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Everything posted by waraton

  1. Lots of great advice here. I'd add a photo of the cockpit of your aircraft and put it up on your big wide screen TV. Lounge chair fly (imagine/pretend) you are flying and practice radio calls with physical movements operating your imaginary controls. Really useful after a lesson for revision. You will look like an idiot to someone who doesn't know what you are doing but helps build familiarity and muscle memory. Go outside and draw a big runway on the ground and walk it. Pretend you are taxying entering backtracking rolling departing and the rejoining for a circuit. Talk it out loud including your calls. I think a lot of circuit training value is lost with the pressure of radio calls. This is what I am doing with my 14yo who is currently learning, he is assisted by his two younger brothers who are also learning simply by association. Effort equals reward in everything. P.S. this is an old pic!
  2. Thinking out loud here about replacing the surge/overflow tank on my gyro with something like this. Currently has a 1.5 litre tank fitted. 1I like the idea of this which is 10 litres and has a fuel level sender. Would be mounted below the seat tank and give a better indicator of fuel remaining than I currently have which is a site tube on the side of the seat which cannot be seen while strapped in. Anyone done anything similar or used this style of tank. Picture flogged from eBay which has many sizes and designs on offer.
  3. Thanks Skippy, Rotax forum has U.S. products, was hoping for a locally available item (ie Repco etc) so I am not paying Rotax prices with postage on top. Hi Mike, SILCHEM are closed permanently apparently.
  4. Here's another rotax 912 related question, what product is used for spark plug heat transfer paste and where do you buy it ???
  5. I only need the plug bit!!!!
  6. On a slightly different matter, where can I get the 6 pin connector assembly for the regulator????
  7. In the process of obtaining your pilot certificate, pre solo and radio exams are e done before first solo. Air legislation BAK and human factors are completed during training. To support the process outside the formal training schools are practice exams available for all subjects and where would I get some. Can exams be sat outside a school.
  8. Your wife.
  9. Fix Jabiru stall warning horn. So I solved my own problem here, on closer inspection the horn revealed the remains of a plastic bit which turns out is the squeaky part from a squeaky toy not a horn. $4 from the pet section of a local supermarket, removed the squeaker from a dog chew toy, inserted into my horn and hey presto works like a new one!
  10. The stall warning horn from my Jabiru that is!. I noticed there was no noise when I had a suck on it during pre-flight testing. On closer inspection I noticed the reed thing from the end of the horn has gone to live elsewhere. I bought some party blowers which are too big and made my own reed from a straw which worked until I shoved it in the end of the horn. The opening is only about 5mm ID I'm guessing. Has anyone else had troubles with their horn and how did you fix it? Jabiru can supply a new one but that is too easy! I have scoured the internet for a solution and have drawn a blank.
  11. From the email sent by RAAus: From the 606 valid ballots a total of 1,159 votes were cast. Remembering that each member could vote for a director in each of the vacant positions, so a total of up to two choices per member was allowed. Votes were cast as follows: That's less than 6% of members submitting a ballot form if we have over 10,000 members. Why?
  12. Not sure what they were called, various subjects and good refresher material.
  13. Hi Ian Where will I find the RPC training manual which was here?
  14. From what I saw on the recent AOPA/SAAA video there is is a push for all recreational flying (not just ultralights) be brought back to CASA. Looking for simpler and cheaper flying (ie no membership or registration fees) own maintenance and self declaration medicals. Instructors to play by the same rulebook and essentially make self administrators (RAA ASRA etc) redundant. That's what I took from it. Link to the chat below.
  15. Been at it all week cruising around, went for a run today out behind the wind farm at Silverton, 30kts from the north and rough over the range even in the gyro. Some very pretty mares tail cirrus in the skies in Far West NSW today. I cut and pastedan explanation below from the BBC website which explains them - "These are a type of cirrus cloud, known as cirrus uncinus. The name is derived from Latin and means "curly hooks". The clouds occur at very high altitudes, at a temperature of about −50 to −40C. They are commonly known as mares' tails because of their likeness to horse tails. An old weather proverb goes, "Mares' tails and mackerel scales make lofty ships to carry low sails." Together, cirrus uncinus clouds and patchy altocumulus clouds often mean that rain is on its way. Our forecast is for 3 - 6mm of rain tomorrow, currently temps in the mid 30s (celsius) and down to 15 tomorrow.
  16. Broken Hill made the news yesterday for the flooding in the far west of NSW. 20mm in 15 minutes at the airport, more in other areas, so I went for a fly to check out the local vistas. Photo below is Stephens Creek (known as a gum creek as it it is the only place you find gum trees out here) North of the Tibooburra Road. The pic below is the Stephens Creek reservoir, which is the termination of the Menindee - Broken Hill water pipeline (100km long) which was replaced last year by the Wentworth - Broken Hill water pipeline (260km long),anyway probably only of interest to those who know the area. Interestingly I saw a few small groups of wild budgerigars today. Budgies do not normally live around here so I am wondering if they got pushed across with the weather from further West.
  17. Has anyone used one of these to balance their prop? There is fluid in them with an explanation at the link below. Are they available in Australia? http://www.balancemasters.com/how-it-works.html
  18. I use oz runways and email the plan to 3 people if it is a long trip. I also text my wife the flight time and direction for local flights plus 30 minutes, and have a free tracking app on my phone which will shows her where I am in flight and on the ground. If no service on the ground my last known point in flight is available. I also carry a KTI PLB in my pocket. I regularly fly in remote and isolated locations. I always have 3l of water per person and muesli bars just in case.
  19. My mag turned up today, I like it. I think it will appeal to a broader range of people but as I mentioned in a previous post if I want to get see more about the flying I am interested then I need to contribute. I also need to encourage people who like to fly to get some photos of what they do most weekends and put it forward with a story. We read about all sorts of adventures on this site and glimpses on Facebook target interest sites as well. I use to love the old mags and would scour through them repeatedly before the next one turned up. In the earlier days though the internet was not what it is today, the world available on your phone. I will make an effort to send in a picture or two for the next mag. Wonder if this counts as Sport Pilot content !!!!
  20. Yep, from the website " All parts are also retro fit for the earlier generation Jabiru engines with little or no modification. " Will be a big help for many, not sure about pricing but hopefully volume will allow that to take care of itself.
  21. This may be old news but great news for me. Camit Aero Engines UK established 2019. Camit aero engines | Aero engine overhaul | Camit and Jabiru Spares | Camit aero engine spares manufacture
  22. The AUF is long gone. Growth of RAA is catering to a widening variety of recreational aircraft which is is demonstrated by the push for heavier aircraft and GA pilots converting. One of my biggest concerns is having the organisation being administered by people who get paid to fly and have a lack of understanding of what is involved with paying for every hour flown through hiring or ownership. I note there are also musings amongst some to look beyond CTA to IFR permissions for recreational aircraft, with the technology and systems available this is probably on the cards in the future as well. Jim's' observation about candidates being equipped for the corporate world seems a fair comment and that may be what is needed for our organisation to keep up. While I feel uncomfortable about the way things are moving I try to remind myself of two things. Firstly recreational aircraft use should be for that purpose (recreational use) and not just limited to the ultralight category. Second point for myself is that even with the expanding role of the RAA I can still fly my ultralight, maintain it and use it in the same way I have done since I came across from GA in 2003. There is no proposal for anything to change in that space for me and if I want to have my experiences better understood and heard then I should be more active in sharing the message.
  23. Had a great weekend flying 3 axis and gyro out around the Far West of NSW. The picture below looking towards the Barrrier ranges looking East. Here is the Mundi Mundi plains looking west. Pics taken from my single seat Gyro. Still pretty dry out this way.
  24. Who has watched the meet the candidates videos being published by RAA. What are your thoughts.
  25. I just read your post to my wife and kids who laughed. I am guilty as well, I involve them in most aviation activities as much as possible. Recreational pilots, from my experience, are notoriously passionate which some may describe as obsessive. My eldest of 3 boys is 14 and has started studying PPL theory, heading towards commencing flight training towards the end of the year. His two younger brothers are keen as well, all have been co-piloting since they were out of nappies. My wife is surrounded.
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