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alf jessup

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Everything posted by alf jessup

  1. True Nev, But when you studied the ADSB data on flight radar you could see the see the ground speed data during flight and more so during the orbits as well as the altitude fluctuations. It doesn’t take much to work out, a pleasure flight ended in tragedy for sure, no one intends on colliding with the ground when they take off. And that’s not disrespecting the young pilot in this case. I’ve flown hundreds of hours in that area and it can get quite nasty with NW, N and NE winds coming off the Great Dividing Range.
  2. Only had the plane 2 weeks so would have been very unfamiliar with its handling and quirks aircraft have. yes may have had 600 hours and was an instructor but still a test pilot in an unfamiliar aircraft IMO and flying at a low level and gusty conditions in fairly tight turns is not something I would have been doing.
  3. Bit like motorcycles and cars, you look at the tree you head for it, it’s usually the way.
  4. The government loves the word catastrophic as it scares the minions just like the deadly Covid conn did. shame the (CoNvid) killed far less than their vaccine did. its all about instilling fear in to people. Damn when I was a kid we must have had hundreds of catastrophic days over the summers in my youth, we were just not scared back then because we had many days nearing 45 deg or more not 35.
  5. And the other 50% will know they are idiots.
  6. A Highlander STOL bush plane, a river, what could possibly go wrong? Yeah I know don’t summarise but really? Biggest issue we have here in aviation is everyone thinks it always happens to someone else. Well someone’s surname changed instantly to someone else. A very sad outcome for the families of the deceased.
  7. Powerlines have killed many in the past and will continue to do so in the future unfortunately. As in most pilots eyes it always happens to someone else. This is a terrible loss to the family involved.
  8. Well for 18 years I averaged over 100 hours each year, last year only 45, this year only .9. My how times have changed for my flying.
  9. Your on to it KG, Just missed the bit where a wheel caught the tree which pulled it down to the powerlines. What some will do to blame everything else but themselves,
  10. Wouldn’t of mattered if the kid had his xcountry endorsement, he would have pushed on like many do and ended up with the same result.
  11. Topped out at 117.7 for the year just gone. Time to start 2022’s tally tomorrow. Fly safe everyone for the year ahead.
  12. I trained for my RAA in a 160 and learnt very quickly you have to keep the weight off the nose wheel for as long as possible when landing, I had one time early on in my training where I was trying to chase the yippy dance with the rudder to no avail, all was required was pull the stick back and the plane behaved very well. I have seen many instances over the years a Jab dance just after touchdown, it’s not the planes fault.
  13. A more sensitive geometry alright, they do a yippy vippy dance real quick (160 that is) not sure on the 230 but I’m guessing so..
  14. Never a truer word spoken FH.
  15. 100 hours again this year, my average over the last 17 years is just over 104 a year, best year was 147 back in 2018, not bad for someone who doesn’t have weekday access due to the RAAF activation and can only fly weekends and when the RAAF shuts down for a month over Christmas.
  16. Thank you red750 for the heading correction as I did notice it after I posted it and couldn’t figure out how to change it. Much nicer.
  17. I’m not stringing anyone up, someone’s grounded, lucky guess by the police where to dig up out of all that vast mountainous area to search.
  18. Saying human remains have been found in the search area. Guess the accused is well and truly grounded now.
  19. That he was derekliston, had the pleasure of meeting him once in person in 2013 whilst on a campervan road trip from Cairns to Brisbane. Had many a phone conversation with him though over the years.
  20. Hello fellow flyers, 6 years ago today we lost Ross Millard (AKA Maj Millard) in a preventable accident, thoughts are with Deb & Kelly on this day in time as is every year past on this day. Blue sky’s and tailwinds Maj Alf.
  21. 7252, There was a fatal a few years back at Yarram in a J170 for that exact reason during his go around which was quite sad for not only the pilot but also for the people that saw it unfold. Alf
  22. Turbs, Yep a 172 with full flap was a handful back in my training days in the mid 80’s when you did a go around, quite a few lives have been lost with the seats either failing or not being locked in properly. Takes a hell of a lot of effort when it pitches up. Alf
  23. Turns, My guess it will but that is why you have a control column or stick for, I was taught to tell the plane what you want to do and not have it dictate to you.
  24. All good plans can turn to Sh!t just as ours have, but we are making the most of what we have. 6 months back the planning started for an outback adventure with some friends who haven’t really been too far from home in their planes. Planned to fly from West Sale to SwanHill- Broken Hill - Coober Pedy - Innamincka - Thargomindah - Longreach - Charleville- Dubbo - Temora - Echuca - Stawell then back home over 14 days so booked accommodation and car hire. Then!!!!! 3 weeks before departure good old Vic goes in to 1 week lockdown so SA & Qld close the borders to us Mexicans, hmmm wait a week then call a meeting and decide to cancel all SA & Qld booking I made. Hmm NSW still open so book SwanHill, BH, White Cliffs, Comeroo Camel station, Dubbo, Temora and Stawell including car hire at BH & Dubbo. All going well day of departure other than the crappy weather up until lunchtime of Saturday 26th of June. Finally get away at midday and make SwanHill for the night and get offered a car from a great bloke by the name of Cliff Banks who runs the Sunraysia flying school for us to get around during our over night stay. (What a champion you are Cliff). Morning of departure to Broken Hill greets us with the news of regional NSW declared an orange zone (what the F**k!!!!). Hmmm, can still go in but need to get tested when we get back but if it goes to red we have to isolate for 14 days (not happening Jan) Right, on the phone cancelling all accommodation and car bookings in NSW and nutting out where we can go in Vic and once again booking accommodation and car hire, so come up with SwanHill 3 nights now (thanks again Cliff for the car for the last 3 days) - Porepunkah 2 nights, Yarrawonga 1 night, Echuca 2 nights, SwanHill again for a night then on to Stawell via the painted silo route for 4 nights then back home. Currently in Porepunkah now after flying in today, the group are loving it and it’s now 4 planes 7 people after a mate few up yesterday to meet us with his son at SwanHill after just finishing his Nav training. Planes are 2 Tecnam Sierra’s, Tecnam Golf and a iS Foxbat A22LS Video of the landing at beautiful Porepunkah this afternoon. Cheers Alf 4005108A-F1D8-4D39-B59F-8A4355D5ED74.MP4
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