of 1.2 Amps. It has a flash rate of 60 per minute and will not produce EMI or RFI interference. The color is Aviation Red LEDs through a clear Polycarbonate Fresnel lens. The manufactures projected life for their LEDs is up to 100K hours.
Mounting is accomplished by a #10-32 stainless steel stud that is in the bottom center of the base. NOT TSO’D"
54mm hole to go in so there would have to be some options out there.
Yep that's what I am after, a replacement which is fairly straight forward and inexpensive. Jab now have the replacement listed on the website at $950 but last time I called even these were unavailable. Most of them don't seem to last much beyond 5 years or so I guess dependant on use.
Has anyone come up with a workaround for the tail beacon light on 230/430 Jabs which on my machine and some others I am aware of failed. When the original light failed I contacted Jabiru and there was no replacement available. A replacement which just plugs in would be nice!
Dubbo back to Broken Hill and a look at a rarely wet flood plain South East of Wilcannia getting a bit of a drink after recent flows down the Darling. From 4500'.
No App, just press record on the camera video button, records at FHD. It keeps recording as long as it is left on. If you want to record for hours you could connect via USB into aircraft to charge but I've never noticed a power drain problem.
This is my solution a cheap ass clamp and a cheap ass lapel microphone which plugs in my Samsung phone. No extra gear, microphone sits in the headset earcup. High Definition video and with a 32GB memory card which will record long enough to send even the most interested aviator to sleep. The video is such good quality I can just chop high def photos straight from the video (see below). Less than $30.
This is an old thread but relevant to a hangar chat I had today where we wondering how many projects get delivered and never opened or started and never completed. Do you know of any examples at your airfield?
ASICs - a laugh at regional airfields. Kids can fly from the age of 15 but cannot get an ASIC until 18. Curtis Cheng was shot and killed in a terrorist act in 2015 in a Parramatta street. Curtis was killed by a 15yo scumbag. In the past almost 20 years what has been achieved in that context. As has been raised over and over, they are a political gesture.
A fun flight for some ultralights from the Silver City Recreational Aircraft Club today. Lunch at the Copi Hollow kiosk which was great and a look at the regulator letting water back into Lake Menindee for the first time in 5 years. The arrival of the water has livened up the town with tourists making their way in for a look. Some photos from the day.
Lake Menindee with water inflow for the first time in 5 years.
Darling river Menindee Main Weir. Note the "tourist".
Broken Hill to Menindee Road. Despite the water coming into Menindee it is still very dry in the Lower Western area of NSW.
Some of the craft on the ground at the Copi Hollow Caravan Park strip.