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Everything posted by Danwright11

  1. Hey Nightmare, Only real thing is like one of the other guys said try and treat it just like another lesson. Hopefully your instructor is a nice guy like mine and put me at ease prior to the flight. He told me not to be nervous and relax its just another flight. And just remember to fly the plane. And don't be afraid to ask any questions of the CFI. From my experience they are there to help you get your licence they don't want you to fail. And also know your airspace really well in regards to where you can and can't go. Know exactly where your restricted areas are and danger areas and know your landmarks and how to get around using landmarks. And be confident on the radio also it shows the CFI that you are on top of your procedures. That's about all I can say and good luck I'm sure you will be fine. Remember your instructor isn't going to send you for you're test if your not ready as it would look bad on him also. My instructor prides himself on getting students through at a high standard so that gave me a lot of confidence. And yes onto my Nav soon unfortunately back to work Monday so I won't have the freedom to fly as often but weekend I will be up there as often as possible.
  2. All good today passed the test in flying colours haha. Was much less stressful than expected.
  3. RAAUS Certificate mate. PPL and RPL Are next years goals after I build my hours throughout this year. And thanks Akromaster.
  4. Hi everyone, Just thought I would make a quick post to let everyone know I am doing up for my flight test tomorrow. Excited and nervous as all hell any tips would be greatly appreciated. My instructor is confident and I am also confident but still any test situation gets me nervous. Wish me luck and I will talk about my experience after the test tomorrow and pass on any thoughts. Cheers, Dan
  5. Yeah for sure the winds can be killer up here when they get going. But this day was just magic as you can see.
  6. Just a short clip I put together today after a short trip from Emkaytee to crab claw. Thanks to xespiau for the flight in his sav today was such a good day.
  7. Haha relax everybody it was my instructors way of complimenting me. No way i would actually go solo so prematurely. But thanks for all the tips. And yes i did have some flying experience in a way prior to these lessons. And they are standard 1 hour lessons. Cheers.
  8. Haha so true mate.
  9. So today i had my 4th lesson and I started on circuits. Yes it is a bit of a skip theough to be doing circuits this early but there is a valid reason for this. Any way so i thoroughly enjoyed doing circuits today and really started to feel comfortable with everything that was going on in the cockpit. To my surprise my instructer was super impressed with my efforts and on the second attempt i landed on my own. I was so stoked with the day and my instructer said he would be happy to give me one more circuit lesson and send me on my first solo. So its fair to say at this stage im am buzzing. Just thought i would share this on here as i know everyone here will understand haha. My family and friends dont really have a grasp on what it all means. Cheers. Dan
  10. Hey mock Welcome. Im new here too and have done my first 3 hours. It is awesome and a lifelong dream of mine also. I was lucky enough to do a couple of circuits in my 3rd lesson. I will be up to my head in circuits in my next lesson. Cant wait.
  11. Gfay neil i have been training at soar aviation in morrabin. And so far has been an excelent experience.
  12. These videos are very cool. I have just completed my first 2 hours in a foxbat and loving it. More of these vids would be great. Good job.
  13. Thanks geoff. Yeah it certainly is a lifelong dream and so far has been very fun.
  14. Hi everyone. Just a quick post to introduce myself. My name is dan and i am living in darwin. I am in melbourne at the moment untill october 23. I have just completed my first two hour lessons in melbourne in a foxbat. Was great fun. My late grandfather was an avid pilot and it has been a lifelong dream of mine to become a pilot and follow in his footsteps. I will be doing most of my training in darwin. Any advice is greatly appreciated. Cheers. Dan
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